
Timothy Snyder
Timothy Snyder
Levin Professor of History at Yale. Author of "On Freedom," "On Tyranny," with 20 new lessons on Ukraine, "Our Malady," "Road to Unfreedom," "Black Earth," and "Bloodlands"
Steve Silberman
Steve Silberman
Award-winning science writer, author of the New York Times bestseller "NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity," and an upcoming book on cystic fibrosis, "The Taste of Salt."
Tom Nichols
Tom Nichols
Staff writer at The Atlantic. Curmudgeon. Cat guy. Democracy enthusiast, defender of experts. Actor for a day on Succession, Jeopardy champ.
Jonathan M. Katz
Jonathan M. Katz
Author of GANGSTERS OF CAPITALISM and THE BIG TRUCK THAT WENT BY. Newsletter: Signal: 1-540-999-8238 Avi by
Illia Ponomarenko
Illia Ponomarenko
Live straight out of Bucha 🇺🇦
Will Stancil
Will Stancil
Minnesota guy
Peter Sagal
Peter Sagal
I make Dad jokes on NPR and also write books and other things.
Auschwitz Memorial
Auschwitz Memorial
Former German Nazi concentration & extermination camp Auschwitz. Official account. We commemorate victims, educate about history & preserve the authentic site. | |
Jane Coaston
Jane Coaston
Contributing writer at the New York Times. Previously: host of The Argument. Go Blue means Go the University of Michigan.
Bellingcat is an independent investigative collective of researchers, investigators and citizen journalists brought together by a passion for open source research.
Want to support our charity?
Mehdi Hasan
Mehdi Hasan
Author, ‘Win Every Argument’
Nick Martin
Nick Martin
Journalist covering hate and extremism. I run The Informant newsletter, but it's on hiatus. Living with Long Covid. Profile photo by Victor G Jeffreys II.

The Informant:

Other places to find me:
OG blogger at (20 years and counting)
columnist for (9 years and counting)
Justin Wolfers
Justin Wolfers
Econ professor at Michigan ● Senior fellow, Brookings and PIIE ● Intro econ textbook author ● Think Like An Economist podcast ● Glass Half Full Economist
Bill McBride
Bill McBride
Author of Calculated Risk economics blog.
Real Estate Newsletter at
RG Poulussen
RG Poulussen
(Twitter escapee.) Keeping the memory of #WW2 alive by means of #OTDs.

Arnhem author of two *good* books about operation Market Garden, Lost At Nijmegen & Little Sense Of Urgency (Order 😉 via Can be hired as Battlefield Guide.
Jacob T. Levy
Jacob T. Levy
Tomlinson Professor of Political Theory, Chair of Political Science, Associate member of Philosophy, Coordinator of Research Group on Constitutional Studies, McGill.
Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center.
Kurt Andersen
Kurt Andersen
Co-creator Command Z (with Steven Soderbergh), author Evil Geniuses, Fantasyland, True Believers, Heyday, Turn of the Century, etc., previously host/co-creator Studio 360, columnist New Yorker, editor New York, co-founder Spy
Asawin Suebsaeng
Asawin Suebsaeng
senior politics reporter @ Rolling Stone magazine // co-author of ‘Sinking in the Swamp’ // adjunct professor at the University of Cincinnati (go Bearcats 🐻 🐱) // volunteer at St. Vincent de Paul - Cincinnati // Rolling Stones obsessive
Youngstown State University
Youngstown State University
Possibilities to create, opportunities to lead, inspiration to succeed. Now you Know Y.
Ari Cohn
Ari Cohn
First Amendment & defamation lawyer. Free Speech Counsel @ TechFreedom

Illini/music junkie/oofnik.

“A snarky gay lawyer Jessica Fletcher.”
Eric Levitz
Eric Levitz
Joe Weisenthal
Joe Weisenthal
Cohost of The Odd Lots Podcast
Singer and guitarist in Light Sweet Crude
Cofounder/GP at Kern River Ventures
Ed Yong
Ed Yong
Writer, journalist. Science, health. Pandemics, animals. Birder, photographer. Many words, some awards. AN IMMENSE WORLD, I CONTAIN MULTITUDES. Married to Liz Neeley, parent to Typo. he/him

📷 Canon R6mkii + RF 800mm
Carl Zimmer
Carl Zimmer
New York Times columnist, author
Christian Vanderbrouk
Christian Vanderbrouk
average against the machine
Michael Weiss
Michael Weiss
Senior Correspondent for Yahoo News, Host of @foreignoffpod, ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror: Next book on the GRU for @twelvebooks. [email protected]
Jonathan V. Last
Jonathan V. Last
Editor of The Bulwark
Michael Kofman
Michael Kofman
Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment. Principal Research Scientist, CNA. Focused on the Russian military & defense analysis. Opinions are mine alone, hopefully.
Christopher Miller
Christopher Miller
Ukraine correspondent for the Financial Times. 14 years reporting in Ukraine. My book, THE WAR CAME TO US, published by Bloomsbury, is out now:
Rick Wilson
Rick Wilson
Lincoln Project and Resolute Square founder. Ad-maker. NYT #1 Bestselling author. Instrument-rated pilot.
Heather Cox Richardson (TDPR)
Heather Cox Richardson (TDPR)
Historian. Author. Professor. Budding Curmudgeon. I study the contrast between image and reality in America, especially in politics.
Steve Vladeck
Steve Vladeck
Karen’s husband; father of daughters; Charles Alan Wright Chair in Federal Courts at the University of Texas School of Law; SCOTUS nerd for CNN.

SCOTUS newsletter:

New book:
Daniel Drezner
Daniel Drezner
Political science professor, writer, podcaster, shaker of hands with Mel Brooks — you know, the usual kinks.
Talking Points Memo (TPM) is an independent news organization that publishes reporting and analysis about American politics, public policy and political culture.
Scott Lemieux
Scott Lemieux
What used to be is gone and what ought to be ought not to be so hard. Tweets speak for myself only.
Rick Perlstein
Rick Perlstein
"O, let America be America again—
The land that never has been yet..."
Mark Joseph Stern
Mark Joseph Stern
Senior writer at Slate covering courts and the law. There’s usually a parrot on my shoulder.
Alexis Coe
Alexis Coe
Presidential historian. Fellow at New America. NYT bestselling author of three books. Latest: You Never Forget Your First: A Bio of George Washington. [email protected]
Mike Duncan
Mike Duncan
Rebecca Traister
Rebecca Traister
Journalist, New York Magazine; author, Good & Mad, All the Single Ladies. Maine, New York, Philadelphia. This one is gonna be the one, right?
Civil rights lawyer; democracy warrior, dedicated to racial justice & equality. Fmr President & Director-Counsel, NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc.
David Corn
David Corn
Washington bureau chief, Mother Jones. MSNBC commentator. Author of AMERICAN PSYCHOSIS and other NYT bestsellers.
Matthew Gertz
Matthew Gertz
Senior Fellow at @mmfa. Views expressed here my own. Husband of @alyssarosenberg. Dad. Not the GOP congressman. Find me here:
Benjamin Wittes
Benjamin Wittes
Editor in Chief, Lawfare
Senior Fellow, Brookings
Author, #DogShirtDaily
Деякі люди грають у теніс. Деякі колекціонують марки. Я переслідую російських дипломатів.
Jeet Heer
Jeet Heer
Columnist, The Nation: Podcast: The Time of Monsters:
Josh Marshall
Josh Marshall
Greg Sargent
Greg Sargent
Politics, politics, politics