Bobby Profile

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Bobby Profile

hopeless generalist / generally hopeless

professional landlord antagonist

I've been watching movies again:
JD Vance, candidate of the political turn. Agonistic pluralism 2024
J.D. Vance has directly and openly invoked Carl Schmitt and finding him persuasive in explaining his evolution to becoming a devoted illiberal NatCon. I know Schmitt is not a name normies recognize, but still, that Vance considers a literal Nazi one of his ideological role models is newsworthy.
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In the opening lines of Hillbilly Elegy, Vance is warned about cottonmouths by the swimming hole. But Jackson, KY lies clearly outside the range of any American cottonmouth species. Is contemporary conservatism founded on mythology of nonexistent threats to rural communities? In this essay I will
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Elon Musk is a hateful little shit, so I have no reason to doubt this is sincere, but don't sleep on the fact that he (barely) lost his (completely frivolous) attempt to keep his Nat'l Labor Relations Board complaints heard in the 5th Circuit (in Texas) instead of the 9th Circuit (in California)
the RNC explicitly coming after Griswold v. Connecticut, only strengthens my opposition to all the law professors who are dismissive of Douglas' "penumbras formed by emanations" formulation. sorry you can't deal with ambiguity, but it's penumbras all the way down. we must defend our emanations
Kamala is 60????
OK, I've done the math (aided by existing online tables), and the Trump-Vance ticket will have the largest age gap in US major-party history
crow eating popcorn scattered in the middle of the street. a block down, another solitary crow snatching popped kernels from the middle of that same street
why do they look like an 80s/90s college/alt/indie rock band who reunited for an album release anniversary tour even though they all hate each other
The Large Head Son Brothers and their Large Head Sister, Marge
numbers like this suggest that, contra the 'incumbency is everything' dead-enders, Biden substantially underperforms a median replacement Democratic candidate. otoh, one could imagine that in November, most of the electorate voting for those Senators will ultimately check a box for Biden as well
In Virginia, Biden is underperforming the incumbent Democratic senator by 15 points. In Pennsylvania, by 10-14. In Wisconsin, by 10.
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In Virginia, Biden is underperforming the incumbent Democratic senator by 15 points. In Pennsylvania, by 10-14. In Wisconsin, by 10.
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JD Vance has “banned from the mall” face
is there an official line yet on whether Trump was actually grazed by a bullet, or was instead cut by glass from a teleprompter that was struck by a bullet?
Reposted byAvatar Bobby Profile
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
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Deal, New Jersey Population: 719 Photos from Google Places API Link:,_New_Jersey
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Historically Hindenbergian messaging
Historically bizarre messaging to be telling people that fascism is at the gates and this is the most historic election of all time. Also we're going to put forth a semi conscious candidate and stop campaigning so the temperature can turn down and we wish Hitler 2 a speedy recovery
Ron Howard you fucking goober. You absolute rube
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Violence is one of America’s chief exports and yet acting like an appalled, blameless victim when that violence comes home is one of the quintessential aspects of our national character
for me, Trump getting grazed doesn't carry any sense of an irruption of the real. just another always-already infinitely mediated cipher
Reposted byAvatar Bobby Profile
The automatic assumption that every major assassination attempt on a politician is motivated by politics is so funny. The last guy to shoot an American president did it to impress Jodie Foster. That was literally his only motive!
Reposted byAvatar Bobby Profile
Washington Post: Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pa – a registered Republican, according to the state’s voter status records. From their Live Updates page.
I'll say this: this site allows you to set posts so that they can only be replied to by people you follow, or by nobody. One could promote one's work and muse out loud here and not see much harassment or criticism. At the end of the day if you're replying to critics, it's because you're a Poster
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driving and shaking my head the whole time so people know I'm not traffic
fisheries have entered the chat
Saw a bumper sticker that said “no farms no food” and I honked and yelled that I’m PRO-food. 😂
Reposted byAvatar Bobby Profile
Looked through who Karin Smyth MP follows on Twitter and its (1) other MPs and (2) single-issue anti-trans accounts. Fuck Labour
no shit Joe, you're the big donor candidate! you were their vehicle for defeating the small-donor candidate, that's why you're President. no whining when they decide you're past use
liberals are so bad at liberalism
again, the defenses of Biden staying in the race I'm seeing basically come down to two propositions: 1) people are already decided on which party they're voting for, so Biden's condition hasn't significantly impacted poll performance and won't change the election result, BUT:
the best argument that could be made for Biden being the candidate is that most policy decisions are made by appointees, so it's the party that's important, not the President (true) and that if he became absolutely, undeniably unfit, he would be replaced by Harris, same as if she was the candidate