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💖💜💙 Math teacher. Kid and cat wrangler. Fandom lurker. JoCo Cruiser. (she/her)
The Mystic Maze in the first run from Magic Puzzle Co really hit the sweet spot for me. Cute art with a story that unfolded as you went, and each piece had enough detail to narrow down which area of the puzzle it went with.
there should be a rating for puzzles beyond simply how many pieces they have- like, 'Average Solves Per Minute' or something, a way to measure the satisfaction/difficulty ratio
Reposted byAvatar Kim
If dispelling doom for the sake of dispelling doom does not appeal to you, perhaps try dispelling doom out of spite, is what I’m saying.
If it’s not helpful to you, by all means ignore this, but I’m just saying… It really helps me to recenter myself to think “Oh right. The worst fucking people on the planet want me to feel like we’re doomed. Fuck those guys, actually.”
Reposted byAvatar Kim
Today I stand in the presence of immortality #ea-nasir
My kid has barely rolled out of bed before noon and is now descending upon leftover pizza. She’s been 13 less than a week but clearly has the hang of this teenager thing.
Reposted byAvatar Kim
Completely mind melted by how amazing this embroidery by is. Zoom in on the detail
Reposted byAvatar Kim
and even if someone thinks "well I don't like/look at porn so why should it be a priority for me?" it's important to remember that when christofascists say "porn" they also mean age-appropriate comprehensive sex education, media with queer/trans people in it, and picture books about gay penguins.
I know smut may seem like a frivolous thing to be upset about, but crushing it is part of fascism. Controlling all forms of sexual expression is fascism. Only allowing certain kinds is fascism. Smut peddlers are always canaries in the coal mines.
You never really appreciate your little toes until you kick a chair leg hard enough to break them 😕
Reposted byAvatar Kim
"Acceptance of constant reinfections relies heavily on the perception that COVID infections are a truly neutral event for your health -- something that no research, and no study, has ever concluded."
Wow. I wish my Uncle who caught it in the 80’s could have lived to see the transformation in treatment and prevention in the past 30 years.
Oh my god, this is fucking huge. It was huge when we developed a daily PrEP pill that could prevent you from catching HIV; this is a successful phase III trial of a PrEP shot that will only need to be given *twice a year*. Still needs a confirmatory Phase III, but holy fuck.
Ooh, there are a couple artists on this list whose shops I’ve been eyeing, and even more that I should check out when I have the chance! And I’ll add a rec for (which is closed this week but back soon).
New on my blog— 9 Queer artists and makers to check out and support for PRIDE month (and throughout the year)! 🌈: #nightmarket #art
The number of times I have heard this rant from as he is trying to get work done.
Reposted byAvatar Kim
I don't think zero COVID is attainable at this point and I don't want people to give up the activities that give life value I am simply once again asking if we could take air filtration, ventilation, and indoor air exchange fucking seriously as a high impact intervention, as discussed below
Text of her response in skeet image: “You know, it is hard, because I think women with my body type — women with perfect breasts — we don’t get to see ourselves on screen enough. I’m very proud as a member of the perfect breasts community. I hope you enjoy seeing them.” - Nicola Coughlan
Male journalist: asks a question about her ‘body type’, by which he means “fat” Nicola Coughlan:
Reposted byAvatar Kim
And there's also the related phenomenon we might call "school wives" where girls end up having to keep boys on task or take lead on group projects at school. My 10-year-old came home complaining earlier this week - "It's like I have to be the girl boss and they just get to be the clowns."
Now do one on "work wives" where men get ahead in their careers by leaning on their women colleagues to do the unpaid care work for the workplace!
Reposted byAvatar Kim
Went for a walk yesterday and nearly fell victim to a croc lurking in the grass. I blame
This is true for so many things. (And someone tracked down the original on tumblr:
I needed this today
My autocorrect has suddenly decided that, if I make the typo “iver”, I clearly must mean “ivermectin” and couldn’t possibly have meant “over” 🙄
Reposted byAvatar Kim
Everyone here: "Man, the Pictionary NES title theme goes SO HARD." me, an absolute dumbass: "What?! Oh, c'mon, you must be joking." me, after listening to it and realizing how horrifically wrong I was: "THE LEGENDS ARE TRUE, DON'T EVER DOUBT THEM"
Pictionary Music (NES) - Title Screen Track 1 / 6 (Complete Soundtrack)Pictionary [NES-P5]Nintendo Entertainment SystemDeveloper: Software CreationsPublisher: LJNComposer: Tim FollinYear: 1990Tra...
Got some surprisingly good eclipse photos with phone camera + eclipse glasses.
Saw an RGB license plate and thought it would be amusing to see RBG. Explained who she was to Ms12 but that she had unfortunately died a few years ago. “Necromancy!” she replied 🤣
I was right behind a garbage truck this morning when something black flew out of the top at a stop sign and landed in someone’s yard. Only when the piece of trash hopped up and ran away did I realize that a raccoon had an unexpectedly exciting morning after trash can diving.
Dear brain: Just because you’re used to getting up by 6:30 on weekdays doesn’t mean you have to on weekends. Especially when travel delays keep you awake until 1:30am. Kindly shut up and go back to sleep. Love, me.
Reposted byAvatar Kim
Let this Oompa Loompa be an inspiration for us all to just try to get through it with kindness even though our reality is constructed by assholes and actively falling apart.
Other photos were located showing she really was just doing what she could with what she had:
Reposted byAvatar Kim
Excellent work from the uncommitted campaign who organized in less than a month to get a significant number of key constituents to express their opposition to this ongoing genocide using voting as a tactic. Sending you all my gratitude.
Nope, nope, nope. I’m not spending Wed doing colonoscopy prep just to have the Thursday procedure not count 😝
There’s a whole extra day on Thursday, February 29th. This is bonus time — nothing that happens on that day, good or bad, goes on your permanent record
Sunrise this morning over Arches National Snow Pile (formerly known as “kid’s snow cave with rear window tunnel”)
Reposted byAvatar Kim
It's ok if you haven't finished your novel yet, or done the laundry, or discovered the mossy forgotten tombs of the old forest gods. I know you're trying your best, and that's all any of us can do. Carry on.
*makes grabby hands at necklaces* No, Kim, you really can’t order more when your last order is still in transit.
Today's the last day for Valentine's Shipping. - 100% of the staff is LGBTQIA+. Money goes into queer pockets - We ship for free over $40 in the US - One of a kind/small batch - Most items can be resized - 15% off Flash Sale! Thanks for peeking/sharing!
The cats have noticed that I’m making a tuna sandwich and want to make sure I know that they also like tuna.