
the idea that it's a hyper individualistic and specifically American flaw of character to want to leave a country falling into fascism is so funny because that is like morally one of the best reasons that people have had, historically, for moving to America!
I think the "I'm moving to Canada" stuff is tired, whatever, but like. Genuinely wild to imagine talking to someone who has immigrated from a country under military rule and being like "wow I guess you just weren't invested in your community and neighborhood"
Nobody is trying to be anti-immigrant, everyone is just really messed up over the last few days and lashing out. I just hate seeing these ill thought out posts where it's just people I respected just getting mad at other people for having a minutely different reaction than they are
AND ALSO Canada is not great, the Ford Brothers are what I like to cite as an obvious issue but there are so many (as a dual citizen it is my job to point out both my counties suck in different ways)
My husband and I had a long talk about that on Monday. Like, how different will it be if I take us back, looking at the way things are going? And after the heritage foundation stuff, clearly yes it is still very different. But you're not landing in liberal utopia.
I'm Canadian and my husband is American (sounds like same/similar to you?). we moved back to Canada in 2022 after many years in the US. is Canada perfect? no. has our mental health improved SIGNIFICANTLY, despite other challenges, just from being at a remove from US politics? yes.
That's what we're looking at this November, yeah.
if you are seriously considering it, talk to an immigration lawyer and begin getting docs in order well before November. it was pretty easy for me to move back, with husband accompanying me as a visitor, then immediately apply to sponsor him for PR. he can have dual intent as a visitor unlike in US.
We’ve been having that discussion too (not Canada). And I have no real illusions about such a move being a utopia at all. But it also feels like we need to have a backup plan — my wife’s family (both sides) fled fascist and authoritarian countries, so she’s hyper-attuned to what could happen.
Yeah. It all sucks. I'm terrified either way.
For me it’s the idea that someplace else is going to be their salvation. Liberals slobber all over Europe, like have they *seen* Europe lately? Also nobody in the global south owes us safe harbor.
There is such romanticization of Europe. The whole AOC would be a center-right politician in Europe mentality. And then you look into it and, yeah, people are people.
For me a corner was turned when the president was granted absolute immunity. European PMs can still be held to account (I think/sincerely hope so)
I mean Italy elected a whole entire out loud fascist, France is about to, and Germany has arrested people for being publicly pro-Palestine. The UK still thinks Labour is the answer and Scandinavian PMs spew constant anti immigration rhetoric. The differences are pretty much window dressing.
And as someone who actually moved there, you can’t just like show up at the border with a “F*CK TR*MP” bumper sticker and get a work permit
Well, I guess I should unpack my car then.
*glaring at my family that has had, for thousands of years, to move from country to country as conditions changed for the jews* uhh have you considered mutual aid
My dad’s dad literally came over on the boat from Germany between the wars…
Yeah, my entire family history is of people looking at their countries of origin and going, "Nope. Not here for this."
I see people moving to Canada or New Zealand and I think “that is no escape.” There’s a fascist right in Canada too, blaming migrants for everything. Billionaires are building compounds in NZ and will manipulate the gov’t, just like they do here. World’s a lot smaller these days.
They should do reverse immigration. All the white people gave to go back to where they're really from