seven syllables

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seven syllables

looking for a left handed guitar player
international hothead
relaxation mechanic
Just staring at my law degree wondering why I spent six figures on something that turns out to be “just vibes!!!!!”
Good morning! ✌️☕️
Avatar I like to imagine you’re the José I think you are
Can we as a people inform our government, which is an employee of the people, that we got to reconfigure this shit? We need to put a stop to this Supreme Court overreach. Then change the name because supreme is too supremasist and frankly, too on the nose at this point.
Too many “firsts” “since the Second World War” going around for comfort
if you see this post a photo without explanation
If you see this post a photo without explanation
If it's a crime to be homeless then paying an hourly wage that is insufficient to pay for housing means you're an accessory at a minimum
Trump should drop out. For his many crimes. Also for his inability to express any knowledge on any topic. Where are those headlines?
Also too: imagine if every NYT pundit used their valuable space this morning to call on Rs to ditch Trump for being held liable for sexual abuse, for committing 34 felonies, and for lying about literally everything. They could do that! They don't! I wonder why!
white people are the problem
Donald Trump cannot answer straightforward questions about anything. He can’t answer them from regular people; he can’t answer them on a debate stage, and he can’t answer them under oath — at least if he doesn’t want a perjury charge. And he’s not the answer for this country or this election.
Can we get comprehensive live third party observed recorded and streamed, drug tested, cognitive tests for both primary party candidates please? It's a base expectation at this point.
black cat demands I worship him gray cat is more aloof
The reason the US is doing everything they can to block investigations, slow walk their own State Department reports, and impede the investigations of the International Criminal Court is because they know that not only is Israel committing war crimes, but the US is complicit.
I hope that fancy French restaurant we're going to has a place for me to plug in my box fan.
my best friend died three months ago. It’s the finality of it all
this is big “it’s one banana, what could it cost” energy. There are like 8 billion people in the world and the *average* global household income is under $10k a year, there simply are not a billion people in the world who are going to buy a $20k robot every year
Musk apparently said Tesla will make robots for $10k, sell them for $20k, and capture 10% of a 1 billion unit/year market, making $1 trillion in annual profits. Bro can't even be bothered to make these numbers sound not pulled directly from his ass, this is like 11 year old level bullshitting.
Why haven't The Democrats impeached Clarence Thomas? Seriously. I am asking.
(take on me voice) 🎶 fuuuuuuck thiiiiiiis shiiiiiit
I’m a Luddite but I’d also like to be made into a robot after death. What are we if not our contradictions?
20 Q’s: 1. Do you smoke/drink? What kind? How much? 2. Do you play video games? Which? How often? 3. Do you watch porn? What kind? How often? 4. Do you recycle? 5. Do you dance? 6. Don’t camp? 7. Do you believe in God? 8. Are you politically active? 9. Do you read (whole books)? 10. Do you cook?
It’s so easy to fall in love
The United States is a fundamentally racist country and no one can convince me otherwise.
BREAKING: The Oklahoma Supreme Court has dismissed the Tulsa Race Massacre case, in what was likely the final opportunity for survivors to receive justice
BREAKING: Oklahoma Supreme Court dismisses Tulsa race massacre In an 8 to 1 decision, the Oklahoma Supreme Court has dismissed the Tulsa Race Massacre case.