Marina Lostetter

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Marina Lostetter

Sci-fi and Fantasy author. THE HELM OF MIDNIGHT out NOW! ACTIVATION DEGRADATION out NOW! She/her. Repped by DongWon Song.
This thread pretty much sums up my attitude. If Trump gets elected, a lot more people will die than if Biden gets elected. (Or Harris, if Biden drops out.) That's it; that's the choice. It sucks, but it's how things are.
1/x Before I get to work, I was ... *discussing* with a sincere third party human (I respect them a shitload more than those who just absent themselves) where they said "If your only choices are coke and pepsi, if you don't start buying a third brand, all you'll ever have is coke and pepsi .."
I will argue until I'm on my deathbed that this soundtrack is Daft Punk's best album.
frame from a non-musical movie with a great soundtrack
In fact, this has me thinking about how friends have repeatedly saved my over-trusting ass on multiple occasions at conventions. It kinda sucks to realize you live in a world where "use the buddy system" is a lifesaver at professional events, but here we are.
Not great for the victims, not great for general community well being, and not great for protecting vulnerable people in the future.
It didn't even appear on File770???
The failure of SFF news blogs like File770 to even mention the allegations feels particularly egregious to me. I can understand not wanting to moderate a thread full of freak outs, and people stroking their chins about what is consent really. But a brief post with comments closed would have sufficed
Me: It's a bummer more characters aren't named Marina. Me listening to The Mirror Crack'd From Side to Side while trying to go to sleep and startling awake every time someone says 'Marina': Can someone just kill her already???
For some reason I cannot stop thinking about the fact that when JD Vance dies there will be a rush from journalist to see who can title their article "Hillbilly Eulogy" first.
Barnes & Noble is having another preorder sale, this one is 25% off for members and an additional 10% off for premium members! #SaleForThePages
The best way to lower the political temperature is to soundly defeat the party that contains people who refer to the other party as “inhuman” or say that they need to be killed or who suggests we should “second amendment” them.
They're each gonna have an auction slip (though some are sets) but I could probably fit a few more, yeah? (This is for ArmadilloCon.)
How many ghosts can I fit on a three foot table? This is not a 'how many angels on the head of a pin' question this is me being an art show newb trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing.
This is how you do it.
They're each gonna have an auction slip (though some are sets) but I could probably fit a few more, yeah? (This is for ArmadilloCon.)
How many ghosts can I fit on a three foot table? This is not a 'how many angels on the head of a pin' question this is me being an art show newb trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing.
How many ghosts can I fit on a three foot table? This is not a 'how many angels on the head of a pin' question this is me being an art show newb trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing.
The "Babies, Borders, and Bullets"* crowd is shocked to see the bullets part come home, for some reason. *actual real campaign slogan for a man who, thankfully, did not win an Arkansas senate seat.
Opposition to authoritarianism is *not* “violent rhetoric.” Authoritarianism implies violence: uses of state violence against the people and political opponents without due process. A passionate defense of democracy is the *opposite* of violent political rhetoric.
A big fuck you to whoever collectively cursed us to live in "interesting times."
Political violence always benefits authoritarians because liberals will always condemn it and authoritarians, regardless of whether they are perpetrators or victims, will always use it to claim more power.
When stuff happens, I feel like you should acknowledge it. But sometimes stuff is just too *hdhevttjisiushehvidiw* to actually say anything articulate about on social media.
Do your part. Get the word out.
Fun to think about the fact that the threat of banning pornography might decide the U.S. election.
Barnes & Noble is having another preorder sale, this one is 25% off for members and an additional 10% off for premium members! #SaleForThePages
Hi #PortfolioDay! I paint uncanny, transcendent visions, both dreadful and cathartic. ❤️‍🔥 Find my work in,,, Infected By Art, & on's SILENT SPACES! 🌍 📧 [email protected]
Also, everyone please appreciate this absolutely gorgeous illustration Reiko did for The Teeth of Dawn's cover!
I guess this cover is announced! Cover art for Marina J. Lostetter’s The Teeth Of Dawn. AD Jamie Stafford-Hill #bookcover #art #coverart
Also, everyone please appreciate this absolutely gorgeous illustration Reiko did for The Teeth of Dawn's cover!
I guess this cover is announced! Cover art for Marina J. Lostetter’s The Teeth Of Dawn. AD Jamie Stafford-Hill #bookcover #art #coverart
Barnes & Noble is having another preorder sale, this one is 25% off for members and an additional 10% off for premium members! #SaleForThePages