a man a plan ramekin

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a man a plan ramekin


Brooklyn College associate professor. Bikes. Movies.
One weird thing about this election is trump paraphenial has disappeared from upstate New York. Two years ago flags where everywhere: there was even a barn painted “let’s go Brandon”. It’s all gone: haven’t seen a trump shirt or flag or even bumper sticker in weeks.
At least a second Trump term will be terrible in ways we haven’t even anticipated, with the most dire consequences suffered by the most vulnerable in society.
An apt visual metaphor as CUNY Ph.D. student Jawanza Williams is wrestled over the threshold of City Hall and tossed out by a police officer. The photo highlights who gets govt resources and who suffers in unnecessary austerity. Williams & Peoples Plan NYC want to stop the boondoggle. #StopCopCity
Last week Jawanza James Williams and comrades from @PeoplesPlanNYC visited City Hall to spread the word about NYC's version of #CopCity. They demanded a people's budget for social services, CUNY, and public libraries. They were all thrown out. link: x.com/Jawanza/stat...
seeing that 60 minutes clip where donald sutherland is choking up recounting how his mother told him his face "had character" when he was a kid is killing me. the way beauty and the obsession with it eats away at people is abominable
Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller June 20,1947
A lot of people don't realize the amazing advice for Dads in "the godfather" but it's right there in the title of the film.
Writers like to say things like "The idea just popped into my head fully fleshed out and ready to go" but that isn't the truth. We dwell on the initial idea for so long that we get mentally congested and have to get it down on paper so our brains can breathe again.
I wasn’t there to accept the award in person but if I had been, here’s the speech I would’ve given ❤️
Oh damn I just won a Beard Award!!!
we have a democratic mayor, a democratic governor, two democratic senators, and a democratic president and the cops are still free to treat protesters like enemy combatants.
I do believe bluesky is getting the juice but it's still not truly replacing twitter for me since the megalopolis trailer has been out for six hours and I haven't seen ANY memes on here yet about it.
Bluesky board could really use a shitposter.
Does Biden’s team have some polling telling them to alienate the youth vote?
Crossing the street in DuPont circle I just noticed a Prius and noticed the license plate (dr evil). 15 minutes later I saw another blue Prius and thought to check the plate and it’s different. If a crime happens and I have to testify I’ll have so much detail everyone will think I’m a liar.
Sorry but a core organizing principle for inviting new people into movements is to meet them where they are, not make fun of them for suddenly realizing the world is unjust.
“Dear members of the University community, The University administration respects all student protests, just not this one. Students have fought for many important causes over the years, and their right to protest is sacrosanct. In this case, however, we must arrest and slander them.”
A Message from the Chancellor on the Recent Student Protestwww.mcsweeneys.net Dear members of the University community, The University administration respects all student protests, just not this one. Students have fought for ...
Reduce costs, maybe. Improve teaching and research? Fuck no. The answer to faculty overwork is not to spend money on AI snake oil, but on supporting your faculty and hiring more of them. This article is gross and insulting. "Hey professors! Save time by having ChatGPT plan your classes!" Fuck you.
Is AI finally a way to reduce higher ed costs? (opinion)www.insidehighered.com AI could free up faculty time to focus on the teaching and relationship-building that matter most, José Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson write.
Calling on Joe Biden to step in and solve the crisis at Columbia (abolish the university, hand its endowment to CUNY, turn all campus buildings into housing)
I feel like a million bucks (long ago I was exciting to think about but now not so much)
It's a group of immensely comfortable, privileged people who just watched the NYT team with a fascist and weird billionaires to kick Dr. Gay out at Harvard. They panicked and did what panicky libs who're afraid of losing their privileges do and went full-on reactionary.
lol over the last several years actual leftists have repeatedly told me (as in, on more than one occasion) that entertainment unions aren't real unions because our jobs aren't like working in factories
From the bad place but relevant. That vote is going to take place.
Asna Tabassum after USC cancelled her commencement address.
We went to an Italian ice place in gerritson beach and the kids in line in front of us absolutely spoke like that.
whatever accent nyc children had in old movies has just completely disappeared from the face of the earth
Working well is normally sunny and car centric phoenix isn’t the same as working in the fun weather of pedestrian centric and chaotic NYC.
Waymo works good imo. But they've also done just a massive massive amount of testing
History repeats first as tragedy then as EVERY BEASTIE BOY: FARCE Doesn't take a German economist to EBB: PARSE As outlined in the 18th Brumaire by EBB: MARX Capital rallies to fashy failsons like EBB: SHARKS This history is dialectical, it EBB: ARCS Classes in tension see EBB: SPARKS
I think the career of Napoleon III bears out that, if you have that sort of cult, it can be transferred to an heir, no matter how absolutely shit they are. If their special fascist dad croaks, but someone they identify as legitimate steps in, they’ll justify it to themselves.