
If you weren't alive in the 80s, it is hard to explain just what a massively earthshattering moment this is, now I know what it felt like to hear that,smallpox was preventable in real-time
Using Crispr-Cas gene editing, a university research team from Amsterdam was able to eliminate HIV from cells in a laboratory.
HIV cure breakthrough as virus eliminated from cells in It is thanks to a gene-editing tool known as Crispr-Cas, which won the Nobel Prize in 2020
I am still screaming, my God, I legit never thought this would happen in my lifetime
God when I think about how we lost a whole generation…
Felt so many echos of that with Covid. A pandemic that the top of the exec branch refused to acknowledge even existed till so many bodies had piled up.
Who was more than happy to let it kill people as long as the “right” people were the ones dying.
past tense? Covid not done with us! Many still can't go about their lives with any confidence of safety & people still dying & getting long covid (~1/10). Each case more & more harmful. Impacts brains, heart, vascular system-even mild cases. Could clean/vent air(#CovidisAirborne) but people go meh..
Sorry. You’re right. It isn’t done. I meant more during the height when Orange45 kept claiming it was a hoax. It’s still a threat for sure.
The terror and sorrow it wrought in the 80s. This is amazing!
Please exercise caution. HIV, like cancer, has been cured many times over in the laboratory.
My professional life includes a time we couldn't include language recommending needle exchange for harm reduction/HIV prevention because it would be labeled soft on crime/drugs by a certain portion of the US electorate. To think I might live to see a cure is crazy.
Remember everyone laying down in the church aisles? I didn’t think we’d get here either
I cannot fathom, after everything that's happened, that we might cure AIDS in my goddamn lifetime. If I think about it too hard I start to tear up just from the sheer size of it.
You should really be tempering your expectations
I mean, so, a) this is not a cure. This is a research breakthrough that could *lead to* a cure. It's a finding in a lab, not in people. b) if you really want to lose your mind: HIV has already been cured in 3 people. It's just not an easily replicable cure/management through medication is easier.
all I can really say as a kid who was born in the 80s is: !!!!!!!! (well, that, and how this is a big fucking deal)
Oh, wow! I lived through the worst of the AIDS epidemic in the Dallas gayborhood, Oak Lawn, 1989-92. I remember a t-shirt that said, "All I want is a cure and all my friends back."
My Uncle was the King of Montrose in Houston through the late 80s. He lived the longest, but they all died.
He must have known Ray Hill, the great former cat burglar, state prisoner, and human rights activist. Ray lived until just a couple of years ago, rabble-rousing with great success to the end.
I have a good friend, a woman, who spent her young adulthood in late 70s and 80s as That One Girl with all the gay male friends having the time of their collectively debauched lives. She described this to me in the process, one night, of telling me how she buried the last of them in 1993.
Just the words “HIV cure” made me tear up.
it’s not an “HIV cure” that’s shameless clickbait.
It never claims to be an "HIV cure", it claims that there's been a breakthrough in making one
And people aren’t acting like this is a single move in a game with at minimum decades longer to go. Genetic engineering in vitro is a fundamentally different ball game than in vivo, and this is about as close to a cure as a car is to a mars rover.
If you've been trying to make a mars rover for 40 years and then you finally make a car, I think that's a cause for celebration
I know someone who’s sibling is on that quilt. What it means to her is indescribable.
Is this for REAL?!?!?! I worked in healthcare when the term AIDS was created. I have friends who have it and lost some as well.❤️❤️❤️
It's not a cure as such, but an extremely promising breakthrough that could lead to one.
Fingers crossed, sending wishes out to the universe.
We're not talking about killing any cells though
Yeah this is our "landing on the moon" moment
I was an intravenous drug user in the mid nineties... it loomed so large 🙁 I'll never forget how disappointed the nurse at the clinic sounded when she told me I'd tested clean, her opinion was my teenaged risky self deserved this a punishment from God.
I don’t believe in eternal punishment: the math doesn’t work. But of the two of you I know who was more likely to find out.
Cautiously optimistic about this. Worth noting that the first patient who established viral control without therapy ("functional cure") was in 1998, by a different method (BMT). There were two 'Berlin patients' and one in London that are well documented.
Berlin Patient -
As a late 70s child who saw many talented people succumb to this disease when I was little, I'm really overwhelmed with joy and skepticism right now
There is still a long way to go from "eliminating HIV from cells in a laboratory" to a medicine/vaccine reaching the market. With a lot of uncertainty on the way...
So? Do not knock the joy of what is a truly significant achievement.
“While these preliminary findings are very encouraging, it is premature to declare that there is a functional HIV cure on the horizon,” the researchers say.
This happens with every new medical discovery - every damn one of them. We're not expecting cures to be available tomorrow - that's ludicrous - we're joyous and appreciative of the successful research, and that's what you're yucking on. Don't discredit the value of good incremental success.
Sorry for putting some people's feet on the ground. Have a good life.
Yes the one thing people have too much of is good news and optimism, if you hadn't been here to go Well Ackshully and debunk claims nobody made civilisation would have been unmoored completely
You sound miserable. You should try being miserable by yourself
I remember when AZT became available and it was like wow we can finally treat it into a chronic disease instead of an automatic death sentence. The idea it might be actually *curable* combined with that potential vaccine... 🤯
I remember being shocked that there wasn't a bigger to do over PrEP and PEP becoming available. We have already come so much further than I ever expected for my lifetime.