Rosie The Reaper

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Rosie The Reaper

Manic pixie soul reaper.
Accidentally drank a lethargy drink instead of an energy drink and now I feel like I always do.
you see your pets twitching their little limbs in their sleep and say to your partner "look, it is running through a field in its sleep", you are wrong: your pet is in a casino: throwing dice, playing slots and video poker, walking on two legs and betting large on a blackjack table
but spiraling out of control is my cardio
Avatar absolutely would have threatened to break up with me over how many times I listened to Texas Hold ‘em (36 times in one day) but I am not a psychopath and used earphones.
Keep thinking about how Stephen King played Mambo No 5 on repeat so much that his wife threatened to divorce him over it. That just feels so unbelievably relatable
Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Life seems harsh and cruel. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. The great medication Zoloft is in town. Go take that. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. "But doctor," he says, "I am Zoloft."
Guess what! I’ve got variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and the only prescription is more cowbell!
Shoutout to the Lock family: Wed, Hem, Grid and of course that crazy guy War.
I'm sure November will resolve everything and we'll go back to being a normal country.
They call me Mr. Tally Man for my banana tallying prowess alone.
I doubt there’s anything to be done about this, but some people out there are going to love you all the time.
dreams should have a rotten tomatoes score
ME: how long do you think it’ll take for me to make this thing between us awkward? HIM: what thing? ME: would you look at that? I beat my top score.
I have been called well-heeled, which is true. The rest of my body, however, is thrift store clearance bin.
When I was poor I had to screw things up creatively and on the cheap. Now that I make a little money, it’s much easier to screw things up in big, stupid and expensive ways.
I’m exactly the same guy wherever I go: A driverless, on-fire Tesla in the streets *and* in the sheets.
I really miss the days when I could just look at cool art and go "wow, cool" and share it instead of having to be an investigative detective every day.
Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's nurture.
watched an octopus documentary and the narrator said they sometimes punch fish out of spite and I’ve never been more in love with anything in my life
Sick of plastic wrappers gatekeeping my cheese
Today is not the day to feed Darkness. Come back Tuesdays at 3, please.
"I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam," my fiancée making sweet potato pie.
Great malarkey!
Just waiting for the Back to the Future remake starring Timothée Chalamet as Marty, Joe Biden as Doc, and a Cybertruck that can’t make it to 88 mph.
It was the fast of times, it was the furious of times
Embracing nihilistic optimism. Maybe things will not matter in a better way tomorrow
MIT will give you a Certificate of Piracy if you take fencing, sailing, shooting and archery as your required PE courses, but I was able to test out due to my wooden leg and fluent use of the letter Arrrrr.
Apparently unemployed Muse is not eligible for unemployment benefits
I’m sorry for what I said when I shapeshifted into a rude version of myself.
I can still drop it like it’s hot but I’m going to need a second to get back up
Lately, when he's feeling energetic, my husband will say he is "full of bees." I told him that the saying is "full of beans," but according to him, that doesn't make sense. Just now he is attempting to do a task he's put off for a year because he "has the bees" to do it.
I bit a radioactive spider and now it's got human powers. It's crying