
Geoff Allen
Geoff Allen
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Utah Tech University; electoral systems, party politics, representation
Phoenix Suns fan
Elizabeth Spiers
Elizabeth Spiers
NYT opinion writer, Slate Money co-host, Dem messaging consultant, NYU prof, former EIC The New York Observer, Dealbreaker founder and Gawker founding editor. Brooklyn via Bama. Rednexican. Striver with no chill. Newsletter:
Reader. English professor. Follow books, film, foreign affairs/history, baseball, and soccer (Everton). Partial to hounds.
Steve King
Steve King
Politics Editor, Under The Radar Magazine

"Least factual, most accurate"

#ExPostie #ExPost
Alan Rides Bikes
Alan Rides Bikes
Immunologist at Colorado State University, family man, loves the outdoors. Bike rider, storm & train chaser. My opinions are Mine.
Dr. Katharine Dickson
Dr. Katharine Dickson
Postdoc @ Hess Lab @ UC Davis. Taking methane out of cow burps with microbiome engineering at the bench and poking at ag climate policy away from it. Not a friend to the fatalists. 私は日本語が下手です。Opinions my own. Bluesky’s first Anaerobic Fungi Guru. She/her.
Andrea Grimes
Andrea Grimes
writer / texan / bitch kraken / she/her / 📍atx

📰 newsletter:
📧 email: grimesandrea at proton dot me
✍🏼 clips:
📖 fiction:
🛍️ shop:
Paul G. Lewis
Paul G. Lewis
Urban politics & public policy researcher. Employed by, but do not in any way speak for, A large State University. 1st-gen college grad. New over here.
Annie Abrams
Annie Abrams
NYC public school English teacher; NYU American lit PhD; author of Shortchanged: How Advanced Placement Cheats Students (JHUP 2023); currently thinking about the high school canon
jon crunktian
jon crunktian
Editor and senior dish washer at Futurism, pinball enthusiast, lover of weird stuff, as previously seen in the Boston Globe, Vice, Slate etc. Please DM with tips and/or memes
Ian Anson
Ian Anson
Dad, husband, author, podcaster, political scientist at umbc, baltimore enthusiast
Eric Booth
Eric Booth
Hydroecologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Interactions between water, land, climate, humans. Views shared here are my own.
Amy Cooter, Ph.D.
Amy Cooter, Ph.D.
Militia expert. Sociologist. Director of Research, Academic Development, and Innovation at CTEC at Middlebury she/her

Nostalgia, Nationalism & the US Militia Movement:
Mahesh Somashekhar
Mahesh Somashekhar
Asst Prof of Sociology at UIC studying urban inequality, economic development, gentrification, gayborhoods, & immigrant entrepreneurs. Affiliate of UChicago Stone Center for Research on Wealth Inequality & UW's Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
Lecturer/writer interested in politics, systems thinking, inequality, degrowth, cooking, vegetable gardening, and basically anything to do with humanity's mounting challenges.
Marisa Kabas
Marisa Kabas
writer of (now hosted on beehiiv)

💌: [email protected]
signal: marisakabas.04

buy me a coffee:
Jason Kosnoski
Jason Kosnoski
Professor of Political Science. University of Michigan-Flint. Political Theory and Labor Studies. Author "The Political Theory of Salvage"

Opinions solely my own.
wade of mutilation
wade of mutilation
We’re not going to do a free-form jazz exploration in front of a festival crowd.

Seattle-area writer and TTRPG designer
bi/pan, he/him (they/them is also fine!)
Mary Katz
Mary Katz
Social Psych PhD Student at University of Illinois Chicago | she/her 🇵🇭🇺🇸
Marcus Mann
Marcus Mann
Purdue University assistant professor of sociology. Duke University sociology PhD. Science, knowledge, and politics.
Derek Fox
Derek Fox
Penn State Astronomer (he/him), personal account. “We went and made everything a computer without ever bothering to fix computers.”
Heber Pittman
Heber Pittman
Eclectic reader and lover of books & music, tree hugger, nature observer. Proficient daydreamer. PhD in aquatic biology.
Maija Tervola
Maija Tervola
Kielitieteilijä, yliopistonlehtori, suomi toisena kielenä (S2), Tampereen yliopisto

Linguistics scholar, senior lecturer, specialist in Finnish as a second language
Tampere University, Finland
Raphael Cunha
Raphael Cunha
Political scientist at King's College London | International political economy, politics of international money & finance
Joy Losee, Ph.D.
Joy Losee, Ph.D.
Social Psychologist studying how we protect ourselves

Assistant Professor @ University of Dayton
Erik Angner
Erik Angner
Professor of Practical Philosophy, Stockholm University & Institute for Futures Studies. Author of How Economics Can Save the World 🛟 Web: Opinions &c. my own. Agent: JP Marshall
a man a plan ramekin
a man a plan ramekin
Brooklyn College associate professor. Bikes. Movies.
Joey Schafer
Joey Schafer
UW PhD student and steelpan enthusiast, researching social media, misinformation, and tech ethics @ HCDE/CIP. Proud member of UAW 4121. He/Him.
Gord Pennycook
Gord Pennycook
Associate Professor @Cornell Psychology. Researching thinking and reasoning, misinformation, belief, metacognition, B.S.
Tianfang Yang
Tianfang Yang
PhD @PromentaC @unioslo interested in personality & personality disorders via @UofIllinois @Reed_College_ (BA) @williamandmary (MS) | Made in 天津
Juliana Black, PhD
Juliana Black, PhD
social/political psychologist interested in social identity and norms.
unapologetic dog mom.
Judith Butlerian Jihad
Judith Butlerian Jihad
من النهر إلى البحر
poet, author, astrophysicist, supervillain
Katharine Hayhoe
Katharine Hayhoe
climate scientist and professor, Texas Tech
chief scientist, The Nature Conservancy
board member, Smithsonian NMNH
alum, UofT and UIUC
author, Saving Us

🧶📖❄️ are my favorite things
TX is where I live and 🇨🇦 is my home
Posts 100% my own
Lars Erik Berntzen
Lars Erik Berntzen
Associate Professor, Department of Government, University of Bergen | PhD @EUI | activism, norms, personality, political violence
G Scott Morgan
G Scott Morgan
Social-moral-political psychologist. Teacher at a SLAC / PUI. First Gen college student. I care deeply about issues of disability and accessibility.
Klaus Pforr
Klaus Pforr
Sociologist at GESIS working with EU-SILC in Research interests: econometrics, survey methodology, sociology of wealth, family sociology, integration/migration, ethnic segregation. Besides all this interested in ttrpg. Typos galore
David F. Urschler
David F. Urschler
Social Psychologist who is attracted by methods and epistemology. Prof. for research methods, stats, and evaluation. Likes bass and vinyl.
Gregg Sparkman
Gregg Sparkman
Assistant Professor studying social psychology & social change in the Psychology and Neuroscience Department at Boston College (he/him). Director of the Social Influence and Social Change Lab:
Dr. Samantha Hancox-Li
Dr. Samantha Hancox-Li
writer and game designer. liberal, progressive liberal, neonliberal. associate editor at liberal currents. she/her.
Link. 🥥 🌴
Link. 🥥 🌴
Falling out of a coconut tree to vote. Unburdened by what has been.

Profile: AJ and Kamala Harris outside.

Banner: AJ and Kamala Harris masked inside.
Aaron Sojourner
Aaron Sojourner
#Labor #economics • Brookings nonresident fellow • former senior economist for labor at White House CEA • living in Minneapolis. Views mine.

Be kind • Work hard • Have fun
Jonathan H. Harwell
Jonathan H. Harwell
Co-editor, Theology and Prince (2019); & Theology and Protest Music (2023). Oh and a librarian at Georgia College. Opinions my own.
Nick Brumfield
Nick Brumfield
Researcher on Yemen, dipping my toes in Maritime Security and Logistics | BA Ohio University, MA Georgetown University | Posts about the Middle East, Appalachia, and what I'm reading | From WV/Mid-Ohio Valley, based in DC
Sarah B (she/her)
Sarah B (she/her)
I'm an engineering librarian at the University of Michigan and a maker of pies. Forever a Bay Stater and now a Michigander (〽️) too!
Marah Al-Kire
Marah Al-Kire
Social psychologist studying how our beliefs and identities unite and divide us. Postdoc at UW SPIA lab. First gen college student. GED to PHD. She/her.
i am a cognitive scientist working on auditory perception, as a senior lecturer at the University of Auckland and assoc prof at the Yale Child Study Center 🇳🇿🇺🇸🇫🇷🇨🇦

Daniel Gerdesmann
Daniel Gerdesmann
PhD candidate based in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. Science Education, Psychology, R and Open Science.
Johan Zvrskovec 🇺🇦
Johan Zvrskovec 🇺🇦
PhD student @SGDPCentreKCL, @KingsIoPPN
Behavioural genomics and epidemiology of internalising disorders. Statistical modelling, factor analysis and ML.
Sierra Davis Thomander 📊
Sierra Davis Thomander 📊
Stanford Political Science PhD Candidate | Gender, Political Behavior/Psych, Experiments & Surveys | LDS | BYU & Qualtrics Alum | 🦥 fan | Zach, Matisse & Violet | she/her | Views my own ✌🏽
Xiaowen Xu, PhD
Xiaowen Xu, PhD
Assistant Prof. @ William & Mary | Research: Political ideology, personality, meaning-making | Known as Professor X | I post about academia and baking | She/Her |