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Too online for my family, too real for my online.
Reposted byAvatar Montrith
Look I Know Miss J.D. Ferguson Said This Pot Was Used By Bonnie Prince Charlie But As A Local Historian I Have Standards You Know.
When this kid goes to school it will be like Dorothy being transported from B&W Kansas to Oz.
this is so depressing i thought it was a joke at first and i am aghast to realize it is not
Delicious Japanese style curry for lunch today. I don't make it that often cause it's a lot of hassle for one eater, but man is it nice to know I have curry in the fridge when I get home from work tomorrow.
Lol Google Maps telling me to "Drive on straight" when I was sitting with my car parked on a ferry in the middle of a lake.
I'm not sure what this tells about me, but I'm sure it's something.
You can learn a lot about a person based on who their favourite muppet is
It's not been great news a lot this year, but at least now we can have a blissful few days of celebrating Tories getting absolutely fucked in the UK elections.
Reposted byAvatar Montrith
✅️ Far-right Dutch gov't collapsing before it even gets going ✅️ Tories absolutely dumpstered in Britain ☑️ Trump's poor health finally catches up with him C'mon fate I'm not asking for much but that'd really make my night
Getting sadder and angrier the more I reduce my pain med dosage, so if any time soon you hear news of a black void of negativity suddenly opening up somewhere in East Finland sorry, that was probably me.
Reposted byAvatar Montrith
Anime, now for women.
Animee (2011-2012): A UK-only release, made by Molson-Coors, this line of beer was marketed as "beer made for women," noting that it was "bloat-resistant" and "unexpectedly sophisticated." Available in "clear-filered," "crisp rose" and "zesty lemon" varieties
One librarian qualification they don't tell you about when you apply for the job is that you absolutely, definitely need to know how to spell "Auschwitz".
Gave all my English HP books to our library. At first I was just gonna toss them in the garbage, but decided to donate instead. Since I can't stop people from reading HP, at least by borrowing them instead of buying them it's going towards library usage numbers. 1/2
Reposted byAvatar Montrith
Show me you shared the links and promoted the last hours of the kickstarter and I will record myself saying anything you choose (subject to approval, don't be weird). Not asking for pledges, I believe that much that people will support this show once they're aware of it.
We are in the FINAL 18 hours to fund the upcoming season of DoLF! I am asking all of you to take a look yourself, then share it with someone else. You will want more of this show, and you will want to be a part of it:
The Disappearances of Lydia A magical surrealist audio drama about the place where ideas go to die
Reposted byAvatar Montrith
graphic design is my passion
Currently in the middle of switching from one pain medication to another, so you're all on notice and may be terminated at any point should anything else happen to make me feel even more miserable. Run for the hills while you can, cause this might get ugly.
Reposted byAvatar Montrith
From Franz Kafka's diaries.
Reposted byAvatar Montrith
Still open for work!
Heeeey! At the end of April, I will be totally open for work, so if anyone needs a JPN → ENG translator on their team, I’d love to hear from you!
Busy coming up with fake names for all my online exclusive friends, so I don't have to start anecdotes I'm telling my parents with "So I was talking to my friend JizzMaster2000 the other day...".
Guarantee no Panurge, people!
Tomorrow, we start a live reading of "The Case of the Gray Envelope", from archives of the pulp magazine "Detective Weekly". Offering starchy, overwrought description and "cross-buttocking", but no Panurge! Sunday, 2 PM Eastern, And I'm not trying to make stupid voices either. Twitch is the world
Reposted byAvatar Montrith
fuck load up on your physical media if you can. torrent like a madman if you can't. streaming isn't coming to save the day. behave like you got a hot tip about plans to burn the Library of Alexandria.
Sony Group Corp. will reportedly cut around 250 jobs from its recordable media business' key manufacturing hub “It will also gradually cease production of optical disc storage media products, including Blu-ray discs, according to the sources”
Sony Group to cut 250 jobs from recordable media business' key TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Sony Group Corp. will cut around 250 jobs from its recordable media business' key manufacturing hub in northeastern Japan and offer e
Movie night anyone?
watching UNDER PARIS, the movie about a shark terrorizing the Seine. it is a masterpiece
Ability to mute the entire world until the next election is over when? Reality doesn't come with enough features.
Was just about to take my meds, only to look at my notes and see that I already did. Seriously, keeping a medication diary is the only good idea my stupid brain ever came up with.
My mom got a big batch of strawberries from the local farmer and I'm telling you, these are the best fucking strawberries in the world. I've tried so many strawberries, yet I'm always disappointed when I try them elsewhere because these local ones are just so much better by a mile.
Reposted byAvatar Montrith
Incorrect hashtag, because this is a good comic.
It's #makeaterriblecomicday so i made a terrible comic
Watching some sentai show where the villains come up with a genius plan of invading Earth by raining down diamonds from the sky and making everyone go insane with greed digging them up, which is a plan that would probably actually work IRL. Best part though: that villains name? Satan Goth.
Reposted byAvatar Montrith
Utopia is achievable as soon as someone figures out a way to drop private equity people into a tub of raw sewage as soon as they try to approach a business.
"Veterinary prices have soared more than 60% over the past decade, according to federal stats. Private equity firms and large corps have bought 100s of facilities around the country, an acquisition spree reminiscent of the corporate roll-ups of doctors’ offices."
Why You’re Paying Your Veterinarian So People have grown more attached to their pets — and more willing to spend money on them — turning animal medicine into a high-tech industry worth billions.