Nat Gertler

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Nat Gertler

Eisner-winning Peanuts nerd. Writer, publisher (About Comics), founder of 24 Hour Comics Day, sperm donor (retired). "Is he the guy who did that thing?" Yeah, prob'ly.
Have you ever considered that your problem may be that you don't have enough Batmobiles? Because if so, you can improve your situation by getting more Batmobiles.
This is the "could've had for $800" art that has haunted me for decades.
This is of dubious accuracy. The donation, while listing Pittsburgh as the city, lists the proper zip code for the shooter (investigated this myself.)
Perez roughs, Mooney finishes from a David Anthony Kraft script was not the most potent possible form. (This panel is a scan from a page I used to own. Bought it at auction for $5, sold it at auction for much more for charity a few years back.)
If you see this, I [encourage you, if you so desire] to post a picture from whatever device you’re using without explanation.
If you see this, I IMPLORE you to post a picture from whatever device you’re using without explanation.
Harrison Ford, whose very name is two presidents, is getting his second term in the upcoming Captain America film.
I know it’s a meaningless comparison, but it just strikes me as funny that an upcoming action movie features an actor playing the President who is 4 months older than the actual President we’re all worried is too old.
And she was always willing to mess with grandmotherly expectations.
Whether your friends want to be baked or not.
The current website for the rightfully beloved Sam Diego Comic-Con is hideous and unusable in so many ways, but this takes the cake.
Sometimes when one is flipping through messages, one's brain tells you that the message following an image is a response when it's actually unrelated.
Today's mail brings two.pieces of art from the ever-skilled - one a comics page, one a bit of production design for a project we did together, Jenny's City.
Kind of day I'm having. May be time to give up on this ancient machine... and start paying Adobe their damned $660 per year.
Here are the Dietz wieners you requested.
I worry about the DoT officer who is ranking fourteen year olds and considering many of them "tens".
Fletcher wrote three chapters today. How did you do?
Along semi-similar lines, the other day I was thinking of something like this as a "Southern Pride" piece. (Forgive the quick mockup.)
Today's cartoon book to scan and reprint had this back cover. Yes, for 3 cents you could mail this 96 page booklet to any of the 48 states in 1954.
Picked an eerily-right audiobook to listen to on a road trip from Camarillo to Santa Rosa this week. Written in 1993, the opening scenes are set in July 2024. The Pasadena-based Butler had her travelers go on the 118, the 23, the 101, which I drove this trip. Her crew left Salinas just as I arrived.
Before the Internet, how did those in need ever find two dozen felt Dudley Do-Right heads?
It's a training motorcycle.
Little Golden Books are doing a lot of such things these days, pretty clearly not for kids, but for adults who say "ha! A Little Golden Books bio of Carol Burnett!" or "A LGB of The Office". It goes a long with Funko Pops in more ways than one.
This 1945 ad is the future that liberals are seeking to avert.
This is the back from DC letterhead going with the next generation of their logo, which they put in the corner rather than center of the front.
All of life can be seen as an endless struggle between Bob the Builder and Drax the Destroyer.
My daughter crafted up a version of the player podium from the game show #gamechanger and now her dolls are competing!
When studying the Ten Commandments, it's important to remember that Hebrew is written from right to left. What we're really told not to do is "witness false bear".
They are too heavily invested in the graphic novel market.