
Its not dispositive but it is worth noting that all of my reactionary jackass family and friends on Facebook are also all in for changing out Joe Biden
mmhmm. It tells you all you need to know about what this is really all about (spoiler alert: they want Trump whether they admit to it or not).
Hey, if they’re worried about a senile president for the next four years, that’s reassuring.
Who do they think will replace him and do better with 4 months until the election?
assuming this happens, there are only 4 months if the replacement is Harris. if they go the “contested convention” route some pundits seem to think is a good idea, it’s not even 3 months.
Exactly! We're too close to election day. I don't see a route that dumps Biden and does even close to the same. We have those same 4 months to move past the debate and focus on other things.
Polling has Harris with the same chances as Biden right now. I don’t think it’s absurd to genuinely consider her.
My facebookians are of good faith but kind of caught up in the hype, so I’m trying to remind them “I hate Joe Biden more than you could possibly imagine but this would be throwing the election at this stage and none of us want that.”
Every morsel I have picked up from anyone casually engaged with politics is either "duck Trump" or literally Grumpy Old Men memes. Carry on.