
Re: the Jim Lee thing. My opinion is that creatives can charge whatever they goddamn want for a commission or autograph or a sketch. That is 100% their prerogative. Just as it’s 100% your prerogative not to buy it. That’s basically it.
I’ve also seen what Adam Hughes is charging for commissions and while I’ll never have that kind of money to drop on a single piece of art, I also think “if someone is willing to pay that amount, good for the artist”. Certainly cuts down on flippers.
The fact that an artists work is not in my personal budget is in no way their problem to solve. No one complains about the price point of luxury items or couture fashion or Michelin star restaurants, seems like it's only when artists charge higher prices for skills honed over years, decades even
Folks are up in arms about these prices
Those are 100% the prices of an extremely popular artist who either 1) really truly does not have time to do commissions, or 2) absolutely hates doing commissions. This reduces the asks, and those who do have that kind of money will be paying for his limited availability/time. 🤷‍♀️
Right? If he was charging 300 a commission he’d never get anything else done ever and would never be able to keep up with the list
Also, he doesn't NEED to do commissions, as so many other pro artists have to do to make ends meet. Pretty sure his ends are met!
Honestly? I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the start of Jim setting up his DC exit or easing back from executive demands like Quesada did
He also might be charging that much to scare off the ones that put a commission they just got at the con for sale on ebay and try to get much more what they originally paid for it. I think Arthur Adams raised his prices when he saw what the resellers were getting for his art online.
Yes, it clearly sends a message that "You'd have to pay me a lot to do something I don't want to do."
It’s also valuing the commission as a resaleable asset that will, arguably, grow in value. (Unless Jim’s rep or interest in comics art takes a nosedive.) 🤷🏻‍♂️
Yeah I mean they are CRAZY prices, but by the same token, it's Jim Lee. Freaking EVERYBODY knows who this guy is. (Also, if I was going to any of those cons he was at? I'd probably spring for that $1k profile pic one. Credit cards are a thing.)
I wonder if he just made his commissions into Veblen goods. (i.e. increased demand BECAUSE the prices went up, which increases perceived value)
You know what? Good. Let's start valuing comic artists as much as other artists. Damien Hirst doesn't get pestered by fanboys expecting him to put a fish in Plexiglass for free, and Jim Lee's way better than him.
I hope folks who keep seeing this post also see my very first post in the thread. I’m in agreement
I just wanted to share the image of Damian Hirst at a convention, encasing goldfish in Plexiglass for the fans
I mean will he trade me a fish for a few minicomics…?
This being the internet, Even if they see the first post, they might miss the fact. 😆
Years ago, some of the 1st comic book character art I saw for sale was some of Jim Lee's work. The shop owner told me he just started up in comics. It looked okay. It was<$30; a full color character I just wanted to know it sold because that would give me a reason draw something and try to sell
I couldn’t afford it by any stretch, I understand being bummed, but it’s not unfair. You’re paying for brand (Jim), its history, rarity, + his time (considering his day job and all.) He bumped up into fine artist pricing. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It feels like it’s leaning on “but all things comics should be cheap”.
this is so dumb - prices for original comic art are absolutely crazy now, and Lee is a top-tier artist in terms of popularity and career - he's just charging the established rate for his work.
And original comic art is still way undervalued compared to the high point printed comics. Original art is *still* a huge value.
These prices are very fair. Did people think they were going to commission one of the finest artists in the industry for $100 and a dream?
More than fair, in my opinion...undervalued. His pieces should be 10k minimum, 25-50k on average. I think he's made a tremendous pop culture impact and his prices should be at least half of Kirby's.
Totally. Getting a Jim Lee pencil commission for as low as $1,000 is a bargain.
Considering that people could commission his art at those prices and STILL flip it for a profit, I’d say it’s absolutely fair
Art commissions aren't food, healthcare, or shelter. No one's going to die if they can't afford an artist's time and effort. If Lee asks too much, he gets nothing. And if someone's willing to pay, both the people *involved* are happy, and no one else is deprived of something they have a right to.
Frankly I’m just astonished there’s enough people who can afford sketches in that price range that it’s quicker to do a general post and not just email the, directly. (also, I’m sure Jim has seen his sketches flipped for insane prices on eBay, he’s a smart dude)
Every time I go to SDCC I see displayed comic art about to go up for sale at (for lack of a better term, call them “real” auction houses). They’re often valued in 5 figure range. Perception is there.
I've known a few of those guys - more money than can be imagined by most of us. One had literally thousands of pages of original art, it was a sight. He was a doctor.
i can't fucking wait to be that guy. if i spontaneously get rich i'm gonna also spontaneously go broke splurging on so much art
this seems less like a price list and more like "please stop bothering me about this, i have paying work to do" which, y'know, fair.
Oh no! Professionals charging professional prices!
These prices are exactly what I would expect to pay for Original Jim Lee Art. Hell, $100 for a small profile pic feels like a steal! Do the upset people not know who Jim Lee is?
*$1000, I know I missed an 0. It doesn't change my stance!
Of course they know. The folks getting upset are the folks who want free sketches at conventions they can go flip on eBay for hundreds or thousands. Good for Jim, I say
Totally. "Oh Mr Beethoven, how DARE you charge me so much for a mere Ditty?!? I shan't pay it! I shall just wait until you die young and loot your home as your body is taken to a mass paupers grave." That got away from me a bit, but y'get my meaning.
I did a quick search on ebay for 'jim lee original art' and found these. Dude knows how much the collectors will pay and this will cut out people trying to buy a cheap commission and then resale for 10x the price.
What he should do is if any of these sketches show up on eBay within a year, permanently blacklist that person from ever buying again.
"Folks" have bee taught that art is valueless. They need to be retaught. We see dead artists' work go for millions and think nothing of it, but heaven forfend we pay a living artist. Good on Jim Lee.
Good for him! I dunno what his art resells for, but he ought to be pulling those figures in for himself, especially if he's going out of his way to make brand new art for someone willing to spend for a treasure.
Cheap at twice the price, and if you can afford it then more power to you.