
fwiw 538 polling average now has Biden up in WI and MI
... polls only or polls plus fundamentals?
So we now have two models that are more pessimistic than 538 and I think the pessimists are a bit more correct. Still, Biden is in a better place than Trump was in 2016 and there are some reasons for optimism.
I hadn't noticed that NV and AZ are pretty close and I think in AZ there are good reasons to believe he'll gain ground. GA I think you still need polls to tighten, otherwise you're relying on a freakish big error.
you don't need any of those states to win as Biden; hold PA/WI/MI and split the NE/ME single-districts and that's 270
Right, but those states are reasonably tightly correlated and at the moment he's behind in PA even in 538. You need Biden to develop 1-2 more "out cards".
I will say that I think one of the weaknesses in Silver's modeling is that it weights tail outcomes (Biden winning MI/NV/WI but losing VA or MN, etc) as too likely. The counter argument is that no one tail outcome is likely, but unlike House races we just don't see tail outcomes in the presidential
Silver is no longer at 538, unless you mean he has his own model out?
Did he keep Fivey in the divorce?
does he have a website, or is he going door to door trying to shock libs with the model
It's really the perfect bet, but the fact that he's probably trying to recapture the 2016 energy means he will fail to do so
Honestly given how unprecedented this election is the entire modeling exercise is pretty intellectually dishonest. The signal just isn't there, the most honest thing you can do is point at the close polls and the different indicators going different ways and say it's about 50-50
i think that's basically what the models are doing rn
Yeap. Some signal might emerge nearer to, and if Trump shits his pants at the debate he could lose. I'll be fair to Trump: He probably won't shit in his drawers. Probably.
I think the closer we get to the election the more you can just go to the polls, and those might still be wrong but it's basically straightforward. But right now they're using all kinds of historical stuff that e.g. doesn't know the challenger is a former incumbent, doesn't know about Roe, etc
this was always his villain arc
not sure he'll ever become as poisoned as The Glem, but i can definitely see him settling down into a C-list style of cranks in the style of Bill Maher that media orgs can call on when they want a heterodox political opinion that drives clicks
He's gonna find Jesus, repent, spend a decade in the wilderness and try to have a comeback, but unlike Donna Summer, he was never cool to begin with.
No, G Elliot Morris is holding his fursona captive. This is what has led to Silver spiraling into madness.