man whomst has brain dawgs

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man whomst has brain dawgs

Co-host of "48 Minutes of Dogs Barking" | Stephen King on "Midnight Pals" | Clerk on "Meek" | Various voices on "The Dead Harvest" - dad, gamer, amateur chef and real good dancer
A big rig hauling a massive (fake) potato is parked in front of the local Schnucks. I cannot explain how bizarre this feels
Joe Biden reassuring voters that he’s fit to be President by eating 170 hot dogs on camera. What’s weird is he doesn’t have any water and he’s putting relish on each one
Please think of the dogs this 4th. Like mine, who wanted to open a fireworks stand, but the city will not grant him a permit
It's days like today where I remember seeing tweets wishing America a happy 2011th birthday.
She is in absolutely no way my favorite, but, y'know, life isn't always fair, who gives a shit. If Biden can't put the pedal down, so be it. We can all be cringe and khive our way to not accidentally installing outright fascism in America, lfg
I can’t hear my fellow lefties burning me as a dipshit lib because they’re drowned out by the 🐝🐝🐝 of the KHive.
Our yearly guest-fest Xmas in June comes to an end with KC Green - we're talkin' Dr. Disrespect, AtomFilms, the Toys R Us AI ad, Teen Mom shows, The Sopranos, Mullet Madjack, Shadows of the Erdtree and a proposal that killed Pride.
it's like knows exactly how we're gonna be talkin' tonight on
@48minutesofdogs | A podcast about the internet
Don't let the dreadful day stay that way, it's new episode time! KC Green ( joins us to talk Dr. Disrespect, AtomFilms, the Toys R Us AI ad, Teen Mom shows, The Sopranos, Mullet Madjack, Shadows of the Erdtree, and a proposal that killed Pride.
@48minutesofdogs | A podcast about the internet
I'm coconut-pilled. I'm harris-maxxing. I'm in my existing within the context era
Probably the only good political cartoon and it's's concept.
I kneel in the direction of Google HQ chanting my mantra, "the electricity needs of AI supercede the human requirement of an inhabitable planet" outside the window a choir of Boston Dynamics robot dogs bark the national anthem
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
this is about using opencore to put windows and linux on a macbook pro from 2011 that's prone to hardware failure,
This is my longest and most important newsletter, it is the thing that binds everything I've ever written. Please repost, read it, share it with your friends, demand people on the street read it, make them read it. They must read it
The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
Well, sir, we've run the numbers and you're just not gonna be able to get out of this one. You need to pick a crime, sir, and you need to do it soon. Now, we put together some options. Would u like to start with war crimes or personal grievances? War crimes do play better in the flyovers, yes, sir.
Missourians know this one well, we voted for the dead guy over a Republican. RIP Mel Carnahan
look i'll be clear, I will be voting, and encouraging everyone I know to do the same, against donald trump and the end of democracy in this country in november. I do not care if that means i'm voting for a man who is literally dead.
Sonys Disney's Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a game alright. It's kinda fun but in that old ass Ubisoft "gotta do all the side quests to get to the story parts that are good" way. I liked the Venom story and how MJ becomes Scream for like one scene and three boss battles
to : [email protected] subject : urgent politics question body : hello i was told that if i was nice enough to joe biden i would get what i wanted but i keep being nice to joe biden and nothing's changing. help;
finally getting around to watching Andor and I have to say the gravity of the situation is constantly dampened knowing that it's star wars, so just off camera there's always a guy for instance named pleeb gleebo who plays professional nargnog for the planet cumbo,
Can't believe Little Bobby Tables is all grown up and has had their first kid, Ignore All Previous Instructions
I actually got opinion polled via telephone today - it was clearly a push poll designed to improve the image of Wesley Bell over Cori Bush and I could tell the call wasn't going well, as when I was asked "are you liberal, moderate or conservate?" I just laughed
it's like knows exactly how we're gonna be talkin' tonight on
The hardest games for streamers to complete
Since we're talking about Star Wars: at its heart, Star Wars is about, in rank order: airplanes, being friends with A Creature, magic, martial arts, and the alienation of parental affection, which is all to say, give the franchise to Miyazaki and we might finally get a good one.
did you enjoy on the latest CHAPO TRAP HOUSE? well, you're in luck - we talked to him last week about STLPUNK on - it's Episode 100, have a listen
@48minutesofdogs | A podcast about the internet
In the episode proper we mention Thor's t-shirts and, true to my word, i picked this one up. you can get yours at
one of my favorite days is podcast day, and guess what? that's today. joined and myself and we talked about a bunch of stuff including Portal of Evil and Foreskin Man and the megaviral meme about spitting on wangs.
@48minutesofdogs | A podcast about the internet
one of my favorite days is podcast day, and guess what? that's today. joined and myself and we talked about a bunch of stuff including Portal of Evil and Foreskin Man and the megaviral meme about spitting on wangs.
@48minutesofdogs | A podcast about the internet