
"when someone invites me into their home, I should get to trample dog shit on their carpet if I want to. They should abandon all of the ways they want to treat their own home for me. That's just basic hospitality on their part."
"I shouldn't have to consider anyone else ever, and if you ask me too that is just rude" Rebecca and her shoes can stay outside.
Try that in my folks house, you'd get a pointed look at your shoes, and "were you raised in a barn?". The SHAME.
sometimes I piss in a flower pot just to establish dominance
Respect goes ONE WAY and it is TOWARDS ME
Romilly can stay the fuck home for the next poker night
Her and Rebecca can go annoy each other and leave us and our houses in peace.
I hope they track mud all over each other's floors.
and then they will both write an opinion piece about how horrible it was in a fancy newspaper. "I invited a friend round who is rude like me, but she was rude"
Absolutely fuck those people, who raised them?! If you are a guest in someone's home, you abide by the rules of said home, do not make crazy selfish demands, do not insult food you are offered, and when you go home, you say "Thank you for having me". I'd learned this by age 5!
“If you spill something, you are in trouble.” …what adults in this person’s life have they even needed to consider saying this sentence to.
If someone ever tried to enter my house with shoes on, I wouldn't let them in. I don't give a fuck if I cause a scene. I don't fucking care whose friend you are. Yes, I believe you when you say you don't intentionally step in dog shit. The only way you're stepping on my carpet is in socks/slippers.
Seriously? House rules are established by the people INSIDE the house, otherwise, I don't even know what that is!
This is such a... non-debate to write editorials about. "Please take your shoes off" is not huge and intrusive, it's *expected* in half the world, asking a guest to take their shoes off is not equivalent to asking a guest to help wash up after dinner but to asking to smoke outside the house.
Uhm. Like it's rude not to offer to take them off yourself. It's extra nice hospitality to have slippers perhaps but how did this become the house owners problem? Usually if some doesn't care they say you can leave your shoes on.
Every time this comes up, the rest of the world looks at the USA and goes "what is WRONG with you?!"
i cannot understand people who wear shoes indoors. it makes no sense to me. do they wear shoes to bed? do they shower with their clothes on?
After all, is not my house guest entitled to prima nocta?
Yeah, go ahead and spread those pesticides and fertilizers in my home and step on my tiny dogs' paws while you're here. I don't want to inconvenience you while you're in OUR home.
I actually agree with her, at least in that it should be on the visitor to say "Would you like me to take my shoes off?" / "Is this a shoes off household?" The host should never really need to be asking.
Wait! Did it take two people to write and article about not taking off Your shoes? Really?
it was an article about how to party. still dumb.
I will enter your home and eat your potpourri
I know someone no allowed to visit my apartment now...
the author is being explicitly anti-courtesy. “fuck everyone else, fuck manners, fuck basic common sense”
So I went digging for this dog turd, and IN CONTEXT... the context of sheltered, privileged white people with maid service and monthly carpet cleaning service, hosting large, expensive parties... ...then yes, this makes sense, and is acceptable.
Yeah if you got the money for a maid and specialized cleaning it makes sense to a degree sure. Even still I feel like "respect people's boundaries of their personal space" isn't a crazy ask
I don't know who these Rebecca Gardner and Romilly Newman people are, but if they invite me to a party, I'm gonna take a shit in their laundry machines. You know, since they seem to think it's ok for party guests to have no respect for the host's boundaries or property.
Both of them are very wealthy white people of extreme privilege, who are used to hosting large parties of similarly wealthy white people, for the purpose of being an "expert" on hosting parties for wealthy white people.
Then don't come to my apartment, home, shack, or cardboard box leanto by the train tracks.
you earn the privilege of existing inside my house by cleaning the fuck up after yourself
This article has "needy person throws a college party and becomes a doormat" energy. "Come on in, don't worry about the rugs. Oh a spill? I don't mind. Broke a window? That happens. Hooking up in my bed? Oh, you. A party crasher stole my wallet? Gotta take the bitter with the sweet."
Lol. This is a writer that never gets invited over anywhere and can never get others to visit their home either because they have little concept of boundaries and believe "RESPECT" means "kiss my ass constantly but don't expect anything in return"
Someone’s got a chip on their shoulder over their friend’s extent of hospitality, I won’t say who.
Is it law that the opinion section of news sites has to be written by a Karen?
I swear I've read this op-Ed before
If I wasn't already stopped by the sheer inane entitlment of the headline, the fact that the mfing NYTimes published something with the phrase 'You can't be like, "blah blah" ' killed any credibility of the opinion like a 7-ton block of concrete falling from the sky.
Christ almighty. These people are assholes. I have my own mixed feelings about taking shoes off in other people's houses (and my shoes stay on in my house), but if you ask me to, I will without question or hesitation. Until I step in a puddle I didn't make.
I can't be friends with people who enjoy smelling like dog shit, so this works out
if someone walks into my apartment with their shoes on i will rip their asshole out through their mouth. this is my goddamned temple. some people have no respect....