Lynne Vetter

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Lynne Vetter

#music #beauty #animals #nature #inspiration #humor #startrek #cobrakai #retro #conservation #climatechange #humanrights #StrangerThings #NerdCulture #Horror #Fantasy #80s #90s
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This is one their website. They're laying the groundwork with all these ID laws to shut off all access to it, and if you don't think this applies to you, remember: they view ALL LGBT+ content as porn. There's a hundred other reasons, but if you draw, maybe consider where you'll be in the crossfire.
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I'mma say this for all the people in the back. Don't vote for a person. Vote for your rights, for the rights of others. On page 5 of Project 2025's 180-day plan they openly call for outlawing porn, recommending imprisoning anyone who creates it. Are you an NSFW artist, or like the art? THIS IS YOU.
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Every article written about a SCOTUS verdict should note they accept bribes. Period.
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I wrote a thing: "a debate without fact-checking is worse than no debate at all" — but don’t despair, there’s good news out there. thanks for reading, and please sign up for my daily newsletter to keep getting the good stuff —
a debate without fact-checking is worse than no debate at but don’t despair, there’s good news out there
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On the same morning, the Court said: 1) We should not presume to know more than small town mayors regarding complex, technical questions like whether to arrest people for being poor. 2) I don't see why a "PhD" in "nuclear physics" should have any latitude to implement ambiguous energy rules.
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Anytime I try to leave a comment today on instagram regarding that sham of a debate they ding me for crap. So done with them right now.
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if a parent of yours started blurting out sentences like this you’d call a doctor and take their drivers license away
#Spotify, keeps randomly turning on on my samsung. It's mightly annoying. 🤣 anyone else? But also, today it's playing #CorinneBaileyRae, and I'm not mad about it.
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Sorry about that Super Bowl ad that's now pinned to my profile.
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That Kennedy ad isn't going over well at home.
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Putin's kind of story leads to war, genocide, and fascism Historian explains the underlying threat in Putin’s outreach to America’s right delivered via Tucker Carlson. Now leading at the
Apparently TERFs are flooding into this app? Ugh. Here's why I care about trans rights. 1. I have friends and loved ones who are trans. 2. Trans strangers *also matter* because I'm not a dink. 3. Transphobic policies hurt cis people too. 4. I'm ace/aro. Bigots already hate me.
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“being a deeply unpleasant freakish asshole to everyone” continues to pan out poorly in local politics
Only one Moms for Liberty member showed up at Brevard County school board meeting to discuss The Kite Runner and Slaughterhouse-Five She "did not speak and eventually snuck out of the room. The books were not banned."
Moms for Liberty Completely Collapses in Former Moms for Liberty appears to be slowly imploding.
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In Texas now, a doctor who performs an abortion on a woman who doesn't want a child faces 99 years in prison. But a creep who slips abortion meds into his pregnant wife's drinks, causing their baby to be born with complications? That's six months. Tell me again how it's not about punishing women?
Texas attorney who poisoned pregnant wife with abortion medication sentenced to 180 days in Mason Herring's estranged wife told a court that their now 1-year-old daughter has developmental delays and attends therapy eight times a week.
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Slavery was Legal. Colonialism was Legal. Jim Crow was Legal. Apartheid was Legal. Legality depends on who has power and the kinds of laws they pass to preserve their own privileges and bigoted views. Legality often has nothing to do with justice.
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This should be the story tomorrow, and every day: The leader of one of America’s two major political parties has just signaled to the Kremlin that if elected, he would not only refuse to defend Europe in World War III, but he would gladly support Vladimir Putin.
Trump Encourages Putin to Attack NATO At a rally on Saturday, the former president announced he would tell the Russians “to do whatever the hell they want” to states delinquent in their bills.
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A Missouri lawmaker tried to amend a proposed abortion ban to ensure a pregnant child under 12 could get abortions leading to this telling exchange with a current candidate for governor
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ASK YOURSELF: Why is the New York Times trying to Elect Donald Trump, Again? Leading at the
Is the press trying to help elect Trump? And how not to help them
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Lookn’ good, Boss!
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AYFKM. Trump has VERY visibly become more addled and incoherent (and that’s saying something). He has trouble remembering who he ran against in 2016, and what the highest numbered world war was.
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When billionaires say Trump won’t be a danger to the country, what they mean is he won’t be a danger to *them.* Or to the late-stage capitalism that's produced both them and Trump. My latest for MSNBC:
Opinion | The real reason billionaires want you to ‘calm down’ about a second Trump Billionaires are parroting the same naïve rhetoric we saw before Trump assumed office.
Everyone should do their nails. 😉🩷