Holly Hundreds

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Holly Hundreds


you can't let the little pricks generation-gap you. (18+ only, not that there are any minors here. if you know who i am: no you don't)

RIP shadow "koga" the cat, may she rule forever in Mouse Hell
The fishest thing about me is how many baths I take.
now that bill kezos is gone i am willing to bear the weight of loving and lusting for every single woman with a schnozz on this website and also, yes, on this planet. if you're beaked up with it - hi :>
Reposted byAvatar Holly Hundreds
Chappell roan should run for president. I think shed win if she performed red wine supernova at the debate instead of answering questions
Reposted byAvatar Holly Hundreds
me and the girls at the sleepover btw. if you even care
Reposted byAvatar Holly Hundreds
Reposted byAvatar Holly Hundreds
actually going to civil trial on something fucking sucks ass for everyone involved, avoid it at nearly all costs. its mutually assured destruction, no you are not immune and, no, the skill of your attorney barely matters. the best possible outcome is pyrrhic in 95% of cases
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
is there anything in life as sensually heinous as going #2 in a sweltering, humid room? doing so while aunt flo is visiting, i guess. still, to all my Poopy Pals out there: take a glass of ice water to the bathroom with you. Bring a hand towel for your face sweat. We'll make it together
Reposted byAvatar Holly Hundreds
if you immediately think of racist white twinks/crossdressers whenever LGBT issues arise, especially if an LGBT person is criticizing you or someone like you for something, then check out this video essay www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jl9...
The Postmodern Horror of TikTok's Encanto Discoursewww.youtube.com Encanto... a great Disney movie with great themes. But a terrible discourse.MERCH, LEARNING, AND BUSINESS INQUIRIES: https://www.itsall.gayPatreon: https://w...
gender in one image
without downloading new pics, describe your gender in one image
Reposted byAvatar Holly Hundreds
i do not recommend subscribing to moderation lists by people who have like. a shitload of grudges
Reposted byAvatar Holly Hundreds
The emperor sets all his tweets to "Everybody can reply," as a matter of ancient custom. This, of course, does not mean you should reply to him. There are formalities to be observed.
Reposted byAvatar Holly Hundreds
how people managed to make this place more miserable to post on than the site owned by elon musk should be studied by academics
Reposted byAvatar Holly Hundreds
this is just my personal opinion and you may disagree with me. but i would also be cautious about ascribing too much meaning behind being blocked by someone with a lot of followers who gets a lot of replies all the time. or being blocked by anyone at all!
If somebody can tell me who we (trans women?) are fighting, if the answer is not a complicated way of saying "black public intellectuals", and if your victory conditions are anything other than, "keep yelling and yelling until everyone gets tired and sad" then I'll step in line
Reposted byAvatar Holly Hundreds
male socialization is when a series of in retrospect pretty dangerous and/or abusively disrespectful boys get logarithmically close to you over and over without knowing why (they think you're cute but you're both 13 how would you either know) only to react violently/explosively at the last second
jd vance huh. well bless his fuckin heart
you know what? yes. spiders ARE the cats of bugs
i love the hero wars ads so much. Hero Wart, the awful little protagonist, is irresistible to me. i want to post up near him with the upper half of my body poking out of the ground so i can steal his numbers using sex
me: yeah i can't come it's shark week person who doesn't know i'm trans: poor thing me at home watching shark-u-mentaries with my external* genitals: haha yay! wahoo! *technically external
homemaking feels so sacred like it would be cooler to be extremely lucratively employed but there's something so spiritually cleansing about centering your day around service for someone else and then they experience the service and they're like, "WOW WARM DINNER! I WAS TIRED! :0" feels good
Me after being told about the largest potato in the world: True if huge
Using food stamps to buy a big salt shaker full of MSG. Life has its charms.
I wear a corset every day and (with compression socks, knee braces, elbow braces, shoulder braces, and corrective insoles in big sturdy army boots to be FAIR) if I had to choose between daily Excedrin & my corset for pain management I'm going corset every single time. Movies lied to you!
I'm one of those Corset Every Day hags now and it really makes a measurable difference to blood pressure and heart rate stability as well as brain fog. POTS and dysautonomia researchers are creeping towards just saying "corset" in their recommendations at this point, i just skipped ahead
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Reposted byAvatar Holly Hundreds
spirits of dead relatives watching you masturbate: creepy! disturbing shameful feeling spirit of dr ruth watching you masturbate: thrilling! want to do a good job to make her proud