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Local Art Cryptid just trying her best
She/Her ✨ Gaming Nerd ✨ 🩷💜💙
Occasionally does art when her brain isn't soup

✨Always looking for more art, TTRPG, & gaming peeps to scream into the void with✨
Reposted byAvatar MothMa'am
I wish all my art pals a very happy you are amazing for drawing despite everything. Outer AND inner forces. You rockstar. You legend. You shining jewel on the night sky! 💕💕💕
Sitting here drawing for #Artfight, staring at character reference & thinking "hehehe you don't even know what's coming!" like some sort of cartoon villain whose Evil Plans™️ are giving people fun fan art of their dope characters :p #art #drawing #Artfight2024
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Hello Everyone! I made Artist Support Server, [ASS]!!! The purpose of this place is to support each others, share art, give feedbacks, talk OCs, and get to know more artists! Feel free to join and have fun!
Reposted byAvatar MothMa'am
It's not "I suffered so you should too," it's "I suffered and no one else should ever have to."
Reposted byAvatar MothMa'am
You do art? I love you for it. It's a gift for the world!
Reposted byAvatar MothMa'am
If you told yourself you were gonna practice drawing faces only for your brain to say "hard pass" & decide it wanted to just paint a landscape instead, clap your hands 👏👏 #art #painting
Reposted byAvatar MothMa'am
If you've never been to my stream and if you like a chill place to hang, it'd be dope if you wanna check it out. I don't really talk a lot about it cos I'm quite frankly fucking over hustling. But I've streamed for 8 years and I think I'm alright at it <3 Spread so folks find this, maybe? <3
Reposted byAvatar MothMa'am
Reminder to my artist friends that this awesome site exists. It lets you pick a species of animal, set the orientation of the skull, and then search for pictures of that animal that match the skull position. Also, consider tipping the creator if you found it useful!
Keep a sketchbook. Practice in it whenever you can. Don't be afraid to make trash art or try drawing things you don't think you can, because you will. No one ever has to see the inside of that book but you. It's awesome to get to see your progress & have a place to explore without feeling judged
Quote repost with 1 helpful piece of art advice you wish you knew earlier than you did! ✨ Let's get an advice train going
Reposted byAvatar MothMa'am
Stoat And - Original Artwork Auction ⛵ Shares help me out so much and you'll have my undying love 💛 Details in thread:
Watched a friend play through some Half-Life 2 yesterday & was inspired to draw my favorite lil menace from the series :3 #drawing #art #games #halflife
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Reposted byAvatar MothMa'am
Would mean the world if you'd want to support me rn <3
New Patreon post is live and it contains a travel blog and everything! Means the world if you'd like to support me. Patreon is currently my only income in these challenging times. Thank you
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Go celebrate your trans folks today, tomorrow and forever and ever <3
Reposted byAvatar MothMa'am
I think today is the day to share this again. Happy International Transgender Day of Visibility!
Use a saved photo to share your feelings. I was doing better earlier, but then I had a Human Interaction™️ & I'd like to go home now
I did myself a fan art! A fav of mine on Tumblr has this fabulous comic with this absolutely delightful deviant named Silo. I figured I'd take a break from drawing nothing but hands to draw something fun :3 OC by @possumcollege on Tumblr
Reposted byAvatar MothMa'am
On that note: Trans authors (I mean authors who are trans, NOT cis people who write about trans people), drop your book links here and I'll try to repost as many as I can throughout the day. Cis people: Repost trans authors' book links. Cis people who want to complain about being excluded: gtfo
Being a trans author is fucking weird right now. Hell is actively unfolding all around us but I still need to be like, "hey, everyone, wanna buy my silly little queer book? It won't make anything better, but it's kinda fun?" So....hey, everyone, wanna buy my silly little queer book?
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Orange You Tired original artwork auction 🍊 Shares help me out immensely and are so appreciated 💛💛 Details in thread:
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Journal comics- Gentleness ⛅️☕️
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for one week can all game shows have dogs instead of people for contestants and when they get a question wrong they still get treats but the dog who comes closest to getting a question right gets to chase the host around the studio. And then the runners up also join in. Please. I need this
Reposted byAvatar MothMa'am
Due to my broken main arm, I'm left without a monthly income and can't even take c0mmissions atm. So if you want to support me, below are a few ways to do so. RTs are very appreciated. Thank you so much. 💔
Reposted byAvatar MothMa'am
‼️ EMERGENCY MOVING FUNDS ‼️ Please help me escape the abusive living situation I'm in, anything will help no matter how small, even a simple share/repost. Thank you.
Reposted byAvatar MothMa'am
VALENTINES STREAM Wednesday 14th 18:00GMT+1
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Neurodivergent is a great term, it sounds like a class of psychic technopriests or some shit in a sci-fi TTRPG. Like, ahh, yes, the Brainmancers, famed for their inability to shut the fuck up about 15th century Florentine municipal politics.
The horrors persist, but so do I. Love the memes & decided to make my own slightly spookier version. Still little fixes I want to make, but if I don't post it now it will sit in phone limbo forever #art #digital # horror
How is it that I can spend hours doing art, planning out art pieces I want to do, consuming other peoples art to get inspiration but I cannot fathom the idea of calling myself an artist? Like if someone asked me "oh, are you an artist?" My default would be "No, I just make art sometimes." Why??!!
Reposted byAvatar MothMa'am
Through the Mossy Woods original artwork auction 🌿 Any shares are super appreciated! 💛💛💛 Details in thread: