
Stanford belongs to San Jose. Berkeley belongs to the Bay Area.
yes, and why single out Berkley and not also, say, Stanford. Baffling.
my wife the Cal alumni nodding furiously
We are a Bruin family, but we will still defend Cal whenever needed! (Both my siblings who went to UCLA also got into Cal.)
Cal and UCLA vs Stanford and USC is definitely a thing
okay look I like to shit on Stanford as much as anyone and more than most but please don't lump us in with those USC assholes, I mean come on, have some pity
UC Santa Cruz here (yeah, I know) but my sister and 3/4 of my grandparents went to Cal. My paternal grandparents both taught there (grandfather was a full professor, grandmother was an adjunct, with which she was not best pleased but those were the times…)
FWIW, I went to SF more often than San Jose when I was at Stanford.
yeah nobody ever went to San Jose but I also consider it to belong to neither, Palo Alto being its own little freak kingdom
I was about equally likely to fly from SJC or SFO, but yeah, otherwise not so much. Oh, and I had Thanksgiving with a college friend's family in San Jose one year.
Bay Area’s three major cities with airports that have multiple terminals: SF, Oakland, SJ. If Berkeley belongs to one, it’s Oakland. If Stanford belongs to one, it’s SJ. But Stanford is in the peninsula. And Berkeley is not Oakland. And their universities being “rivals” requires a book…
As someone from the other, shittier, major metropolitan area of California… you guys take yourselves way too seriously up there. (And I’m from a Bruins family, anyway.)
L.A. to S.F. = "You guys are so cool! I wish I could find a well paying job so I could live up there!" S.F. to L.A. = "You are a sty filled with trash monsters who only care about commerce and not art, and you are fools who don't sneak lettuce that no one wants into their burritos, ha ha ha!"
I always found LA too busy navel gazing to worry about SF, which definitely had a chip on its shoulder and sneered at LA…until NYC visited and everyone chilled out.
But people from NorCal go to college in SoCal & people from SoCal go to college in NorCal. And really no one cares except sports people or old people. Because I didn’t have to explain where the Bay Area was to people. By the time I was a kid here, Silicon Valley was a known thing. Not north of LA.
Ilu Mara but I hate this take so much, lol
Is it that you hate San Jose or Stanford
Neither really but Palo Alto is geographically perhaps as perfectly in the middle of the Bay Area as possible. Also unrelated but wondering if bears reference the state animal which no one really knows except for maybe from the state flag
Also, if it makes you feel better, I’m really fucking bad at geography. I grew up in LA and had no idea where anything was. Basically just that if you drove far enough in one direction, you ended up in Nevada, Central California, Mexico, or the ocean.
Sounds like you have the most important geography must-haves down pat
I'm from San Jose and I remember when I lived on the East Coast and explained to the people I worked with that where I'm from, if you drive 4 hours in any direction, you are still in California. In 4 hours on the East Coast, you can drive through 3 states at least.
Yeah, Stanford is in an unincorporated county area adjacent to Palo Alto (Peninsula). The Peninsula definitely feels like the Bay Area, but then I also feel like I'm in the Bay Area when I'm in the East Bay (Berkeley, Oakland, etc.) and the South Bay (San Jose, Cupertino, etc.)
After 'The Edge' closed down in April 2000, I kind of forgot that Palo Alto even existed. It is one of those Bay cities that isn't on the way to anywhere, so unless you live or work there, you just kind of pass it by.
doctrinnally imo bay extends so far east bc of 680 and the Altamont (and so far north bc of Napa/Sonoma/even Benicia) that middle of bay is the Town or Hayward tbh
Also extends west to the ocean, soooo
the shortest distance from palo alto to the diablo ridges is much further than the distance from palo alto to the ocean
Eh, Palo Alto is only "the middle of the Bay Area" if you're including San Jose in the Bay. If you're dividing "The Bay Area" from "San Jose" like Mara was, Palo Alto's definitely closer to the latter.
No one wouldn’t include San Jose, east bay, or north bay in Bay Area. That would be silly. This is a Venn Diagram thing where Bay encompasses all.
Sure, but the post you were responding to explicitly asks whether Palo Alto belongs "to San Jose" or "the Bay." There's no way to answer that without conceptually differentiating between San Jose and the Bay (even if you're just calling the former a subset of the latter)
I think I'm proving your point that this is confusing even to Americans, lol
i was born in san francisco. that sign is inscrutable.
stanford has its own zip code so it don't belong to anyone.
This is right and true and more people should know it.
Wait is it road warrior day in Cali!! I WANNA BE. On your team boss
San Jose is part of the Bay Area tho. Santa Clara County is one of the Bay Area's nine counties.
Stanford: Has so many things named Hoover, which is indicative of how much it sucks.
The Bay Area is Marin, the East Bay, SF, and the Peninsula. San Jose is an offshoot of the Central Valley. Stanford is Stanford and wants not to belong to any of these, as its Great Eucalyptus Wall clearly declares.