In the asymmetric war on truth, Musk is the absolute master. Trump is just an attention-grabbing stumblebum in comparison.
I just realized that in 10 short months it will have been an entire decade since I stumbled onto my first Tesla scandal. If Elon Musk isn't locked up by May 2025, I may have to be.
When I First Saw Elon Musk for Who He Really At a charging station. In the middle of nowhere. Surrounded by cows.
There are so many journalists still hanging out in this guy’s house
Midnight Meme Of The Day! J.D. Vance Teams With The Goon He Called America's Hitler! That Makes Him America's Mussolini? No, Worse! Your Saturday Cartoon
Nancy Pelosi seemingly trying to get a makeup-call for blowing her actual chance to save Democracy, when she let Members of Congress go home the night of Jan 6 instead of immediately impeaching Trump and/or expelling the insurrection participants.
The horserace was bad enough when it was Biden v. Trump and it's worse now that it's Dems In Disarray v. Trump and I hold Dems (and big$$ donors) responsible for that because none of it, NONE OF IT, makes anybody safer or better informed or better positioned to make really important decisions.
Real talk: How could anyone with a grip on reality have watched that Trump speech and not seen that he’s an unhinged demonic clown
The fucking New York Times ladies and gentlemen
van jones is rambling about how impressive it is that the Trump family has overcome so much to have three generations on that stage and what is even the point of this guy?
YES WE CAN. If you watched DJT's speech, you know it.
Kind of ironic that TikTok is where legitimate discussion of Project 2025 is happening while the New York Times is where you go for weird screeching bullshit
The cult is going to turn out for Trump, but that's like 47 percent of voters tops. The question of the election is whether Dems can reassemble their 2020 coalition. Trump taking a dump on stage tonight might help a little bit, but it's up to Dems to get their act together.
Me, guy who watches every Trump rally, seeing normies realize he’s completely unhinged
If this were Biden there would be 30 stories in the NYTimes, WSJ, and WaPo by 8:30am Eastern
Yes, you’re right—as I discuss in the story, it’s not feasible or desirable to treat HIV with bone marrow transplants. But this patient was cured, and the details of how they were cured are informative for the development of a broader, scalable cure
Excellent news and research! It's amazing that it was probably an accident. (with a slight subtext of anger for me--how many people could have been saved if George W. Bush hadn't banned all federal institutions and grants from conducting new stem cell research in 2001? FUCK these motherfuckers).
That nigerian prince money is on its way, matt
He has mid showman and con artist skills which lets him con the easiest marks in the world - "smart" people who refuse to believe they could ever be marks. You know, political journalists who went to harvard, that type of person
Hard to know if this is stupid or straw-manning or what, but it sure is something.
"Insanity spreads like a cancer in our schools!" says Guilfoyle. Gotta admit, that sounds bad
Guilfoyle claiming the US is "fed up with forever wars" and exactly which war is the United States fighting now that we're sick of? I do know which forever wars Trump couldn't manage to end during his presidency.
“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.” -John Kenneth Galbraith.
got my wife this hat for christmas and she forgot it at my house the other day so it is my legal obligation to wear it
This guy sounds like John Michael Higgins in A Mighty Wind and had lots of material on pronouns. Not looking forward to his arrest in two years for one of like 20 possible things.
there is no organism -- no, no force, no consciousness -- stupider than a Republican congressman from Florida given a primetime speaking slot at the RNC. I think the ways ants communicate where crumbs are to each other is dispatched with more evidence of intelligence.