
When the Democratic Party establishment consolidated behind Biden to stop Bernie in 2020, how could they have known there would be another election in 2024. It must have just slipped their mind!
Bernie can still climb stairs without someone holding his hand and can speak in full sentences.
Look I’d also rather have Bernie as both president and candidate but the idea that in 2020 it would be obvious which 80-something would be in a better state to run for reelection you lose me
I'm sorry, I love your work; but it was obvious and often remarked on. Both Trump and Biden were already rambling back then in 2020. Everyone remembers this.
I also remember when Bernie had a heart attack during the campaign? And when Biden promised he’d only serve one term. The problem now isn’t that Bernie isn’t in the Oval, it’s that Biden wouldn’t step aside and there was no clear candidate to replace him.
Bernie is older, had a heart attack, and still in way better shape than Biden. That's how fucked Biden is.
Where and when did Biden promise to serve only one term?
I supported Bernie but it's wild how the people who wanted HRC to withdraw because of a bad cold shrugged when he literally had a heart attack.
I don’t think Biden promised he’d serve one term. I remember a lot of chatter that he would or should say that but afaik he never did.
I think the party establishment saddling us with Biden despite his manifest unfitness is decidedly among the many problems in play with the election and everything else. For example, Bernie wouldn't be Bibi's poodle.
Remember when he shouted at that woman and called her a "Dog Faced Pony Soldier" Yes, moderates saw that and went "that's our guy!" They've been lying through their teeth for years and now the whole world has seen the Emperor naked.
"My name is Joe Biden. I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. Look me over, if you like what you see, help out. If not, vote for the other Biden" - Joe Biden running for the Presidency in 2020.
Oh it's too late for you now, The Dems chose this decrepit loser because he was the only way to keep Bernie out (with help from Warren) The price the Democrat elites were happy to pay to keep their taxes low was Trump in 2024. They made their bed now they can lie in it.
This is a very weird take on multiple levels
No it's the truth. They only way to stop Bernie in 2020 was to coalesce are Biden, knowing he was barely competent and declining by the day, and by having Warren stay in to try and split away some of the left-wing vote. They pissed away their own legitimacy to keep Bernie from the White House .
The beauty of Bsky is that I don’t feel the need to waste time or energy trying to discern what he might be saying — I just block him and carry on.
> but the idea that in 2020 it would be obvious [...]in a better state to run for reelection you lose me No, it really was. Joe's been just as bad as Hillary. Bernie was the only one with some conviction and solid leads for American people. Got nothing to do with mental decline.
Again if the question is who would I have rather won in 2020 between Bernie and Biden, the answer should be very obvious!
Bernie in no way, shape, or form comes across as decrepit as Biden.
And doesn't sound like a corpse
Yeah, but his hair is wilder than Joe's, so that's a win.
Bernie is literally more than a year older than Joe Biden. And framing"Black South Carolinians don't know or trust Bernie Sanders" as "the Dem establishment consolidated behind Biden" is just not reasonable or a fair description of what happened.
It's not so much Biden's *age* as his obvious decrepitude that is the problem.
I like Bernie and I liked many of his positions but if he had been the nominee he would have been the US version of Jeremy Corbyn (who led UK Labour to its worst defeat in decades).
And just like in the UK all the "moderate, sensible, centrist liberals" would've been campaigning for the right
We must be living in alternate universes, because all the moderate liberals I knew were saying "I'm not crazy about Corbyn but Johnson would be a disaster".
To be fair Biden had all his surrogates say he wasn’t gonna run in 2024 That and boomers run the democratic party, so what do you expect?