Leaf's Patchwork Collective 🏳️‍⚧️

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Leaf's Patchwork Collective 🏳️‍⚧️


Psychotic DID system
22 year old body run, often little
Trans and autistic AF
I am begging people to stop. Please. Every inquiry, every single one, is wasting precious water. *We don't have the energy and water to maintain this. At all.* And this proof is enough to show you that it's not worth it. At all. Please!
No notes, GPT. 10/10.
Having a lot of thoughts this week about parasociality and how overidentification with public figures and their work results in a reflexive rejection of accusations of wrongdoing not just because it shatters an illusion, but because it feels like a personal attack.
the idea that it's a hyper individualistic and specifically American flaw of character to want to leave a country falling into fascism is so funny because that is like morally one of the best reasons that people have had, historically, for moving to America!
The unfortunate thing about discord is that it feels this way because of how people use it, but functionally it's literally just IRC. A bunch of the same exact markup and everything. It's just confusing because people insist on trying to use it as a forum and a wiki for some godforsaken reason
Apparently the government of the Yucatán recently erected a Poseidon statue on one of their major beaches. It’s a very heavily Mayan area, where people still pray to Chaac, the god of rainfall. They’re now being slammed with 3 hurricanes and significant flooding, leading to memes like this
I got a job 🎉 Teaching kids w disabilities to make robots and adapted toys and code their own games 🎊 🎈 For a boss with bipolar ‼️ 🌟 💫 That is all. Just unclenching my stomach from a year of mental health related crisis. Meds are better, I found a great community here… I’m finding some hope.
Why isn't Mario brown any more he's Sicilian he shood be brown
Was wondering why we still haven't had any response from the administration on Utah's legislative action to defy trans inclusive Title IX rules, but I guess I have my answer. They are actively throwing trans youth under the bus, and the Overton window for trans rights is in hell.
mental health care only?
brought the four year old to a public splash pad this afternoon and he had a blast and so did every other kid there anyway sometimes I think about the people who filled in or drained public pools rather than allow them to be used by kids of a different race and just how fucking evil that is
The part that really guts me is how blatant it is Once they got Roe v. Wade overturned and the Democrats didn't do anything about it they realized they can do ANYTHING and aren't even trying to hide that they're stripping the country for the copper wires
I hate this piece of shit.
The Democratic party is either so incompetent they're bumbling the country to Fascism or their actively taking part by being controlled opposition and in either case they need to be stopped
If not for the British, the United States simply wouldn’t be in this mess right now, I’m just saying
technically, the United States is very much Britain’s fault
kids stuck piloting adult bodies have it so hard...
All of my mental health problems would be fixed if I was less than a metre tall
bringing this here because i've had it
Sorry to all my lawyer friends who spent a bunch of time learning how law works in the US. I had friends who were Flash developers and things turned out alright for them after they pivoted to C# or whatever. Hopefully there's an equivalent for our national legal system
wait is watergate retroactively legal now
My first read: If a president commits crimes unrelated to him being the most powerful person in the world, he can be prosecuted. But if explicitly uses his powers to commit crimes, he is at least presumptively, and probably absolutely immune from prosecution. I mean, holy shit.
So many of these people spent YEARS telling people that things that political organizers said would happen would not happen due to 'precedent', norms, collegiality, etc and they were fucking wrong 100%.
Send 6 justices to gitmo and forage letters of resignation. Bot are now legalegal for Biden and he has no excuse
this lex post is an excellent film subplot premise
A trip down memory lane and reflecting on the past. Maybe some of you remember my old sona from way back I posted this to FA along with some writing but I like the art a lot so I wanted to share it here too <3
A small selection of accessories and features for Tala's "Toddler" mental age mode. When in "Toddler" mode, Tala can be a handful. She's a curious kitten and may cause some mischief if left unattended. She also gets fussy as her battery gets low, so be sure to put her down for a nap and charge her.
It is not an accident that this is happening alongside efforts to kill no fault divorce.
Okay so to be clear we are destroying power grids, the livelihoods of actual humans beings, and communication/research infrastructure for the sake of an algorithm that converts stolen data into unreliable stolen data and consistently loses millions of dollars. Just to be clear
There is a specific type of demoralizing fascism where people lose rights they had, in their lifetime, fought to get recognized. Not *just* losing rights, but seeing decades of hard effort dissolve. Reconstruction, Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute, Dobbs, the coming overturning of Obergefell, etc
Jailing people for being homeless is a classic American policy: stupid, brutal, and very expensive.