Kevin Patrick Doyle🥫🍅

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Kevin Patrick Doyle🥫🍅

Not an Irish footballer.
I’m sure they’d handle a contested convention with zero issues
Representative Hakeem Jeffries, Democrat of New York and the minority leader, has scheduled a virtual meeting on Sunday with senior House Democrats to discuss President Biden’s candidacy and the path forward, according to a senior official familiar with the plan.
Jeffries Plans to Meet Virtually With Top House Democrats on Biden’s Path The House minority leader scheduled a virtual meeting for Sunday.
what are we doing here? he accidentally said million instead of billion and then immediately knew it and corrected himself. he didn’t “flub a line” and then “make an effort to correct himself,” he did the speaking equivalent of a typo that you know you’ve made and instantly correct
The only two permutations of this that work are: 1) Biden stays in 2) Biden steps aside for Harris but remains in office Everything other permutation of this idea is either a fantasy or propaganda whose discussion is designed to get the Dems to lose the election and usher Trump into power.
To recap the past 24 hours: Jake Tapper: who should be president Trump: I should be president Biden: no, I should be president Roberts: actually I am the president
I went out and picked up takeout at a Thai restaurant during the debate and the city is just full of happy people enjoying a sunny summer day and not paying any attention. Life's good if we don't fuck up November
Is our country destroyed? It doesn’t feel destroyed.
i don’t mean to judge but i feel like a lot of you would benefit mentally and emotionally from simply not watching presidential debates
Traffic camera discourse rules, the counter argument is entirely “people should be allowed to break laws if they are driving.”
Happens over and over again. Everything we’re told won’t work or is unfair to drivers works and is totally fair to drivers.
This is exactly the kind of shit that scares me: a bunch of dumbasses all waving their guns around and on the verge of turning a block party into the O.K. Corral. It makes any kind of public life in the United States impossible, because everything is at risk.
Biden walks away from the lectern at the end of his press conference just now. Reporter: “Mr. President, can you tell us, sir: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. What’s your response to that, sir?”  (pauses, turns back, makes this expression, walks away)
i genuinely think the smart political move is for biden to hold a rally tomorrow where he taunts trump and says america will not have a felon for president.
At some point Democratic elected officials will notice that when Donald Trump has a personal setback the majority of the population literally celebrates in the street, I hope.
it rules that a jury of rando New Yorkers is braver than several federal judges and basically every single senator
oh no my wife is getting a flag ready
they made this same polite request of Roberts last year and he gave them the finger. he will almost certainly do the same this time. the Dems are at a crossroads with the courts. if they want voters to understand this as an existential crisis for democracy they need to act like it is one.
BREAKING: Sens. Durbin, Whitehouse request meeting with Chief Justice Roberts over Alito ethics scandal, call for Alito’s recusal in Jan. 6 cases.
BREAKING: Sens. Durbin, Whitehouse request meeting with Chief Justice Roberts over Alito ethics scandal, call for Alito’s recusal in Jan. 6 cases.
it can’t be said enough how much these people hate your freedom to live as you choose
Leonard Leo flies the "Appeal to Heaven" flag outside his home in Maine—from a neighbor who sent the photo to ProPublica (via reporter Andy Kroll)
I call this kind of thing car supremacy, it is completely preposterous to say *seniors specifically* must have cars and only cars, but car brained people see any kind of other road use as an insult to their social status
Over the weekend, the San Francisco Chronicle ran a piece full of people arguing that seniors need car-centric transportation systems. So I decided to look at what the experts at AARP say.
Seniors and Safe Everyone loses when we build our cities for cars instead of humans
On the rare occasion that the does cover the stakes of the election instead of treating it like a horse race, they use this kind of chickenshit sanitizing language. He's planning to turn independent federal agencies into political instruments and kneecap their effectiveness! Say that!
Uttering a critical word about Netanyahu's genocidal campaign in Gaza gets you smeared as an antisemite, but Trump invoking "reich" in a campaign video results in a multi-paragraph etymology excusing its use.
So, uh 1. It's still up 2. It's very prominent. 3. You're a presidential campaign. Why are you posting unvetted videos? 4. Why is anyone making pro-Reich videos of your candidate? Hmm? 4. Why are your staffers stumbling on those? Again? Hm? Like ... this isn't an accident; it's a campaign culture.
Trump is so sure he won't suffer any consequences that he found time during lunch at his trial to post a fascist video. He thought no one would notice the "Reich" reference, but they did, so he blamed it on a staffer.
maybe my brain is broken from my work and Being Online, but imo you have to read this stuff in the context of “what will law enforcement do with the data?” seems bad!
This is a nightmare. "The scope of Recall, which Microsoft has internally called AI Explorer, is incredibly vast — it includes logging things you do in apps, tracking communications in live meetings, remembering all websites you’ve visited for research, and more"
Recall is Microsoft’s key to unlocking the future of Would you like a timeline of everything you do on your PC?
working class guy with firsthand helicopter experience: I wouldn’t go near one of those fucking things unless my life or income depended on it celebrities & world leaders: one helicopter please
the removal of Confederate symbols decreased racial resentment, increased support for affirmative action and warm feelings toward Blacks, and decreased anti-Black hate crimes.
Monumental Changes: Confederate Symbol Removals and Racial Attitudes in the United States | The Journal of Politics: Vol 0, No
Whenever we find out another SCOTUS Justice is an Election Denier the Oompa Loompas should come out and sing a little judgmental song
Look, maybe two of the most conservative justices are married to women who support the overthrow of the government, and maybe not. I’m sure we can trust Alito and Thomas to keep their personal feelings come on don’t laugh until I’m done with the bit
An upside-down American flag — a symbol embraced by Donald Trump’s supporters who falsely claimed the 2020 election was stolen — flew at Justice Samuel Alito’s home while the Supreme Court was considering an election case in early 2021.