Mary Pustejovsky

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Mary Pustejovsky

Cargo bikes, urbanism, safe streets. #MadisonWI
Really nice tribute to Chris Riley, longtime public servant and urbanist in Austin. What a legacy he will leave. (He has stage 4 cancer).
Chris Riley's last The grandfather of Austin's urbanist movement rides into the sunset.
There are exceptions, but most vehicular cyclists — and certainly the leaders of the movement — were fit, white men. Vehicular cycling as a philosophy and a political force excluded children, women, people with disabilities and many more. It set U.S. bike policy back by 40 or 50 years.
Cycling is always so social to me. In my 12 minute ride to drop off, I: 👋🏻 Said hi to a friend walking to work 🚦Chatted with another person a bike at the stoplight 🔐 Chatted with someone at the bike racks This just does not happen when I am driving.
Child says: it seems like it’s a lot of work to get a journal article published. Do they pay you? 😂😂😂 Husband explains that no, he has to pay them. Child: then who pays you? Husband: the university (short answer), then launches into the long answer about the 1680s 😂😂😂
New episode! We talked with Cyprine Odada, the founder of Critical Mass Nairobi. Cyprine has grown the group into the largest gathering of non-competitive cyclists in Africa, changing the perception of who rides a bike in the car-dominated Kenyan capital.
My bike says I did 14 miles today. Doesn’t seem that bad but I had a 70 lb child on the back the whole time and it was very hilly. Might be why I am so tired! 🙃
Today on Volts: the IRA contains substantial, easily accessible direct-pay tax credits for climate-friendly infrastructure upgrades at public schools -- but most public schools don't know about them. I talk with some folks trying to spread the word.
Hey schools, go get your IRA tax credits! Sara Ross and Jonathan Klein of UndauntedK12 discuss their efforts to spread the word about the IRA's easily accessible financial assistance to schools, in the form of direct-pay tax credits for clima...
Kiddo is at sailing camp this week and is trying to come up with names for their crew. I suggested “Aft Punk”. We’ll see what the crew thinks. 😂
"Even if you are eligible for a [low-income rental] voucher, you will be placed on a waiting list because of high demand." Funny how no one ever gets put on a waiting list to claim the mortgage tax break ...
Forecast said it was going to be heavy rain so I drove to my skating lesson with my child. The ENTIRE way back they complained that they hated the car and their legs were uncomfortable etc. Also, the heavy rain never happened 🙃. I should have biked!!!!
this kind of pollution - pm2.5- also comes from car tires so switching to EVs especially in cities doesn't fully fix this. In fact the pm2.5 from car tires is higher with EVs because they're heavier than comparable internal combustion vehicles. It's not just "stop burning stuff" /1
I learned this story many years ago and it always blows my mind that people thought “I see a bus full of children. I will throw rocks at it” 😵‍💫
My kid told me they were thinking about “Inside Out” and how Riley’s feelings were male and female. And the Dad’s were all male. So they asked if Riley could be transgender. I said “possibly” I hadn’t realized this was a well discussed theory!
Hit 1000 miles on my HSD. Whee!
387 tiny paper buildings, made in the 1950s / 60's by Austrian insurance clerk Peter Fritz. They were stored in a plastic bag, before ending up in a junk shop where Oliver Croy found them in the early 2010s.
Yesterday my friend who got an ebike because of me said “my only regret about getting an ebike is not getting one sooner”
So as soon as I could I went back to see what I could find. And what I found was concerning. As climate change is creating more extreme weather it is making outdoor events riskier. And not everyone is prepared. You can find out some of what I learned here. Gift link /2
On a Warming Planet, Outdoor Concerts Need a New Safety As climate change supercharges extreme weather around the world, many concert venues, organizers and fans are ill-prepared for rising risks.
My child is attending a camp for ultimate frisbee. There are 3 girls out of 36!!! Wut? Since when is frisbee a boys sport? It seems like a sport set up to be pretty gender neutral, no? What am I missing?
Let’s keep arguing about parking spaces, everyone.
Got a wrong number text that was just this photo. Uh… looks good where do I get some?
I'm telling you, get on the SAVE plan if you have federal student loans. This is the Biden administration's vehicle for delivering student debt relief. You can apply for a federal consolidation loan if you're like me and fell into the PHEAA gap. It was not hard and didn't take much time
In London, "traffic accidents have fallen in the capital by an astonishing 40% since 2003," the year of the introduction of the congestion pricing program.
Literally happened minutes ago: a truck driver killed a cyclist at an intersection that will be within the congestion pricing zone. Could we get a more stark and timely reminder of why congestion pricing is not just about the revenue? It's about making our STREETS SAFER.
I lived there at the time the smoking ban went into effect. There was lots of whining before it went into effect and afterwards everyone loved it. “We don’t have to live like this” is a good way to approach policies that massively improve people’s lives.
I remember when the smoking ban was going to put every bar and restaurant in the city out of business. And then almost immediately after it went into effect everyone recognized it was a massive improvement and good for business
As of 11a CT today, Minnesotans can apply for an e-bike rebate of up to $1,500. Story: Application: