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Stockholm-based, London-born book/language nerd 🤓
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This is my friend's daughter. Please share.
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It's been ~9 months since CNBC published my story on Tesla whistleblowers who were largely ignored by the SEC. The financial regulator still hasn't interviewed the submitters of this complaint, and still hasn't asked to see the 18,000 files of evidence they offered.
Tesla whistleblowers filed a complaint to the SEC in 2021, but the agency never interviewed them. Here's what the complaint Two whistleblowers' complaint to the SEC about Tesla alleged that Elon Musk's automaker may have run afoul of securities laws and flouted accounting standards.
Yep, it’s been constant weather whiplash – heavy rain, baking sun, three days overcast, two of blue skies… who knew climate change would make things so unpredictable?!
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This suggests that people are using AI to generate the evidence for the value of AI. (Given that 'AI' seems to be used these days for any machine-aided analysis from the simplest regression up, taking this with a pinch of salt.)
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UK climate change. It cannot be any clearer.
I see we’re (well, my svärmor at least) not the only ones with a bumper zucchini crop this year Good work 👍
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The climate crisis. Still a thing. In case you were wondering
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> Seventy-one percent are burned out and nearly two-thirds (65%) report struggling with increasing employer demands. To all of the pro-AI crowd: this is your legacy > Alarmingly, 1 in 3 employees say they will likely quit their jobs in the next six months because they are burned out or overworked.
I wonder why Upword, a company that's all-in on "AI", disappeared this study into a subpage of a subcategory and didn't promote it on their blog like they do their other studies. (No question mark. The question is rhetorical.)
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The singularity is going to be shockingly stupid. This goes beyond "garbage in garbage out" and approaches the level of the informational Human Centipede.
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For somewhat higher margins. We're not even talking about things that would meaningfully change their lives.
“So this VC cabal is trading against the basic principles of America — not merely against personal freedom, but democracy itself — in the hopes of profit.”
The moral bankruptcy of Marc Andreessen and Ben In venture capital, you are what you fund.
Always humbling to uncover another area of your own ignorance, like how to spell “taglietelle”. tagliatele. Tag-
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To learn more about people like Yarvin & Thiel & their eugenicist/techno-fascist history & how it's woven throughout a LOT of American technological, political, & scientific history, read here: Josh Earle's diss: "TESCREAL": Ch. 3 here:
‪Belief, Values, Bias, and Agency: Development of and Entanglement with "Artificial Intelligence"‬ ‪DP Williams, 2022‬ - ‪Cited by 5‬
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Good Morning Blue Sky! Hope you’re all ok? Today I’m currently reading and enjoying the SF novel Tenth Life by Stark Holborn. What are you reading at the moment?
Hey Womble, currently audiobooking Mr Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan, as a litmus test for whether to read his new book, Moonbound Penumbra’s currently in my category of “enjoy & admire but don’t love it”. A little too cute in its cleverness? But certainly possible I’ll read more Sloan
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I've crunched the numbers on this and it has to be John Landis. finding out that his Mozart laugh was based on John Landis is one of the most delightful things I've ever learned about a movie
Nature knowers of Sweden, can you identify this animal by its, err, traces? Guessing elk, too large pellets for a deer surely #spoorsky #shitsky
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Why can't more journalists reporting on "AI" straightforwardly say "This is bad, actually"? Ex: In this article juxtaposing the grandiose claims of OpenAI et al with the massive environmental footprint of LLMs, Goldman still has to include this weird AI optimism: >>
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro, finally got round to it, and it’s fantastic, of course. Knowing the big reveal is no hindrance at all 🙊
Ahh, the Swedish summer! Nothing like getting up in the morning and explaining to your spouse that the smuts right under their eye is in fact the biggest tick you’ve ever seen in your life
Stunning double rainbow outside our door rn #nofilter 🌈
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Epiphanies you have while stoned when you're a boring nerd like me: i literally just realized that the "limin-" in "liminal" is the same as the "-limin-" in "eliminate". So "eliminate" literally glosses as "throw out of the door."
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'Defying his 39 years' - 1982
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Morning Bluesky. He said he wouldn’t but of course he did. The Axis of Awful People.
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Good. Because anyone telling you that our broadcasters should ditch their out of date funding models and emulate the sexy 21st Century streaming platforms clearly hasn’t looked at how all those sexy 21st Century streaming platforms are getting on right now.