
Nobody is prepared for this jolt to the legal system. The Supreme Court has shifted an unfathomable amount of power from Congress and the executive brach toward unelected, unaccountable federal judges. This will fundamentally alter how government works.
I imagine there's soon going to be a lot of federal judges driving around in luxury cars and buying new vacation homes.
And how else does one get to said vacation home…?
We are fucking doomed. The second insurrectionist coup began today and this right wing SCOTUS lit the match to our democracy to help the MAGAt GOP.
It's motte-and-bailey. They're conceding that they can't reliably hold the popularly elected offices any more; the courts are theirs for a generation, and there they will retreat.
Mark, I know the current Congress won't do this, but could a sane Congress (lulz), create a Chevron Law that would tilt the balance back?
In theory, yes, Congress can amend the APA to restore Chevron. In practice, no. SCOTUS will either pretend the amendment is ambiguous (like they just did with the bump stock case), or they'll adopt Thomas's argument that it's unconstitutional.
The SCOTUS will just overrule it They have already proven themselves more than willing to declare actual reasonable law to be unconstitutional
I know, but the more you make them say "No actually, we are the kings of this country." the better.
At some point you’d hope there was enough momentum and evidence to get change.
Jamelle Bouie posted this Harvard Law Review article. The tl;dr is that the Roberts Court is an "imperial court" that is play a game of Calvinball to strip away from any other alternative source of rule-making power (the executive, the bureaucracy, Congress, lower courts etc.) other than itself.
The Imperial Supreme Court - Harvard Law The past few years have marked the emergence of the imperial Supreme Court. Armed with a new, nearly bulletproof majority, conservative Justices on the...
"This will fundamentally alter how government works." Beg to differ. It will create whole new ways by which government doesn't work.
Yeah, this is the real (and desired) result.
Well if Congress wants to, they can take it away from the courts and give it back. They are the ones who gave the ultimate say over what courrs can and can’t decide on. Yeah, not gonna hold my breath, either.
They’re turning the U.S. into an oligarchy that can manipulate and rule forever one giant step at a time. We’re now on step five or so (Shelby County & Citizens United were somewhere near the beginning of this anti democracy project).
Here’s the thing about the damage caused by #SCOTUScorruption – IT CAN BE REVERSED. Just like SCOTUS reversed Roe v. Wad, a future SCOTUS can undo the destruction that has been unleashed by the corrupted ideologues sitting in seats for which they are abysmally unqualified.
This is certainly true. But (a) I'm elderly and I probably won't see repairs in my remaining lifetime; and (b) I really want to see these bastards pay some sort of price for what they've done, and that probably won't happen either short of bloody conflict, which would also harm innocents.
It’s like election night 2016 when comprehension of possibilities crashed over me in waves. People are not ready. I’m not ready
They are teeing up project 2025 Their goal is to remake the constitution to fit their christofacist ideology. With Trump as their King Women need to take notice- welcome to Gilead is not a joke
It's over. All of it. They won.
OTOH most conservative judges weren't abiding by Chevron anyways. It's a shit ruling but actually might provide liberals with openings to knee cap any future Republican Admin and the Supreme Court
Weren't the 'conservative' justices big fans of stare decisis? And they just overturned 100 years of freaking president with this one? And of 50yrs with overturning Roe?
They're gonna get all the bribes--ahem, gratuities--now!
With zero checks. Congress passes the principles. Then has approval over budget & administration. Ghost buster judges deciding what ruling will get them the most support before (McDonald) & now, the biggest tip.