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brute-forcing the DIY since '96
If a 20-year-old registered Democrat tried to assassinate President Biden, the NYTimes would have run 30 "Democrats in disarray" articles, Clooney would write another op-ed saying the assassination attempt is strongest argument yet for Biden withdrawing, and Rs would say this clinches the race for T
I continue to be astounded at how quickly Democrats will form a circular firing squad. Fuck Clooney & Judd and the rest of the useful idiots doing the R's work for them. I will vote for Biden's head in a jar before I'll vote for any Republican. And fuck the NYTimes most of all.
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Here's the thing: the people pulling the fire alarm on Trump v. US are people like Radley, Legal Eagle and , etc. I've followed these guys for years and they are not prone to panic-mongering. They're usually the ones saying, "Take a deep breath". It really is that bad.
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Trump: -Old -Fraud -Rapist -2x impeached -3x adulteror -4x indicted -6x bankrupt -34x felon -$600mm+ fines & settlements -Cheated in 2016 election -Launched J6th insurrection -Ran fake university -Stole from vets and cancer kids -Stole classified documents -Killed a million Americans Biden: -Old
Keeping Trump out of the White House isn’t the only thing that needs doing and it isn’t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isn’t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I don’t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise
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My brother sent me some pics of, quite possibly, The Most Powerful Cargo Bike Stickers Ever Assembled
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IG is a fucking trip if you don’t use it regularly. like you follow some cool seeming ppl you know, don’t use it for a couple months, then come back and they’re dressing like trad wives whilst running somatic channeling workshops at burning man to help CEOs purify their 9th dimensional auras
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Every morning I check the news and it's like -SCOTUS Eliminates Three More Basic Rights, Only Six Remain -President Mispronounces a Word, Will Now Lose Election to Senile Hitler -New AI Company Uses Artist Blood to Let Billionaires and Racists Live Forever, Gets $45 Billion Valuation
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Conservatives do not want to go back to "family values." Conservative men want to go back to a time when they could get away with doing anything they wanted without recourse. They just call it "family values" and the media sells it.
I’m happy to report that after a ton of work doing street investigation, Dem Deya have recovered most of their sound system. However, they need to replace some damaged and missing items. You can help them out by buying a limited-edition t-shirt at
My good friends at Dem Deya Sound System got their sound system stolen (it was in the U-Haul that was also stolen) and so if anybody out there can help, here's the deets....
My good friends at Dem Deya Sound System got their sound system stolen (it was in the U-Haul that was also stolen) and so if anybody out there can help, here's the deets....
It’s just mind blowing to hear the same justices who continue to support absolute immunity for prosecutors and limiting federal review of state prosecutor misconduct suddenly alarmed that prosecutors might overreach when it comes to charging **the president of the United States.**
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I have decided Chris Pine is Maude and Jeffery Lebowski’s kid
Currently skewing my blood pressure averages by thinking about the extreme privilege of someone like Grimes, who couldn't even be bothered to sort her own playlist for arguably one of the highest-profile gigs she'll ever play, absolutely blowing her set, and realizing she still got paid.
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for probably 30 years there, i bet a lot of m. emmet walsh characters appeared in the script's first draft as "m. emmet walsh guy." that's fine. he was in everything, and i loved him in everything
End of feed.