Debbie Moon

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Debbie Moon

Screenwriter, hiker, fangirl, armchair astronaut. Eater of cake and friend of cats. WOLFBLOOD, HINTERLAND, THE SPARTICLE MYSTERY. Reps: Sukee Chew, Hopscotch, & Liz Orr, WPA. She/her.
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‘Unfortunately, we’ve made it much more difficult for you to move to France, Sweden and Italy, and Australia will be on fire by 2030 because we don’t believe in climate change. Still, you clicked on the article, didn’t you.’
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"And the cause of liberal democracy in Europe, which did NOT die..."
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A popular front between liberals and leftists. Seems like something to think about, I dunno.
From the age of 17, Nancy Valverde was repeatedly arrested by the Los Angeles police department for wearing masculine clothing. By the time she died, at age 92, the city had named a square in her honor, its first public monument to a lesbian.
The Chicana butch lesbian who defied the LAPD – and won: ‘I couldn’t be someone else’ Decades after Nancy Valverde was first arrested for wearing masculine clothing, the city of LA finally honored her with its first public monument to a lesbian
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JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
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Therefore we marvel much our cousin France!
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"I remember seeing The Loveless at the Phoenix in East Finchley on a Friday night, and next day heading down to Camden Market to buy a cheap leather jacket. The next time I saw The Loveless, I wore the jacket and greased my hair – as did almost everyone else in the audience."
Mark Kermode on… Kathryn Bigelow, a stylish ruffler of From vampire noir to Bin Laden, Point Break to Detroit, the first woman to win an Oscar for best director has never pulled her punches
Reposted byAvatar Debbie Moon
why did we stop sending men to the moon. So many men could fit up there
Don't let the door hit you, etc.
The Telegraph wants you to feel sorry for a retired couple who made a £1.3 million profit on a £300,000 home.
Reposted byAvatar Debbie Moon
Saw this on mastodon and it is fantastic. AI in medicine
"Every aspect of the annotators’ working lives is digitally monitored. From the moment they use biometric scanners to enter the secure facilities, workers are closely surveilled. Some even believe managers cultivate a network of informers among the staff to [prevent] attempts to form a trade union."
Meet Mercy and Anita – the African workers driving the AI revolution, for just over a dollar an Social media content and AI training data are processed in outsource centres in the global south, where long hours, low pay and exposure to disturbing material are the norm
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4/ Fun fact: the Talmud recognizes six genders. Cis male, cis female, transfemme, transmasc, intersex with no external genitalia, and intersex with both male and female genitalia.
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3/ If you consider scripture to be holy, and you consider its words to be sacred, and you consider Isaiah to be a true prophet, why do you love trans people less than Isaiah does?
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2/ "For thus saith the LORD: Considering the saris that keeps My Sabbaths, And chooses the things that please Me, And holds fast by my Covenant: Even unto them will I give in My house And within My walls a monument and a memorial, That shall not be cut off."
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1/Just a reminder that the Bible is full of trans people. The Hebrew term saris (סָרִיס) is mostly translated into English as eunuch, but in Hebrew is often depicted as a person who was born male but later in life appears female. And the saris is respected. Isaiah 56:4-5 has a blessing for the saris.
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Rwanda took 240 million pounds from the Uk and that ghoul Braverman to take refugees and at the end got the money and will take no refugees. Well played, Rwanda, and also a wonderful example of how conservatives manage money while fucking citizens over with "austerity" and "spending cuts"
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Rwanda scheme abolished on first day.
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anyway, bluesky is absolutely not ready and not prepared for the flood of authoritarian-funded trolls that are already beginning to flood it, so, you know, block early, block often.
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Causing me to stammer then mocking that stammer whilst I was talking about how my difficulties interacting with people has caused me to develop agoraphobia might have made a guy have to move house
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Last night I think a lot of people learned a very valuable lesson in the small village where I did a gig, and that is, if you go to a comedy gig in a small village where you live, don’t mock a comedian’s disability in a way that will lead to an angry mob of 80% of the women waiting outside for you
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A network of Russia-based websites masquerading as local American newspapers is pumping out fake stories as part of an AI-powered operation that is increasingly targeting the US election, a BBC investigation can reveal. #fakenews #fascism #ACAB
A Bugatti, a first lady and the fake stories aimed at A former US police officer runs an AI-powered network of misleading news sites turning its sights towards November.
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Reposted byAvatar Debbie Moon
Last leg has the baked bean balaclava bloke on and apparently his entire platform was 'brunch hour needs to be preserved' and I'm here for it.
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can we have a cat president? If we can have dog mayors surely we can have a cat president
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...' Meanwhile, it’s incredible to think that only a short while ago we thought we’d eradicated measles and Nigel Farage. Both have now been brought back, largely by the same people.' Marina Hyde in the Guardian
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For those who don't know: this is James Timpson of Timpson key cutters/shoe repairs/dry cleaners. His company employs ex-convicts and even runs work training programmes in prisons. Genuinely inspired choice.
Oh, now that *is* interesting - James Timpson as minister for prisons, parole and probation. Dare we actually hope for something that might reduce recidivism?
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