
More and more I'm coming to believe this one thing is the root cause of so many problems that are often blamed on other things.
Wall Street’s pathological and ruinous demand that companies show perpetual growth, as opposed to healthy sustainable profits, is only possible in a world where firms are allowed to lock up markets, eliminate competition and collect increasing extractive rents at increasing scale.
I'd go the other way on the cause-and-effect (I think the root problem is allowing too many firm mergers and not breaking apart mega-firms, and these problems are downstream from that, rather than wall street quarterlies driving firms to lock-up markets and eliminate competition), but yes.
But either way, firms can only impose extractive rents because customers can't easily switch out the abusive provider to other, broadly-compatible providers
my weird pet policy is that airlines shouldn't be able to own more than a third of the gates at any airport servicing a sufficiently large metro area. it's exactly this but it's a rare case where the public owns key infrastructure and can set rules that force competition w/o splitting a company.
Same but with ISPs and utilities but also add public competition where needed.
The GOP has eroded and rigged the rules of the markets (including through non enforcement) that the outcome of expected market behaviors is what we have today. It’s a failure of governance, not market actors.
even upstream of this, it’s the lack of tax they simply shouldn’t have the money.
The Dead Hand of Reagan never fails to strangle.
The arrogance, hatred and greed of both Reagan and Thatcher have cost so very many lives, and will take far too many more yet.
Also the fact that people can buy a company with other people's money, loot it to bankruptcy, and suffer no adverse consequences.
Its kind of funny, business used to be when someone(s) had a desire to provide a product and a service. The old idea that I adore cooking for others and making them happy, or I designed a widget to solve this issue. All that shit is gone, consumed by greed. buy local.
That used to be illegal but that was four decades ago.
*cues up the Sarah McLachlan* If you regular people just hunted and executed 2 billionaires every 2 years on PPV we could solve so many of societies problems. Remind them they are mortal & no mountain of money can save them from our rage.
Everybody dies, and nothing grows forever.
Hi we haven't met. I'm the immortal sociopath.
I think we’re more empathetic with the whole guillotine bit. And I know my underwear is immortal, so Close enough….
Yeah but the US has more guns than guillotines so I was playing to the strengths
Absolutely! Watching private equity roll up vet practices, medical, and child care should scare the hell out of everyone.
Yep. The idea that companies exist purely for the benefit of shareholders needs to be vastly scaled back.
It's honestly maddening that so many people are convinced that it's firmly established law, that it might as well be.
My personal theory is that this, unlimited political fundraising, and gerrymandering are the big three democracy killers. Judicial lifetime appointments runs a close fourth.
Throw in the complete collapse of local journalism (which just so happens to be largely the result of demand for perpetual growth over sustainable profits).
Like, how much of the inflation we're seeing would be remedied by a little (or a lot) of antitrust actions?
The FTC initiated a price fixing investigation into grocery and there were immediate price drops. They are also now investigating the people that organized the apartment rental cartel.
is this not all literally Late Capitalism
No. But it's what many people pretend is.
I mean I'd argue it's only not "late stage" because there are so many more parts to strip out of industry and society before they run out of ways to make number go up But I'm basically a communist and am aware of other arguments and respect that they may be valid
Debatably, this kind of industry plunder is more indicative of an era with relatively few direct external pressures that might force institutions to prioritize efficiency. Between climate change and a global uptick in armed conflict, it's an era that might also be coming to an end.
The term late capitalism unintentionally implies an inevitability. I think it might be better to rebrand it as what it was, unregulated capitalism. Remind people that we are approaching the triangle shirtwaist, kids hands getting cut off era of American history.
Even the "regulated" capitalism we had sucked ass but using Gilded Age imagery might have a mote profound effect on peoples' perspectives. Talk about union massacres and political machines with people you know so they understand where we are socioeconomically.
And somehow it only happens in the one country with the most awful old polarizing and deadlocking electoral law of the developed world.
Well, that and the collapse of antitrust enforcement, which gave the green light to massive market concentration as a viable path to such growth.
We could say that it's not so much base capitalism as it is meta-capitalism. The practices (law, banking, consulting) that serve largely to reduce the players' anxiety about the risks of the capitalist engine.
Since I keep getting notifications on this, I was thinking, manufacturing capitalism was physical, visible, and therefore more fixable in regulatory processes. The dark money/law firm+investment bankers+private equity+VC+stock buybacks nexus is WAY harder and thus still wreaks havoc.
I've argued since I was in college 20+ years ago that this would eventually collapse the United States as an economic power. Britain's issues will come here.
I personally think constant rebuilding due to global warming is going to bankrupt us first, but this is certainly not helping :-)
Its like they never met the logistic function "S" curve in their MBA programs. Exponential growth leading to addressable market saturation and flattening of growth to the "farming" stage of reliable, ongoing profit was one of the very first things I ever learned in product development work.
TBH given the lack of anti-trust enforcement since Reagan*, it makes perverted sense. *Save for Biden Admin
Perpetual growth of a cell is cancer.
Flawed metrics for and measurements of value
I learned finance in the early 90s. There was a concept of the cash cow that was well managed and produced dividends. Over the years the stock market has forced everything into the growth model and killed the cash cows. Part of this is executives compensated in equity chasing stock price rises.