Liz Bergstrom

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Liz Bergstrom

Writer in NYT, Passages North, Bennington Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Indiana Review... Queer & chronically ill. (they/them)

Alt text PFP: a white person with brown hair & glasses. Alt header: Cemetery by ocean
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This is the last week of Hugo Award voting and we would like you to consider Strange Horizons for Best Semiprozine. For over 20 years, Strange Horizons has been publishing weekly issues filled with new stories, poems and non-fiction. Here are some more reasons you should vote for us below!
Hey it's me, your immunocompromised neighbor saying please get boosted, wear a mask at least on planes, and stay home if you're sick! (& your job allows) I've worn a mask in most public places for 4+ years now, a bit less consistently this summer but taking at least some precautions helps everybody.
Summer is the new winter for COVID. Unlike flu, which peaks in winter only, COVID has a summer surge, and it's happening now. See graphics that show the pattern & best theories for why this virus spreads so well in summer 🧪 by &
COVID Rates Are Rising Again. Why Does SARS-CoV-2 Spread So Well in the Summer? A combination of human behavior and immunity, the environment, and SARS-CoV-2 itself explains why the virus surges during both hotter and colder months
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Wheelchair users are not exclusively paralyzed. There isn’t reliable data for it, but many, many of us are ambulatory (can walk sometimes, either for short periods or on good days). When you accuse someone of faking because you saw a leg move, you’re not taking into account a variety of conditions.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
Reposted byAvatar Liz Bergstrom
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Reposted byAvatar Liz Bergstrom
also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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This Prime Day, let's all remember back to that time that Amazon was bootlegging my merchandise: Anyways, use the code AMAZONCRIME to save 15% off of legit merchandise at until tomorrow.
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Missouri is going full steam ahead to murder an innocent person
Please sign the petition demanding his execution be revoked. The DNA evidence exonerated Marcellus Williams but the Missouri Supreme Court does not care.
BREAKING update in Marcellus Williams
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Please sign the petition demanding his execution be revoked. The DNA evidence exonerated Marcellus Williams but the Missouri Supreme Court does not care.
BREAKING update in Marcellus Williams
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Reposted byAvatar Liz Bergstrom
emad is a good guy who has been hustling SO HARD to help his family. he has papers, passports, plans—he just needs funds. three of his little cousins haven't seen their dad in a year because he was working in greece in october. so toss emad some money, let him know he's not alone:
Hi dear friends I'm asking your help for my family Together so we can save them they truly need us I'm trying by my self but I can't cover everything by my self, since 10 months now I'm doing and spending all my effort and energy I have just to make sure there is nothing missing for them. Thanks
Emergency: Help Emad’s family evacuate to safety, organized by Emad Hello my name is Emad I am raising funds to evacuate my family out of Ga… Emad Muhareb needs your support for Emergency: Help Emad’s family evacuate to safety
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I’m jamal from gaza, We are very close to our goal, my friends, closer than ever. Keep it up. We are arriving
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New today: CDC now estimates that SARS-CoV-2 levels in wastewater have reached "high" levels nationwide, for first time since past winter wave At state level, 26 now have COVID-19 levels that are "high" or "very high" in wastewater
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Reposted byAvatar Liz Bergstrom
Let's save them and let them join their dad again Please help our children to survive and meet dad after more than a year of being away from him All almost done the passports and some documents are ready just he have to pay the solicitor and transport expenses once Rafah crossing is open
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Junior Scholars: Project 2025 is now breaking through to public consciousness. The more people learn about it, the more they hate it. Now is a great time to search that website, go to the section of your expertise, and write an oped. Keep the drip of bad news for them coming, all the way to Nov.
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The main answer to that question is, surprisingly, because it does
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Fiona Apple wearing a suit of armor (1997) by Joe McNally
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It's impossible for it to get the oxygen it needs right now, but AOC introducing articles of impeachment against Thomas and Alito is a great story. She's the best messenger to explain why Supreme Court corruption impacts the lives of everyday Americans.
Why AOC is the best messenger on Thomas and Alito's The corruption of Supreme Court justices is about more than greed. It "constitutes a clear danger to our democracy"
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Hello, I am Jamal from Gaza. Unfortunately, everything was destroyed in Gaza. My university, my studies, my beautiful city, my dreams, and everything is beautiful. Our lives are also in danger and the destruction is still continuing. You can help us by repost or donate if u can
Not the most famous song, but the Pixies' cover of "Head On" by the Jesus & Mary Chain is still just one of my favorite songs, period
Other than Hurt by Johnny Cash and any version of The Sound of Silence, what are your favorite cover versions of famous songs?
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Back with a bang 💥 we’re now open for submissions to our Microfiction Contest! Prose or poetry - share your creations for a chance to be featured on the Augur website 🌟 Contest details and submission form is in our Linktree 👀 we can’t wait to read your works!
Attacking hospitals and medical workers is unconscionable. Obviously not the only thing that's unconscionable - "Israel's bombardment and offensives in Gaza have killed more than 38,200 people and wounded more than 88,000, 5% of the population" and displaced almost the whole population.
“In the past nine months, Israeli troops have occupied at least eight hospitals, causing the deaths of patients and medical workers along with massive destruction to facilities and equipment.” “Only 13 of Gaza’s 36 hospitals are functioning, and those only partially…”
Heavy Israeli bombardment in Gaza City forces medical facilities to close as thousands Heavy Israeli bombardment is shaking Gaza City
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A comic about disability and drugs in America for #disabilitypridemonth
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Strange Horizons’ annual fund-drive now live! A host of special issues ( such as Afro-surrealist SF) if we get funded, and some amazing rewards on offer. Click to find out more and to donate:
Strange Horizons A free weekly speculative fiction magazine with a global perspective.
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A reminder this Kickstarter supports the current Uncanny open poetry submissions period ( July 5-19). Poets please consider submitting your work; poetry lovers pls toss some coin at the Kickstarter!
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE SHARE, SPACE UNICORNS! The Uncanny Magazine Year 11: This One Goes to ELEVEN! Kickstarter is LIVE! Only *you* can make a 11th year of Uncanny Magazine happen! Help us make more magic, Space Unicorns!!!
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Stephen Miller is back in the news and folks love to compare him to vampires and lizards/lizard people and just a reminder those are both really insidious, long standing antisemitic tropes. That man is extremely evil there are lots of other ways we can criticize him without doing antisemitism.
Hey so just FYI, there's an antisemitic connection between Jews and vampires (that invokes blood libel - the idea that Jews drink the blood of babies) and even though Miller is a disgusting evil piece of shit it's best to refrain from saying a jew is a vampire.