
tesla laid off 14000 people on...monday
Laying people off is what investors want from CEOs. Garbage economy.
Incentives are all fucked. There's no cost to treating employees like utilities. A federal law requiring companies to continue subsidizing benefits for one year after layoff would go a long way
Right on cue, Louisiana enters the chat. This one is personal because I was once a working teenager in Louisiana
While national politics dominates headlines, the real work of dismantling the tattered remains of basic worker protections is happening at the state level. America is a union of states. Pay more attention to what your state is doing.
Louisiana is the most in love with slave labor of all the states. More than even MS.
Thats late stage capitalism babeeeeyyyyy.
In Brazil we had legislation that supported employees against these shitty movements from companies. Couple of years ago they started rewriting these laws in favor of flexibility and "ease of hire". The outcome is no job is safe anymore. They can lay you off any time they want to, no consequences.
At least you still have healthcare when you're laid off. Ours is tied to our jobs.
Would be nice to see companies like this get hit with what they did to the us postal service.
Seems like Musk expected shares to go up after the layoffs, as that is how it usually works
Weirdest thing is hearing people on Reddit parroting the idea that mass layoffs are a sign of healthy economy
Well they sure didn’t. Earnings to be announced next week, hope it’s a disaster! 📉🙏
tbf it doesn't seem to have juiced $tsla at all
So a question I keep thinking about Constantly With all these billionaires and politicians doing horrible things..... How have we not heard of any of them having potshots taken at them yet Like you'd think law of averages an everything it would've happened at least once by now
presumably cause they all live here in the country with all the terrifying three letter organizations that exist to serve the interests of capital by wielding a monopoly on violence
which is to say: everyone's thinking it but no one can say it
If we actually say it loudly, we get some "this shit don't look good on paper" moments
Musk has THREE body guards on him at all times when he's in Xhitter headquarters. They're certainly afraid of it!
Me pretty sure no one have monopoly on violence in country with more guns than people and mass shooting every week.
Sorry is this a gimmick account where you engage in sociopolitical violence discourse in a cookie monster voice
Gimmick? Me just Monster-American who pay attention to current events!
...that sort of institution very famously existed back in the 19th and 20th century, and yet at least one rather large War was (equally famously) started by a politician's assassination. And, no, Capital did not start with Elon Musk.
I mean, duh I assumed the question was about the ever-escalating shit in Recent Years, to which I responded a little bit flippantly because it comes up more often every day, and now I have sesame street cosplayers in my mentions.
Avatar have a guy using a pseudonym in your mentions, the standard for online personae that was ubiquitous prior to, like, 2010. (Gimmicky, sure, but FILM CRIT HULK also got weirdly political.) And the (valid) point was that things actually aren't "ever escalating" compared to previous eras.
bc the people who value fairness, equality, justice, honesty (aka worrying about “horrible things”) aren’t the type to shoot people dead it’s a hawk vs dove thing
Historically, lots of people who value those things very deeply have taken up armed resistance against oppressors who leave them no other mechanisms for achieving them.
John Brown comes to mind...
quick, name the last 3 american politicians who got shot and the affiliation of the shooter
Let’s see… Scalise: shooter hated Rs Giffords: shooter presumably hated Ds Reagan: shooter was deemed insane Are those the last three? Not sure whether I missed any.
Might be why we’re losing.
this is the animating question behind Andreas Malm's How to blow up a pipeline
The horrible things are sort of abstract, systemic; that doesn't attract people who want to do One Big Act to fix One Specific Problem; the Comet Ping Pong gun guy wanted to specifically rescue kids from the secret dungeon, not really confront real human trafficking
Popping one billionaire doesn't really do anything to the system as what they were doing will just be continued by someone else (but popping many billionaires, like as a State, would get some results...)
Especially if you know your history. Throughout time, regardless of country, when the gap between the rich and the poor is extreme, it has always led to a revolution and the destruction of nobility or the rich.
Yuuuuuup Mind you, not condoning violence
I think in similar fashion on how the Obama WH didn't report till years later about the actual pot shots taken at the WH walls and windows by extremists during his term was a way to not stochastically inspire copy cats to try something. But, times are getting more desperate and so are people...
Musk talked about fear of being assassinated
His dad also claimed at some point that there's a high chance govt will do it soon
Probably some self-selection going on there. The people most willing to murder others over social ills also tend to be the people who want to believe those horrible people. Birds of a feather and all.
I assume someone has and it's either handled by security or covered up for other reasons.
patriot act. those people get taken down before they can even do anything
It is kinda weird, as that sort of thing at least USED to be way more common. (You have at least one reply that goes on about CAPITALISM, because of course, but yeah Capital as a factor of production existed in the 18th and 19th century and assassinations were very much a thing back then.)
Come to think of it, it's partially for the same reasons that the murder rate has absolutely cratered in general. (There was a bump during the height of the COVID pandemic, but that's faded away now.)
The type of person who wants billionaires dead is also the type of person who does not own a gun and is completely unwilling to accidentally hurt an innocent person. Plus billionaires have a shitton of security nowadays.
Truth. I worry about gently rehoming spiders. Billionaires are safe from me, florid fantasies or no
Putin and Xi might disagree
abe got got and no one even felt bad it can work here
I'm betting we just haven't been told about the attempts
This is a question that keeps me up at night.