silent cartographer

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silent cartographer

from brazil. architecture and urbanism student, tired leftist
i make maps for a living. its also a halo reference
If someone finds themselves without shelter they should be able to call 911 to get a ride to a free studio apartment they can stay in as long as they like
When I was a teen I used to find intriguing older people who seemingly had no partner, weren't looking, and didn't seem to even desire one. And now what I can say is: yeah, I get it
Não consigo entender o conceito de 'turismo sustentável', do tipo criar trilhas como se fosse uma forma de proteger o meio ambiente. Sustentável é caminhar ao redor da sua casa, usando as roupas que você já tem, consumindo as coisas que você já consome
Quem topa? Trilha que vai do RJ ao RS tem 4.000 km e exige 7 meses 4.300 km em uma rota que vai do Rio de Janeiro ao Rio Grande do Sul. Esse é o desafio a ser enfrentado pelo aventureiro que quiser fazer a maior trilha do Brasil: o Caminho da Mata Atlântica.Chico Sch...
Eu achava que a estética de post de tio de zap/facebook era exclusividade da direita mas essa rede social prova que a esquerda também sabe fazer meme sem graça, fascinante
He died doing what he loved: making obvious and pointless replies to women’s posts.
“The spirit of the staircase” describes the experience of thinking of the perfect reply too late. “The spirit of the thumb” is when you realize you could have made your joke funnier only after you’ve posted it
Pqp e não vi uma menção disso na mídia nacional. Brasil passando vergonha.
#Brazil’s ministry of foreign affairs has been forced to apologise to the embassies of Canada, Gabon and Burkina Faso after 3 diplomats’ teenage children – all of whom are Black – were searched at gunpoint by cops. #racism #InstitutionalRacism #ACAB
Brazil apologises after three diplomats’ Black teenagers searched at Ministry of foreign affairs forced to say sorry to Canada, Gabon and Burkina Faso embassies after incident
I sometimes wonder why I like starting over when picking up a game I haven't played in a while, instead of just using my old account. This time its Warframe, but its happened many times before. In my view, two possibilities come to mind:
Yes yes writing and research on social issues is really important and all but let us put on running shoes and go to the gym so we can better shove down this critical theory down our enemies' throats
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
i don't want a system that punishes people for misusing their power. i want a system that does not give people power to control others' livelihood, social connections, or other things they need to live. i want people to be free to leave abusive relationships and abusive jobs
I enjoy watching The Boys but goddamn if it doesn't play the 'sexual assault of a man for laughs' card a lot
Reports: Brazil police have indicted Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association
I think mother used to be so obsessed with having a clean and neat home that it became her whole identity, her entire means of interacting with us and making her feel she had a purpose in the family, that it blocked us from forming any other kind of connection...
Ué pra mim que namorar alguém que recém saiu da adolescência quando se tem quase 30 é coisa de otário, agora apontar isso virou etarismo?
One of my city's officials got removed after being accused of threats against his ex-wife. Aaaand of course he's a retired cop, never fails
Rewatched Sicario (2015) yesterday and this time I managed to really absorb the tension in some scenes, particularly when the team is crossing the border back to the US and right before the operation at the end of the movie. Villeneuve's one of my favorite directors and I enjoy this ability of his.
if there is one survival skill I would REALLY like everyone opposed to the fascist GOP to learn right now, it's "do not say things on the public internet that will provide authorities with useful pretenses for coming after you."
what i am saying is "don't say dumb things on the public internet that could theoretically be used to give authorities an excuse to fuck with you"
Vi esse post aqui e lembrei como o senso comum sobre PEDs ainda diz que a pessoa que usa fica broxa e amplifica outros efeitos da testosterona. Não é todo anabol que causa esses efeitos. Sem falar que nem todo mundo que usa tem pau. +
Serial killer on TV: - extremely smart - also, cunning like an animal - charismatic but cold ‐ troubled childhood - operatic sensibilities - can only be caught by the greatest detective Serial killer IRL: - just a cop - a regular cop - cops won't stop him because he is a cop
Besides the many other more important and interesting things this story tells, what caught my attention was Wire Magazine's description of the EFF founders: some kind of drug addled 'rebels', leaders of a grassroots movement, some kind of working-class visionaires. +
All EFF’d Up | Yasha The lords of the internet care very little about user privacy—what they want to preserve, is their own commercial license against government regulation of any kind.
Brazil's lower house has passed legislation that would require local government to inform GPS services (eg. Google Maps) about "dangerous locations", which will then display this to users. This will certainly not reinforce prejudices against urban central and poorer areas. (1/2)
Aprovado na Câmara projeto que obriga GPS a informar locais perigosos - O portal da Geoinformaçã Na última terça-feira (11), o Plenário da Câmara dos Deputados aprovou regime de urgência para o Projeto de Lei 6446/19, que estabelece a obrigatoriedade dos
Boss: asks me to keep her informed about all projects and things I'm working on & assigns me to a bunch of different projects Also boss: creates a specific tag for my emails, sets to remove from inbox and ignores them, asks me to email her about what I'm doing
“Pronatalist messages have made their way from the outer fringe into mainstream circles with the help of uncharacteristically quiet funding from the Musk Foundation,” including $10 million to set up the Population Wellbeing Initiative at the UT Austin.
Elon Wants You to Have More Musk, father of at least 12, has been quietly buying mainstream respectability for fringe theories about a coming population collapse.
Found this post on tumblr and it opened my eyes to the meaning of "fragile masculinity". It's not that masculinity or being masculine is itself fragile. It's fragile in the sense that it can be easily revoked if you are not deemed manly by your peers. Good read.
Joe Versus the Fucking Volcano. Go Watch I'm a little high so now is the perfect time to write shit. TW: mention of violence and (briefly) of suicide Today's shit is: Stop saying Fragile Masculinity unless you know what the fuck you're ta…
End of feed.