
Fuckin called it
i wonder if they're bringing up stuff he did in the white house so now they can try to get the case halted and tossed on the "official act' immunity the gang of six just made up yesterday
Of course it's being coordinated. That's what the Federalist Society *is*. It's a conspiracy against Americans' freedom, self governance and the rule of law and it's winning
It beggars belief that this is not all being coordinated in some way.
I think a lot of people have been trained by Hollywood movies to think evil conduct typically backfires because it's a satisfying dramatic device for that to be so. In reality, bad guys usually just get away with it unless someone stops them
I’m here for when this inevitably backfires in Roberts’ smug face. No one has ever stuck their neck out for Trump and not paid a price. It’s “no good deed goes unpunished” on steroids. The extent to which you used your power to shield Trump is directly commensurate with the price you ultimately pay.
I mean, I'm very confident that this could backfire for Roberts personally -- President Trump punishing him for a ruling he doesn't like -- but not in a way that's going to benefit me at all.
It might be a tad ridiculous but I seriously think it’s a full blown conclusion at this point. Not because it’s a scripted ending but because it’s been a consistent theme since 2016. He has gone on to shit on each and every individual that has has bent the knee to him in public.
Maybe people also just wanna feel good about the future? Otherwise it's pretty bleak
“bad guys usually get away with it” is a lil simplistic in its own right and doesn’t sufficiently account for the myriad costs associated w/ abetting a criminal of Trump’s particular makeup. I certainly don’t expect a Hollywood style denouement, but I don’t think they walk away unscathed either.
NBC goes straight to “will Biden drop out or not”.
Not a coincidence that Cannon spent Friday 10 days ago asking conservative lawyers to explain how Jack Smith's appointment was unconstitutional and today we get a SCOTUS concurrence saying exactly that as part of the immunity decision. They are going to try tossing every case by the end of the week.
Financed by billionaires who don't really think of the rest of us as real people
Yep, restoring the privileges of nobility as fast as they can.
If he weren't fiction, I'd think Palpatine orchestrated all of this. If Biden were serious, he'd arrest Leo, the Roberts 6, Trump, and others for treason against the Constitution and USA.
Remember when Leo & Roberts refused to testify to a Dem-led Senate committee about Supreme Court corruption?
Would be sweet if the Dems, you know, could organize any sort of effective counter attack instead of lecturing everyone about civility and saying to the left ‘YOU do something. No, not like that’ lmao.