
Not delighted by the "continued into Biden's presidency" framing when the actual thing the Biden administration did, according to the article, was ordered it shut down immediately after finding out that it was happening
Reuters: The U.S. military launched a clandestine program amid the COVID crisis to discredit China’s Sinovac inoculation – payback for Beijing’s efforts to blame Washington for the pandemic. One target: the Filipino public.
Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to incite fear of China The covert effort began under Trump and continued into Biden’s presidency, Reuters found. Health experts say it endangered lives for possible geopolitical gain.
I mean especially in context of one of the main axes of debate for the upcoming election being people claiming that Biden and Trump are not differentiated or have similar policies. The article's link summary presents it as "they were the same" when the opposite is true
Right? I mean, every vile thing Trump did continued into the Biden administration until it was shut down or reversed.
Someone stumbling across this in the timeline would conclude that the Biden administration agreed with the Trump administration that this was a good thing to do, when the situation is literally the exact opposite. They were appalled and immediately ordered it shut down upon discovering it.
Easy scenario for "do not print lies in the newspaper" to trump the sharability or neutrality concerns that the headline writer had in mind instead
But how else can the story be “neutral”?
Like it's basically equivalent to saying "Barack Obama's policy of not implementing a Muslim Ban continued into Donald Trump's Presidency."
Yup. Pretty curious as to what this is about!
WTF?!?! Apparently they were also doing something even *worse*, something the official who would talk about the vaccine misinformation thought was so bad they wouldn't even *mention*.
You may recall that uniquely among modern Presidents, Biden was denied a transition period where the previous administration cooperated with the new one and had his cabinet nominations all blocked and delayed as much as possible by Mitch McConnell
Taking the Oval Office is not an on-off switch, you do not get a massive data dump into your brain the moment you become President. Your people need to find out what's going on and bring it to you.
Propaganda works, and the ultra-rich are pulling out all the stops to inundate Americans with it to glide Trump's path back to office in 2024
This isn't at all unique to Trump, "take political appointees and transfer them to civil service jobs where they can't be fired" aka burrowing, is something every administration that loses an election to the other party tries to do on their way out
On top of that, the outgoing Trump admin burrowed ideological allies in the bureaucracy to obstruct the new administration. Some public cases show this, plus the investigation delays at FBI. Fair to suspect there are many that we never learned of
sure but these guys are worse
People had to donate money to his transition apparatus because that criminal fuck former GSA Administrator Emily Murphy refused to release the federal funds to Biden/Harris so they could get their administration started. I will never forget that fact.
Fun fact- one of those donors was Mary Trump.
I hope she's on an unemployment line somewhere
Unfortunately this happened. "In 2021, Murphy was hired by George Mason University as a Senior Fellow in the school of business's Center for Government Contracting."
Why do I have the feeling she reads that last word with the emphasis on the second syllable?
I think it’s time to ask whether the United States needs George Mason university.
Of course. They take care of you if you fall in line. Just ask Santorum.
Even with a proper transition, every single O&M-funded activity in the current fiscal year's budget keeps going until 30 September unless someone in the new administration tracks it down and puts it on hold. The remarkable thing is that the Biden administration stopped it so quickly.
Because they are experienced at governing.
On top of that, the outgoing Trump admin burrowed ideological allies in the bureaucracy to obstruct the new administration. Some public cases show this, plus the investigation delays at FBI. Fair to suspect there are many that we never learned of
trump's GSA administrator refused to acknowledge biden as the winner of the election and caused an unprecedented delay in the biden team getting the access and funding they needed for the presidential transition!
A property functioning country would have prosecuted all of the people obstructing the transition at all levels of government.
Folks never learn their ain't liberal media in the US.
There's a little, but it sure ain't the NYT.
Even more than W, where we legitimately didn’t know who’d won for an entire month.
Anyone still supporting Trump and his minions at this point are nothing more than traitorous scum.