
Taken from a Newsweek article, which I should probably have read in full before cherrypicking this bit, but on the other hand nope
Not reading Newsweek is self care.
". . . Newsweek . . . should probably have read in full . . ." No.
Obviously that article is massively sexist, but it also always enrages me when being childless and/or single is assumed to be a choice, as if life partners and babies get issued to you at a certain age and some people couldn't be bothered queuing.
Well, for some of us being single and childless is a choice. One I made aged 14 before I had words to describe myself as non-binary and asexual. 40+ years later I still don't regret the choice. And yes, I am perfectly aware that sometimes it's not a choice, it's just the way shit happens.
For some people it might be. But it's rude and rather cruel to make that assumption about everyone.
It is. I agree completely. Equally, though, it's rude to assume that someone who's *made* that choice should be consoled for having done so. Not to mention the dozens of people from my teens to my late thirties who told me I'd change my mind once I met "the right man".
Plus, the endless shit I got from so called friends at my all-girls school* who couldn't stand it when I didn't get excited over boys and wouldn't join in their squee-fests when they got themselves a boyfriend. (*I'm old enough that we had state grammar schools still and I got into the girls one.)
Ah, but you see, a woman's sole purpose is to get married ASAP and squeeze out offspring at a rapid rate. If she cannot seem to find a willing partner to do so with, she hasn't lowered her standards enough yet. Fuck getting an education and having a career, right? It's the 20s, the 1920s! Whee!
People like this want women to settle for the first man that will have them and if that man mistreats/abandons/just plain murders you, well that’s your fault for picking the wrong man.
That might be a view that's out there, but men get this shit, too, only without the sexist implications that that's all they're good for. I'll always remember Sue Lawley on Desert Island Discs aggressively asking Gordon Brown WHY he wasn't married and what was WRONG with him.
What abject bullshit is THAT? She can't be a role model if she hasn't hooked a man or reproduced. I didn't know they were writing about her in 1927
They would never include a comment about being “34, unmarried & childless” in an article profiling a male celebrity. It’s 2024. When will women *not* be judged by their husband and/or the number children? 🤦‍♀️
For those who can't read through black, I have xray vision. Dude said that Swift isn't a good role model cause she's not married and has no kids. "What example does this set for young girls?" I personally think it sets the example that they can be happy and successful without sex and marriage. :)
Yes, exactly. Ask any divorced woman if getting married and having kids was her life goal or if she wishes she had never done it. Young girls need a variety of role models so they can connect and identify with their own dreams and see examples of all different kinds of successful women.
Most mothers, GOOD mothers at least, will never say they regret having kids. However many say they wish they'd waited to be older. Marriage definitely. Even married women sometimes say they regret getting married. More people should be taught to wait till they're ready AND *WILLING* to have kids.
Same for marriage. Ready & willing. For some that never happens. Im Ace and aro so bio kids and marriage is a never happening lol. I do plan to be a second dad to kids my friend has though. Ill be her village and fight the dad for parental right. >:) I like caring for kids, just not the creation.
A poor role model for an authoritarian right wing controlling mind , because she’s a free thinking and intelligent woman, and it’s her business what she does with her life. They can’t abide that.
Are Very Serious People obsessing over Taylor Swift’s eggs again?
The Molyneux-ization of legacy media marches forever onward.
People get so jumpy when a woman opts out of marriage and babies.
Not a TSwift fan but I will absolutely fight upon this hill of it’s none of anybody’s goddamn business. But I won’t be the one to die. The person who wrote it will be.
Who would have the absolute ass to demand someone they don't know, and never will, produce a baby? And judge them as selfish? I know a physician who had no interest in having a baby. She works 70 hrs/wk, volunteers in the US, and annually in Guatemala. Selfish, I guess.
There's a particularly perverse misanthropy to getting so uptight at other people not having kids. A desire to fill the world with as many humans as possible through a neverending cycle of shame. It's like a memetic parasite.
is the whole article a feverdream... few para down, where the writers talks about how TS is against patriarchy but dates influential males... and is a hypocrite.
An "influential male" who - from what admittedly little I've heard about him - doesn't buy into "alpha male" toxic masculinity bullshit, and recognizes TS as a independent and successful person. And evidently isn't intimidated by that.
Plus it seems there's no 'social' power imbalance between them - seem like a good match tbh.
Well that's just unacceptable heresy.
The ownership class is getting mighty nervous about the lack of interest in parenting it seems. Hmm! Wonder why!
Nicely done, Sir. As in, "None of the doggamned business."
Same treatment with Kylie over the years. "Unlucky in love" 🙄 have you *seen* the hot parade of men she has had relationships with!
Good grief, where’s that from??
Well, the Right-leaning clickfarm that's wearing the name of the effectively defunct "Newsweek" magazine like a skinsuit...
Blimey, I was expecting Speccie or the like
Desperation for clicks bites hard
Beautiful 30 something has refused to grant a male his rightful ownership of her body, uterus, and not least of all money before she finally completely "hits the wall" at 35. It's almost too late now. She may end up with with just her, her cats, and her billions of dollars.
The implication is that it's her fault is crazy too because we know enough about her past relationships to know that she absolutely would have married Joe if he'd asked??
"Do we really want to enjoy the music of an unmarried, childless 34 year old?" Packing my camping supplies and antivenom to find the Incan temple that hides Earth's reboot button