Levom Jevub

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Levom Jevub


Their original name was "Teeth of Distinction."
Oooo, that's pretty. I'm just getting into fountain pens myself. Had I known about the Hexo I may have purchased that instead of my Kaweco AL-Sport to fill the "German aluminum pen with a polygonal cap" category.
The episode in which the flashback of the killing is shown in his sunglasses never fails to amuse me.
I love Wikipedia because you can read sentences like this in this entry: "The story of Winnie the bear was portrayed in the 2004 film A Bear Named Winnie, starring Michael Fassbender as Colebourn and Bonkers, a 1,000-pound male American black bear, as the adult Winnie."
I love that scene. In college, when I had too much to drink, I would walk home from the bar calling out "C. K. Dexter-Haven!" I think I confused people.
There will a plot point in which Jeeves makes Roderick Spode late for a meeting with the Black Shorts by "accidentally" washing his Cybertruck and making it break down.
That describes my own recent fountain obsession to a T. Except that I've some how kept it from my wife, although she probably has questions about my two orders from Goulet pens. (I ordered a Kaweco AL-Sport and IMMEDIATELY lost it. So I bought another one, with a clip this time.)
"And what did he steal from you, dear?" One of my all time favorite lines.
Thanks! They definitely are far inferior to the Pilot and Kaweco pens I've bought new, but they are fine for what I need them for. Of course, now I've discovered that I need a loupe to look at them closely, and I'm now researching loupes. Even my hobbies get hobbies.
There are no identifying marks on those two pens. The seller was a reputable and knowledgeable ebay seller, and all of his other lots identify the brand and style of pens, so I don't think he knew either.
I don't know! When I realized I was getting obsessed I bought a lot of used pens from a reputable seller online just so I'd have some to play with to see how they worked. The seller didn't know what those were, and he said that the "Parker" pen on the bottom is likely fake, which I'm delighted by.
I got started with fountain pens because of Bluesky, too. I'm 60 and all of my life I have HATED taking notes. And a couple months ago I saw Neal Gaiman say something nice about fountain pens, and I thought, eh, I'll try it. I've been obsessed ever since.
I agree, I don't see a problem at all.
I've walked dogs at the local animal shelter since the beginning of the pandemic, and I original told the shelter that I didn't want to walk pitties. I was scared of them. That lasted about a month until I learned what lovable creatures they are. The best to walk at the shelter. So much fun.
I would vote for "What's so funny 'bout Peace, Love, and Understanding?"
She does have a knack for paraphrasing legal jargon for the lay person.
My idea of a perk is to spend as little time as possible on a plane as possible. I'd pay extra to be tossed on the plane as it was taxiing down the runway.
But you're correct. A person with a big following probably received dozens of the SAME JOKE all day, and I really shouldn't comment until I have something original and/or useful to say. So thank YOU for reminding me of that.
Oh, Agreed. My apologies, I did come off as snarky toward you when I intended to be snarky toward the world in general.
Obligatory "oh, so you DO care, if you say you could care less" comment.
Nothing was close to ONE GOT FAT.
I thought you were going to refer to the photo from the Boston busing protests. That's another way to own the lips with a flagpole.
I originally thought that this was a trolley-problem meme.
I don't know my Bible verses, so I had to Google John 11:35. Apparently Google AI doesn't know the Bible either. Bible Gateway does, fortunately.
I have a visceral reaction to "whilst," but I'm not British, and it's a personal issue and not an "objective" reaction at all.
You can't go wrong with Social Services.
The Philadelphia Story? A child making snarky comments about relationships?
Oh, and to return to YOUR original point, Bertie IS charming and good-natured and intelligent enough to listen to Jeeves.
It's a sign that I have to reread all the books again when I can't remember all the names.