Lightbulb Sun

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Lightbulb Sun

Urban Farmer / Co-owner of SuperCharge Foods LLC,
Madison, WI / System Science / Structuralism / De-Growth /
Post Scarcity / Steady State Economics
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Using Twitter is financing Trump
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The coping has begun over on The Bad Place.
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Wow even wrote an entire article full of crazy conspiracies & false theories from random quacks. This entire article is just a screed from a man who has fallen so far deep into Covid denialism he refuses to engage in the most basic science. I can’t explain how dangerous this is.
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Btw we have known this for years, immunologists at major hospitals have been treating patients w these issues. But Ryan lied and lied to his audience, claiming covid is “mild” and can’t cause immune harm. It’s straight up denialism. Do not listen to ppl like him they’re in conspiracy land 😵‍💫
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Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
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This week's cover of The New Yorker
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The father is married to his children?!
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This is a very good reason to vote for Dems in the fall. Biden needs both chambers to make this happen. Do you want rent control? I sure do!
Something you may have missed yesterday - The Biden Administration is going to unveil a nationwide rent control proposal. It's going to be challenging to implement, and will require control of both chambers, but they're working on it.
Biden to unveil plan to cap rents as GOP convention The policy plan comes as the president tries to assure Democrats about the viability of his candidacy.
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🚨EXCLUSIVE: JD Vance recently pressed regulators to let police in anti-abortion states access women’s private medical records in order to hunt down & prosecute those seeking legal abortions in other states, according to documents reviewed by The Lever.
J.D. Vance Wants Police To Track People Who Have Trump’s vice presidential pick pressured regulators to let police access the records of people who cross state lines for abortions.
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This’ll never make me a regular on msnbc, but people should be ashamed to admit they support Trump. He is a hideously bad person proposing to enact a vast expansion of cruelty and human suffering. The erosion and collapse of social sanctions for supporting someone so indecent is a big problem.
*sigh* Time to find a new sticker manufacturer.
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If you care about women's rights, protecting Medicare and Social Security, or safeguarding democracy on the whole, you should be concerned about Project 2025. Last week, writer Jay Kuo broke down this radical agenda for a second Trump term in a piece of essential reading from The Big Picture.
Breaking Down Project We took on Project 2025 issue by issue so you don't have to.
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Dude who used to call Trump an idiot, and American Hitler becoming his VP is ultimate grift
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Hey let's check in on Twitter....nope nope nope nope
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“If the state is going to continue to use the death penalty, it really needs to be used in an ethically and morally responsible manner, and executing people who never killed anybody doesn’t seem to be ethically or morally responsible.”
Texas Plans to Execute Man After Courts Refuse DNA Ruben Gutierrez was convicted of murder in 1999 under Texas’ “Law of Parties.” He says he had nothing to do with the killing.
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My quarterly PSA that senior pets are an absolute delight to adopt, usually chill AF, it’s often like getting a snuggly throw pillow that shits in a litter box. If you EVER have q’s about adopting seniors pls don’t hesitate to ask. (This is Polly, she is 15 and looking for her retirement home.)
Animal Details about each animal available at the Oregon Humane Society.