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someday i would like to try real bossam kimchi 보쌈김치
is the dummy wearing a ukip cockade? really hope that’s a bit
he also died a little over three months into his third term without actually preparing his successor. so while i do wish the NYT would run far more articles about the fact that trump is a rapist and a crook, not sure the media not being as deferential now is entirely a bad thing.
AQI of 151 to 200 is considered “Unhealthy: all New Yorkers should limit strenuous and prolonged (more than one hour) outdoor activities.” max AQI during 2021 wildfires surrounding Denver: 140 typical AQI in NYC in July: 30-40
Due to the fireworks, New York City's air quality is the worst in the world tonight. When AQI is low, it's a good idea to wear a mask to protect your health. But this could soon be a crime, as one of the mask ban bills prohibits masks at "lawful assemblies." #NoNYMaskBan
2:1 deals on gummies. gotten so good we hardly ever smoke anymore. all the technology blossomed underground during the drug war is now in full fruit. & he just had no friends. have no views to offer on aquariums myself, so he abused his power by subjecting me to his tedious monologues
look, this whole situation has me almost stanning kamala. we’re all in a strange place we never knew could exist
the weirdest part for me was paying with a debit card. no cash, no change, no sitting on some boring dude’s couch for an hour as he makes you talk to him about his aquarium when you just want to get your weed and go.
the Bauru is a great sandwich, but this is excellent
and it’s difficult to impossible to get hired for white collar jobs in your 50’s. Fink doesn’t want people to work until they’re 70, he wants people to be destitute before they’re 70
well, not so much defeating as politely telling, “maybe you’ve gone far enough already.”
the Economist cover is bullshit, but Roosevelt was about 20 years younger than Biden in that picture. Also he was Roosevelt, not Biden.
The Way To Run A Country
saving the country from trump is important, but not as important as saving the party from sanders/warren
the human mind is essentially a kind of MLM, and it will cheat you any chance it gets
1.3k likes all from completely insufferable people
american beer can’t even beer
still not convinced that the walleye doesn’t appear larger than it was in real life due to dastardly tricks of photography
unfortunately, i must have seen a later production. still, grateful i got to grow up in a town with such a vibrant artistic community thanks to you and all of your colleagues
don’t worry, we’d have to find you on a map first
would you remember when that production was staged? pretty sure we got taken to see it on a school field trip. can’t think of anywhere else i would have seen “Anything Goes” in Sarasota in the 80’s, and it’s such a vivid memory.
very glad you made it through. but sad that the Golden Apple is no more. used to ride my bike past it on pineapple street as a kid, and it seemed like one of the fixtures that made Sarasota a real city.
keir “we won’t rejoin europe in my lifetime” stammer IS their death throes.
his resignation meant most of the women who accused him weren’t dragged through a media spotlight. still think that was worth it even though it means that weirdos will continue their weird defense of him
Reposted byAvatar Dmitri
July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass was invited to address citizens of his Rochester, NY on the 76th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Douglass used occasion to remind audience of the U.S.'s continuing enslavement of millions of people. This speech is often read July 4th.
(1852) Frederick Douglass, "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth Of July" • On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass was invited to address the citizens of his hometown, Rochester, New York. Whatever the expectations of his audience on that 76th anniversary of the signing of the D...
that article sure made me loose a lot of respect for jane mayer, who wrote it
jfc. HE RESIGNED BEFORE THE INVESTIGATION STARTED. the one decent thing franken did, don’t take it away from him.
sorry that my reply came out snarkier than intended. we’re required to carry liability coverage in the US as well, but premiums for newer cars are definitely more expensive
390 million year old tracks of our earliest vertebrate ancestors just sitting there for you to look at is just mind blowing
Jesus wants you to study macroevolution. Sign showing the location of the oldest tetrapod tracks in the Zachelmie quarry, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. 🧪 ⚒️ #Geology #Paleobio #EvoBio
how much did the value of the car increase over that time? because that’s how car prices work, right?
probably appeals to their core audience, the same one for which ads for multi-million dollar manhattan lofts are printed in their magazine
scientologists sure do put the “cult” in culture
if reactionaries give you a pat on the head, it must mean you’re a serious person above petty partisanship