Jäger von Heinrich Kramer

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Jäger von Heinrich Kramer


PrEP is one of the great miracles in the history of medicine and moving it to a twice a year shot will make it so much easier for people to use it's hard to articulate just how amazing it is that we moved HIV from a guaranteed death sentence to something people no longer have to experience at all
The Constitution as anything but a source of conservative electoral and legislative power is in hospice care. It is time to think seriously about what should come next and make a case for that vision to the American people. If we don't, we're finished.
Godzilla Minus One: Pretty alright. Shin Godzilla is the superior Godzilla.
what's great is how multilayered a success this is. It won't win a single conservative voter and it greatly demoralizes a huge number of liberal voters, all while being morally indefensible and a treaty violation.
President Biden announced an executive order on Tuesday to essentially block asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border, a major shift in how the U.S. has historically handled claims for protection. Here’s how it will work.
How Biden’s Asylum Order Workswww.nytimes.com The president issued an executive order that essentially blocks asylum claims at the southern border, a major shift in how the United States has handled claims for protection.
On the day of Dr. Fauci's testimony, @nytimes.com decides to run a deeply unethical OpEd with snazzy graphics and snappy headlines about the Lab Leak. The article itself contains multiple falsehoods and deep mischaracterizations. Let's take every point in turn 👇🧵 www.nytimes.com/interactive/...
Opinion | Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Pointswww.nytimes.com The world must not continue to bear the intolerable risks of research with the potential to cause pandemics.
Wonderful, glad I've been honing my craft
Students, and parents, employers and professors: take note. “The better writer you are, the greater your chance of getting rejected, because you won't use keywords." www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/o...
It’s valuable for our feckless and cowardly political leaders and pundits to compare their predictions that any attempt to hold Trump accountable result in some violent Volkish uprising among his legions when what is actually happening is nothing, they will sit around and bitch about it.
lol people keep falling for the whole "there is a SPECIAL RULE to clear him of the 34 counts!!! Google trump rule 34"
This image is so funny and the shirt goes so hard
Hey guys I was just cooking some dinner did I miss anything?
A thought I had earlier that I hate enough to share is that most of "Losing My Edge" works in a Trump voice, and that effectively all of the "I was there" parts are basically note-for-note Trump stuff. He was there when Captain Beefheart started up his first band, but he was very nasty to "Trump."
A good meme to send people who are convinced we live in a computer simulation.
Why does every "I must breed my elite genes to save mankind" weirdo look like this?
I will actively seek out ways to remove this from my computer, I won't even use OneDrive for fuck's sake
This is a nightmare. "The scope of Recall, which Microsoft has internally called AI Explorer, is incredibly vast — it includes logging things you do in apps, tracking communications in live meetings, remembering all websites you’ve visited for research, and more" www.theverge.com/2024/5/20/24...
Recall is Microsoft’s key to unlocking the future of PCswww.theverge.com Would you like a timeline of everything you do on your PC?
The Virgin Political Pundit vs. The Chad Median Voter
0. me 1. My father 2. Some guy at the Bohemian Grove 3. Hitler
Taking this prompt from Twitter because I think it's fun: How many handshakes does it take for you to get to Hitler? 0. me 1. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd 2. Elizabeth II 3. Edward VIII 4. Hitler
Just straight up inducements to self-harm on that website
YouTube continuing to algorithmically serve vulnerable people dangerous and radicalizing content
Hit the point that YouTube is now just suggesting random jazz to me and I'm enjoying this lane
Hey Microsoft, I will never want you to backup my files to onedrive
"The engineer told him the frunk increases in pressure every single time it closes and detects resistance, Judkins said. It’s going to assume you want to close the frunk and maybe something like a bag is getting in the way, which would make it close harder." It's designed to break things on purpose
A Tesla Cybertruck owner tried to prove the vehicle is safe — and broke his fingerqz.com The YouTuber even tried it first with a stick, which broke in half
Typical 2024 PhD: Has been preparing for this since grade school. Published 2 articles during undergrad, 3 during MA, 5 during coursework. Dissertation title is longer than the Constitution. Topic is one precinct in 1953 off-year. After 2 postdocs/7 years adjuncting at 4 schools, gets 1 1-year gig.