Allegedly Adan

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Allegedly Adan

39. Latino. Obstinate and inconsolable jerk. You'll love me whether you like it or not, regardless of any effort on my part. Barely older than Barenaked Ladies. Bro to @chescooks ||
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SNES has a much better hit ratio than Genesis. I feel like you can pick up your average no-name SNES game and you have a much better chance of it being acceptably playable. With Genesis you are taking your life in your hands lol
Every time I try to revisit the Genesis I end up disappointed. For a console with such a huge library, the wheat:chaff ratio is actually fucking terrible. The PC Engine got so much profound JP dev support that it's the best repo of hidden gems. Maybe moreso than the MSX
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Maybe I can safely unleash these Cuban-style muffins I baked for Sunday brunch without causing a riot at this time
I'm sure the people who open-carry at the grocery store are going to take to heart all the calls to condemn violence.
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America now has the opportunity to do the funniest "I Am Spartacus" bit in the history of the world.
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Hey, a reminder I give people every now and then: a friend of mine got blackout drunk and emailed Bush on the night of the 2000 election and said “I’m going to kill you and you’ll never find me.” Six hours later he was in cuffs and it cost him thousands in legal fees and he’s still on a list.
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Your Honor, I clearly ended the skeet with lol
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There was a point in pop culture when this franchise was unavoidable. Commercials, jokes in standup comedy routines and late night, Richard Simmons appearing on shows, impressions of him. It was 100% possible to never have seen any of his shows or videos and still have full knowledge of them. Legend
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Love that my genetics gave me such a concentration of fierce nose hair that every other week I have to endure shoving a little electric groomer in there so it doesn't look like I'm growing broccoli in there
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One weird little economic canary in the coal mine I noticed aside from the price of goods involves Food Network. For years they've had Publishers Clearing House styled giveaways. For a while the giveaway was $10,000 to 1 winner monthly. This year, it turned into a $5,000 prize every 2 months.
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Royalty in bloom. 👑✨
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Last artwork of the year. Looking towards the horizon of 2024 ☺️
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Sometimes people simply don’t know the emotional toll of being a silly guy online
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🚨 — NEW MUSIC! — 🚨 Commissioned by as background music for her website and its massive archive of excellent written work, which I highly recommend. Very much inspired by things like PSO, Cosmic Smash, and exploring digital spaces at the turn of the millennium. Enjoy! ^_^
Infinite Gaming (Kimimi's Theme), by Andrew 2 track album
lmao "Should content creators randomly violate Federal Trade Commission guidelines for funsies?"
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plotting a mutiny because the captain of our ghost ship won’t let us sail over land to look at some different shit
i cannot get this out of my head to save my own life nor can i stop laughing at it
My old Pixel 6a is my stream cam. One thing that plagues this device is thermals. It would constantly sous vide itself even under mild usage. One assumes that being reduced to a single-purpose device would help temperatures but that has not been the case for me. So I took drastic measures...
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I can only assume the casting director for Heat won some sort of special Nobel Prize. The top billed actors are all stars, of course, with a brilliant set behind them but you go way down the credits and they’ve got small parts played by Dennis Haysbert, Jeremy Piven, Tom Noonan, William Fichtner …
I'm never back on my bullshit because I refuse to build a dam to stop it in the first place Just an autistic dude in a retro FPS fugue state nbd
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You love to see any little piece of evidence that yes, people were just Like This long before the internet existed.
peter pack rat, loading screen, zx spectrum (1988)
The well-employed who have generous amounts of PTO to burn should apply to jobs with bait-and-switch bullshit in the postings. Then if they get any contact at all, verbally abuse the HR team who thought it was acceptable to treat job seekers like that.
User: "I just restarted my computer!" Task Manager: