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Snork mama. Neo pagan feminist ♀️
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The 8th of July, 2024. Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine - biggest country in Europe. Children hospital. Civilian infrastructure. Russia is a terrorist state. #UkrainianView
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russians launched a missile attack and hit a famous child clinic in the center of Kyiv in broad daylight the result of the attack is at least 5 people dead and 9 wounded as of now.
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These people are beyond belief. This is Mary Harrington, a UK TERF who has been taken up by US Christian Conservatives. This 'feminist' has sold herself to the same Christian zealots who are taking away the right to abortion #heritagefoundation #maryharrington #ukterfs #antifeminism
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Apparently 16 dead kids is just a good start, for these Cass-emboldened horrors. If you're in Scotland please make some noise at your representative about this. Details about the deaths can be found on the Good Law website, on their campaign to overturn the puberty blockers ban.
Scottish government advised to halt puberty The advice is one recommendation from those looking into how the Cass review could be applied in Scotland.
Labour appear to have appointed Ashley Dalton as Women and Equalities Minister. She is MP for West Lancashire - which is where I grew up. The only thing I know about Dalton is that she identifies as a gay woman. Is this a good sign? #uk #ashleydalton #transrights
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Naturally, they didn’t get much media attention outside of the LGBT press, even though every fucking tweet JKR posts gets an article written about it. But you can help spread the word. Tell your friends:
Anyway fuck him. Party politics as a means to achieving gains for trans people appears to be over, for the time being. But I’m not despairing - those young trans people who protested at NHS England were really inspiring. Immensely proud of them.
Teenage trans activists scale NHS England London HQ as protest enters third Stonewall co-founder Lisa Power reacts: “It’s good to see young people taking direct action against injustice” The post Teenage trans activists scale NHS England London HQ as protest enters third day ...
My parents lied to me all my life and I had to find out in my 50s that I am intersex. It was only when I read about it that I found out the doctors would tell parents never to tell their children why they'd been surgically altered. #intersex
MIMI: Intersex Activist | Interesting & SeXY : Episode To support my work, you can check out my (and my band - Mystic Tea Party's) merch! to Interesting and SeXY, a podcast...
The word needs to end the billionaire ownership of the media. I'm pretty certain that the reason why Scandinavia is realtively safer than the anglosphere is because Rupert Murdoch doesn't speak our languages
When you see the way the press is treating Joe Biden for aging in public, you see how they could treat Donald Trump for committing fraud, rape, espionage, and insurrection and never, ever will.
Dr Hilary Cass, the author of the controversial review on trans healthcare in the UK, is set to be made a crossbench peer. I guess this was the price for throwing away her credibility #cass #uk #transphobia #terfisland
Alister Jack given knighthood – but no peerage – in dissolution honours ALISTER Jack is to receive a knighthood in Rishi Sunak’s dissolution honours list ...
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Roberta Elizabeth Marshall Cowell (1918 – 2011) was a British racing driver and Second World War fighter pilot. She was the first known British trans woman to undergo gender-affirming care & surgery in 1951. Here she is posing with racing car, with her father, and with friends. And happy!
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Until today I've only knownBayswater from discussions where they've been described as 'gender critical activists'. Reading this article though I see now that, like so many UK TERF groups, there is a hidden agenda at work behind the public activism. 🤬 #terfisland #transphobia #transchildren #uk
‘One day they may thank us for that “abuse”’: Inside the Bayswater… On Discord, parents discussed destroying their children’s belongings and blocking access to Childline to ‘stop’ them being trans
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Hey so…we are in the middle of a far right coup and the far right is telling you they are going to continue and if we try to stop them they will resort to open violence.This is cartoonish and people need to push these fascist now. Not tomorrow not next week we need massive protests and direct action
They still don't. Most peopledon't have the faintest idea what puberty blockers even are. It's been very easy for the TERFs and Christian zealots to spread fear exactly because no one knows what puberty blockers actually are #transphobia #transhildren #transrights #pubertyblockers
Hm, No One Had a Problem With Puberty Blockers When Only Cis Kids Took Lawmakers hell-bent on taking puberty blockers away from trans kids are ignoring all the research that says they're safe for everyone.
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GeNDeR cRiTIcal Compact Magazine Editor Nina Power sued someone for calling her a fascist, she lost and had to pay court costs, and in discovery a ton of evidence that she is indeed a fascist were made public.
Nina Nina Power has lost the High Court libel claim that she and Daniel 'DC' Miller brought against me. In the ruling, the judge described their conduct as an aggressive course of bullying with the whiff o...
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My letter in today’s Herald about the political establishment pandering to JK Rowling and her anti trans obsession while ignoring the majority of women and women’s issues