
People are saying this is so people's embarrassing likes aren't exposed but I suspect it's more about eliminating transparency in terms of which posts are promoted or buried and why (since the Twitter algo uses likes as an important factor in what to show you)
Couldn't you already hide your likes if you wanted to just by locking your account?
Post views can be explicitly gamed by the algorithm even if you don’t agree with it. They can shove it in your face and pretend it’s popular
Also this just isn’t true?
Whatever is the most cynical take, it’s one step worse.
Whichever take incorporates "because Musky's fee-fees are hurt" is correct. So for example, not long ago, court records confirmed that Musk was using an alt-account to like hentai porn. So he's now rolling out an update that will hide all of the likes of all of the hentai he now encourages.
Hating Twitter/X more & more. Their moderator promotes questionable stuff while shadow banning other stuff. It’s a cesspool of some vicious posts. Watching/posting beat downs not OK. Encourages violent behavior.
while that's very likely, my own personal head cannon is it's primarily so that elon can lie (either to himself or to the public) about just how much his tweets are liked by users in a way that is harder to debunk
I've long been concerned that Musk will abuse Twitter as much as he can to help Trump in the last months before the election after keeping a comparatively light touch beforehand to keep people from leaving.
this is already happening but will be even more obvious
Maybe people should stop "liking" embarrassing shit.