
Trump Consequences Paradox continues. More and more consequences loom closer every day, yet a single one has not yet been imposed.
NEW: Judge Merchan says that he's signed the latest order to show case and will hold a hearing next Wednesday at 2:15 p.m. ET on Trump's four latest alleged gag-order violations. (For all we know, he may rule before then on the 10 alleged violations about which he's already heard arguments.)
I think it's like a judge will finally order the baliffs to seize him at the exact moment he's taking the oath of office on Jan 20 2025 nullifying the convictions.
This cosmic joke will end with him choking to death on a burnt steak before he sees any consequences.
This cosmic joke will end with him choking to death on a burnt steak before he sees any consequences.
An example that comes to mind is that Josef Mengele died in 1979 while swimming at a friend's place; karma's been proven false for a while now
God, I hope so. I mean, escaping justice sucks. But dying miserably and pathetically would be a good consolation prize.
I sincerely hope that whatever does him in is unbelievably stupid
Trump perpetually committing a dozen more gag order violations in the time it takes the court to rule on the first dozen is a wonderfully dark joke if nothing else
It's like the Vertigo "zolly" illusion of consequences where they seem to get larger and closer, yet neither he nor the consequences have moved at all.
Trump can get infinitely close to the asymptote of consequences but he can never actually come into contact with it.
Someone better hurry up and find dude's horcrux or whatever is keeping all his consequences at bay.
Shit, at least just take his phone away, he’d lose his goddamn mind
I kind of want him to walk up to Judge Merchan at the start of the day and spit in his face. I actually think Merchan would just whine about it some more and do nothing. I'm actually curious about this and wish it would happen so I could find out if I'm right.
Doesn't he have to shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue or something first?
So are we halfway past halfway past halfway yet?