
Imagine being rich and wanting to do boring shit like hoard money when you can do things like this instead
Rupert Grint said his childhood dream job was to be an ice cream truck driver, so he bought an ice cream truck with the money he made from the Harry Potter movies and drove around the English countryside giving free ice cream to children. Literally living the dream
Rupert Grint bought an ice cream truck with Harry Potter For the final day of shooting Haryy Potter, Rupert rocked up on set in his very own ice cream van, handing out lollies and 99s to the cast and crew
Imagine being seven and the Ice cream truck comes and the ice cream is free and the man is Ron fucking Weasley, magical childhood experience
He also bought a hovercraft! And played a pornstar in some kinda crummy movie with Shia LaBeouf!
This is, ideally, what a children's author full of whimsy and magic *would be doing*, and instead she's calling this guy a misogynist for not agreeing with her that trans girls are pedos.
Why be a shitheel when you can be a joyful eccentric?
Doing literally exactly what you should be doing if you made all your money based off a children's fantasy story. Some folks could take a hint!
i never watched the harry potter movies so when i saw this photo, my immediate response was "is that one of the petes from the adventures of pete and pete???"
What's the point of money if you can't use it for fun?
If I had millions of dollars, I'd open a coffee shop, get really good blends, and charge very little. Unattended children will be given free espresso and a kitten.
What? He's not sitting in a dark room tearfully wishing Rowling will accept his apology? How dare he!
I fully believe that too many of our Idle rich just need to be pointed into the right direction instead of using 80's movie villains as a template for their lives... #Billionaire Hobbies
I love that all three of the leads are just out here living their best lives.
The point of lots of money is to do fun and/or interesting things.
... I feel a kindred spirit.
I'm not very well-informed about it, but it seems like all the actors from those movies are nice IRL.
The kid actors yes. The adults.. *wobbly hand emoji*
I know that Chris Columbus (after the experiences with McCauley Culkin's parents.) wanted to make sure the kids were well protected, and had a solid support network. He said you have to look at the families of the child actor when casting.
Oh I hadn’t heard about that, but that is both good to hear, and explains how they came through it remarkably well. Thanks!
It is rare for a director to take such an experience on board and knowing it should be done differently.
Which one of the beloved British character actors featured in the Potter movies were assholes? Oldman has terrible politics, but people seem to like to work with him. Maggie Smith? David Tarrant? Michael Gabon? Rickman?
Rickman I’ve always heard described as a lovely person. As for his politics: he produced My Name Is Rachel Corrie, a play about a young activist from my community who was killed by an Israeli bulldozer while she was protesting destruction of Palestinian homes.
And JK Rowling hates them for it
Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson both said trans rights. So of course, they are both on Robert Galbraith's shit list.
Local boy does good
I'm not sure if you knew, but part of the casting process on Harry Potter was interviewing the parents as well as a judge of character!
I've always promiced myself if I got stupidly rich I'd set up a charity that provides grants for disadvantaged kids to get Chrimbo presents. Cause as a kid I'd always assumed "Santa" was just a mascot for charity that did that. Realising I was overestimating adults was a sad realisation.
This is a total aside but I just realized how much Rupert Grint looked like Thurston Moore
One of my friends once said that if he won the lottery, he’d get on a CTA bus and pay everybody’s fares. It occurs to me that when he said this and we were in our twenties, it would have been out of our means, I could probably do this one day.
And by one day, I mean like Tuesday.
I love this so much. πŸ₯°πŸ’–
not enough big name musicians putting on impromptu free shows either
Prince used to do it all the time πŸ’œ
This is my intent if I ever get rich. Buy fun things instead of hoarding money like Smaug
Honestly I'm jealous of anyone who still has a "dream job"
I’ve long said that if I won the lottery, I’d buy everyone ice cream. And also pay for snow removal for all my friends who live where snow is an issue.
The Golden Trio grew up to be great people. I'm sorry their fortunes are tied to such an horrible person as JK.
I don't remember who it is but there's some guy who built a mini roller-coaster in his back garden with his tech money, saw it on YouTube ages ago.
I've literally thought if I ever got stupid rich I'd give cadillacs to people randomly like Elvis did.
I still would like to see Rupert Grint become the next "Doctor Who". I mean, the Doctor always wanted to be two things, a woman and/or a "ginger". We already got the woman Doctor; we're still waiting on the "ginger" Doctor.
That's pretty awesome! Actually, I can relate to this a lot since my dad's side of the family has a family-owned ice cream shop. Around 7th grade I'd start helping my dad sell ice cream. Taught me a lot on how to socialize and grow a work ethic. I still help from time to time.
Oh sure, but when Kevin Spacey does this everyone freaks out! Hypocrisy!
literally everyone in the harry potter movies is a better person then its creator