Holly March she/her

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Holly March she/her


medieval romance author • autistic • depressive and anxious • welsh celt • arocishet • expanding my paradigm • www.marcherwitch.com for books + asmr scripts •

hoping to be supplanted! want help researching 6thCH/12thCG medieval morocco? hit me up!
i'm depressed... tell ne how pretty my cats are, pls:
Distribution of food to children and displaced persons. To donate and help gofund.me/7dbee0bc
Internet Archive vs. Evil Corp.
Winning ground and holding ground are two very different things that require different skillsets. Many have excelled at the former but fallen down on the latter. Yes, this is about politics.
you can take gaol and hiccough from my cold... dead... hands...
i think the worst thing about biden .. is that he's not using puns... "Done Biden Our Time" it's such a good slogan!
all self diagnosis is valid... except when you get indigestion mixed up with acid reflex and take tums and now you have a chest burster inside of you... in lieu of flowers send cats
totally! nobody wants us going full 2007 tumblr up in this bitch!
one thing you gotta say about women authors in romance... they will fucking tell you how much of a shithead tgey are... romance authors +cough+ let's face it white ones +cough+ will out themselves so fast they rock up to social media like they're pulling up yo a playground in a filthy fort transit
@nameshiv.bsky.social curses, my chance to ask about the clue to the long lost treasure of Chapurrrr, the cat of the Caliph of Baghdad in 402 Hj missed by four minutes... next time, ramdas... next tiiiiimr
ACAB. The penguins are innocent.
Important penguin news
In my experience, some abusive people are great at creating a charming public persona and surrounding themselves with friends who are awesome and kind. It’s part of how they get away with being heinous behind closed doors. Don’t blame yourself for not knowing. But once you know, act accordingly.
laye awakensen might be the best author yet...
A new article? Here? Now? Yeah, why not! Chinese indie adventure The Heroes Around Me is a phenomenal piece of art, an essential experience, and an acutely well observed tale of hope and heartache: ko-fi.com/post/The-Her...
i disagree in a totally non confrontational way, but i am VERY privileged... like... several ways... and used to be just... so very deep in plato's cave of privilege... then a few years of well meaning assumption that twitter beat out of me...
like, i am triggered by my bullies name but i'm not gonna tell my friends not to say the word "ruby"... but if a person with an earing disorder says "pls say "marathon" instead of "binge"" i am gonna respect that!
Hey friends in LA! If you like horny dragons, don't miss The Ripped Bodice's Queer Romance Book Club tonight! They're discussing Consort of Fire! A great time to revisit our trio, since it's only ONE MONTH until Queen of Dreams! www.therippedbodicel...
It's okay to mourn the loss of a source of healing. Not to the point where it makes you lash out at victims or defend perpetrators, but if you found comfort in art that is now tainted, that's a loss. I think that's a big responsibility that creators need to take more seriously. (5/?)
🧵 I think something difficult to talk about when an author/musician/artist is outed as a monster is the damage it can cause the people who found comfort and healing in their works. Because it gets read as trying to put fans on equal footing with direct victims, which would be fucked up (1/?)
it's more if ut became general use would trans people feel emotional damage everytime it came across a screen, yuh know?
here's a question best answered here: if we started using rowling as an insult, would that be satisfying or triggering? because using body parts - frequently sexist anything to do with cognitive faculties - ableist excretions - sets off my synesthesia... soooooo... thoughts?
See also: why algebra is called algebra ilm al-jabr wa'l-muqābala (the science of restoring what is missing and equating like with like)
casual reminder that fibonacci did not discover the fibonacci sequence... he was a merchant to north africa... he just brought the knowledge arabic mathmeticians had known for yeeeeeeears...
casual reminder that fibonacci did not discover the fibonacci sequence... he was a merchant to north africa... he just brought the knowledge arabic mathmeticians had known for yeeeeeeears...
It’s boneheaded for the UK government to be hateful toward trans people. Don’t they know that many of the world’s hottest trans girls reside in Great Britain? They’re straight-up ignoring a strategic national resource!!!
casual reminder that fibonacci did not discover the fibonacci sequence... he was a merchant to north africa... he just brought the knowledge arabic mathmeticians had known for yeeeeeeears...
some of my best friends are milwaukans...
ahhh the classic man abuser hail mary... you have to do what i want or i'll kill myself to make you regret it... +spits+