Dyatlov Ass Incident

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Dyatlov Ass Incident


He/him. Elder millennial. Infosec slave. Lefty. Homosexual idiot.
Washington, DC.
The man is a haunted ventriloquist dummy, a brownshirted neutron star of pure grievance, void of all empathy, forged over at least two, possibly three decades of being called "Gay D Vance" in his presence. He brings nobody to the table that Trump didn't already have. He's just a toady.
Uh… what “The campaign says his bio appeals not just to working-class people but also to suburban women — voters Trump is working hard to attract. "All you have to do is show people the movie," says one Vance adviser, referring to the Netflix adaptation…” www.axios.com/2024/07/16/t...
Behind the Curtain: Why J.D.www.axios.com Trump loved the veepstakes drama, and milked it until hours before the Republican convention opened.
The spinelessness of the Democrats is so fucking embarrassing. As if anything that ever happened in early July has ever determined the outcome of a November election. The news cycle in 2024 is like six hours. This will all be ancient history in three weeks. Grow a pair, for god's sake.
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's candidacywww.axios.com Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
It’s never not funny when mainstream Democrats encounter the concept of actual power. Like a macaque fumbling around with a TI-83.
Trump is literally a convict that ain't a painting, it's a photo
I wouldn’t say that I like this place, it seems like a big incestuous circular firing squad because people here don’t have anyone else to argue with, but it’s better by miles than the shitshow on the old place as long as you block the scolds and gatekeepers on sight.
If you just try to imagine him sitting through a viewing of 'O Brother, Where Art Thou?' it's a very funny thought experiment.
this is completely disqualifying for a presidential candidate
Everyone knows who they're voting for and has known for at least the last year, save for a statistically insignificant number of dunces (mostly insecure weirdos who do know, but just want attention), but it's cool that y'all just spent two weeks filling diaper after diaper over this.
Every day, every act of journalistic malpractice by the Post and the Times, I get more convinced that the media's dead eyed focus on Biden's sundowning is a concerted effort to air this all out so that it's litigated, dead, and over with well before October.
I pulled that bowl out a little too early (it was a little too soupy but I was hungry). The flavors were there, though, and the rest of it stayed on the stove to cook down, so the leftovers will be right on the money. Calling it a day well spent.
It's way too hot a day to have every part of my stove/oven going full tilt, but tomatillos and peppers are finally in season at the farmers market, which means it's time to suffer through it and make some motherfucking top tier chili verde.
It's way too hot a day to have every part of my stove/oven going full tilt, but tomatillos and peppers are finally in season at the farmers market, which means it's time to suffer through it and make some motherfucking top tier chili verde.
Rewatching the Saw movies and my god what a prissy little drama queen Jigsaw was. Like a spoiled rich goth girl at her quinceañera forcing everyone to listen to her read her shitty "dark" poetry out of her Mead composition book.
If the dems understood the first thing about wielding power Joe would be on tv right now promising a presidential pardon and a million dollars cash to the first person to [redacted]
Cheer up! It's still completely plausible that either candidate will drop dead of natural causes related to their advanced age between now and November.
A night where everyone hears what they want to hear. Who could have predicted it?
Thankful to live in the one DC neighborhood where all the pubs on the block tell nerds to go pound sand when they ask if they’re going to be showing the debate with sound.
Looking forward to reading this same story about CVS in about 6-12 months because they haven't figured out that most of us would rather die from a hygiene-related illness than ask someone to unlock three separate cabinets to get shampoo, body wash, and deodorant.
Walgreens will close a “significant portion” of its 8,600 U.S. locations over the next three years as it struggles to keep up with a rapidly evolving retail pharmacy industry, the company announced Thursday.
Walgreens to shutter many stores as profits tumblewapo.st The retail pharmacy giant expects to close a “significant portion” of its 8,600 U.S. locations over the next three years.
Or even at a certain attention span. I'm not leaned in with a pair of opera glasses and a notepad here - I'm listening, but I'm also doing a crossword and looking at recipes where you stuff a food with other foods so maybe toss that chyron up there a couple more times.
documentary filmmakers need to realize that some of their viewers will be at a certain age and would very much like it if they kept re-indentifying people from earlier scenes, like over and over
Accepted a random invite to join Nextdoor tonight and I gotta say these people have problems that I do not have expertise in.
It would be great if mice were like spiders- if they ate other pests and it was good to have a couple cute lil mouse buddies at home- instead of being little goblins that get into your dry goods and shit everywhere. Anyway, I was summoned to battle last night. I won, but I never feed good about it.
Damn it all. He was one of the good ones. Fuck cancer, man.
I'm very sad to hear the news that @fyrescotch.bsky.social has passed on. He was always such a funny and dependably decent guy on this site and back on Twitter where I met him. My thoughts and sympathies are with the family and friends who knew him best ♥️
It's been nearly six months since I've quit it with the nicotine products and I'm honestly amazed at how many empty Marlboro 27 packs and spent juul pods I turned up while spring cleaning this little condo of mine.