Ugly Freedoms

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Ugly Freedoms

Elisabeth (Libby) Anker. Political theory & culture. Author of Ugly Freedoms, Duke 2022.
i hate new technology
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She (life peeress, former dep governor of Bank of London, uni president) is actually the powerless victim of powerful students. Sheer melodrama.
Is it weird for a newspaper to frame a whole story around an objective falsehood, like a person claiming their free will was magically suspended
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So I am in New Haven. I teach at Yale. I’ve seen the protests here. I’ve also been in demonstrations from New York City to South Africa over the years. 1/
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"This was not just a bad luck situation where ‘oops’ we dropped the bomb in the wrong place," Andres said. "Even if we were not in coordination with the (Israel Defense Forces), no democratic country and no military can be targeting civilians and humanitarians."
Chef Jose Andres says Israel targeted his aid workers 'systematically, car by car' Celebrity chef Jose Andres told Reuters in an interview on Wednesday that an Israeli attack that killed seven of his food aid workers in Gaza had targeted them "systematically, car by car."
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Indiana University professor who is the faculty advisor for a Palestinian student group suspended from teaching because the university administration, which had received a related warning from a Member of Congress, on the grounds that the Prof didn’t fill out a room reservation form correctly.
IU suspends professor after Palestine Solidarity Committee event. Other faculty denounce the Faculty expressed concern that the suspension harms academic freedom and shared governance.
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“Two virtual students created by the university will be enrolled in classes starting in the spring semester. The students, named Ann and Fry, will enroll as freshmen and be part of hybrid classes, where they’ll interact with classmates and complete assignments.”
Students' classmates at this Michigan university could be Two virtual students, Ann and Fry, will enroll in classes as freshmen during the spring semester.
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“Stop Idealizing Freedom” My thoughts on Ron DeSantis, social media, and the power of “going low” to fight for freedom are part of this sharp forum on Reclaiming Freedom in Boston Review
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I’ve been listening to NPR for 39 minutes. Nothing —not a peep— on the COP 28 agreement. Why isn’t it (its success or its failure!) the biggest story? Why does the media not pay any attention to Climate Change at all?
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Our new issue, RECLAIMING FREEDOM, takes back a term long wielded by the right. Aziz Rana leads a forum w/ @markpaulecon—plus work by & more!
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The EPA's inaction on regulating contaminants — including those that likely cause cancer, reproductive or developmental issues — found in the water of millions of Americans illustrates shortcomings in the U.S. response to environmental threats, say experts.
The EPA Has Found More Than a Dozen Contaminants in Drinking Water but Hasn’t Set Safety Limits The inaction on regulating contaminants — including those that likely cause cancer, reproductive or developmental issues — found in the water of millions of Americans illustrates shortcomings in t...
I AM FLOORED!! Ugly Freedoms won Honorable Mention for the John Hope Franklin Prize, awarded for the best book in American Studies. Thank you ASA 🙏🙏🙏
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Thus is an extraordinary piece of writing. "We cannot cross until we carry each other, all of us refugees, all of us prophets. No more taking turns on history’s wheel, trying to collect old debts no-one can pay."
“We Cannot Cross Until We Carry Each Other” The editor-in-chief of Jewish Currents on recommitting to our movements in this moment.
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American politicians election-yearing Israel-Palestine right now perfectly demonstrates how the US political establishment has been a destructive influence, an accomplice to a militarized apartheid regime. A bankrupt, failed foreign policy since 1967.
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““The U.S. is the only country in the world that is known to sentence children to die in prison,” said Preston Shipp, who works on policy issues for the Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth, a national advocacy organization.”
Sentenced to die in prison, 'juvenile lifers' ask lawmakers to end life without parole for Michigan sentenced over 360 minors to life without parole — more than any state except Pennsylvania. Half of them have now been released and 90% have been resentenced, in most cases to a finite leng...
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Katalin Karikó on the status economy of academia. She’s the hero we don’t deserve. Source:
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The number of kids killed by gunfire in the US rose 50% in two years. 2021, the most recent year with available data, had the highest recorded count of kids killed by gunfire since at least 1999, when the CDC began making this data available.
Proud to have been a UAW member in my Berkeley days, this speech is 🔥🔥!!
good morning UAW! good morning labor storytellers. good morning denizens of hell burning to get out.
reproductive control is always about Necropolitics 
Multiple West Virginia lawmakers have recently supported voluntary sterilization of incarcerated people. Said one lawmaker: “If you want to lessen your prison sentence… then you get your tubes tied, so you don’t bring any more drug babies into the system.”
New Law Could Make It Even Harder to Get Health Care in Deadly West Virginia In a last-minute special session, the GOP-led legislature rushed through a law denying care that corrections officials don’t deem “medically necessary.”
Glad you stayed home from #APSA2023 to support hotel workers, but missing intellectual engagement? Get fab new books from the academic presses that also supported the strike!! 🤓👊 Duke Columbia SUNY Princeton Kansas Cornell MIT
Bluesky See what's next.