Newton meter

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Newton meter

Implements programming languages. Rides anything on two wheels. Multi-instrumentalist. Listens to music from 1977. Xoogler.
I should have kept it to myself. It's a pun on binary.
Is that really less than 10%? Or is it a binary issue with less than 1010% of the group?
The issue tracking software I use at work has rolled out a new AI feature. In bug reports, it seems like it randomly highlights technical words. Then you can click on them to get a bullshit AI "definition". Not cool. Basically worthless.
Yeah. We know that he’s incapable of and unwilling to govern, so we’ll be governed by whoever he fills his administration with. So there’s not much comfort in the fact that this is a plan pushed by people in his orbit.
Fact checkers have an impressive ability to look deeply at things Democrats say and conclude that, while literally true, it’s still a devious lie of some kind. With Republicans, they’re all “but he says he won’t cut social security so it’s not a lie”.
I remember Rush Limbaugh on the radio in 2000 saying: sure, Bush is kind of dumb. But that doesn’t matter because the president doesn’t really do much. The administration will be run by the people he appoints.
But then we have to scrutinize those people. In Bush’s case, they were either evil (Cheney) or incompetent (heck of a job!) or both.
I’m not sure he has one. Maybe his spleen can do it.
Corpse? What corpse? Ohhh, I get it.... *wink*
Some of it is nonsense, like a truck engine breaking a mile away and they can just detect some frequency. Some of it is very real. Rosie is the most submissive dog ever but she has a very scary bark. She's used it on strange men a half dozen or so times and 100% they've turned out to be real creeps.
When I was perfectly willing to be nice. So she's really sensing something that I can't.
They were ghosts. Are you so sure it was something she didn't hear? I had a dog who developed dementia and he would go about 2/3 of the way down the stairs to the ground floor and bark at ghosts. I had too much repect for him to tell him that he wasn't seeing anything.
I know there have been billions or more of cats. But somewhere, there's a top ten list and all eight of mine are on it.
Empty. Food. Puzzle. Too. Complicated. Wasting. Away.
I'm trying to pre-crack mine using the bathroom door, but I think I'm doing something wrong. It's not glowing yet....
This is hilarious. I'm going to bed at 8:30 pm and setting my alarm for church in the morning, and I'm *WAY* cooler than this!
Yeah, they're super creepy! I won't know what it would have been like and instead I'm chasing this regular cat around with the vacuum all the time.
I actually had a long-haired cat for quite a while. Her name was "Felony" and she was a great cat. She got lots of brushing, but she loved it. I rescued her from a friend who had too many cats and one that bullied Felony.
Her original name was "Mischief" and she belonged to a chemistry professor at State University. He got convicted of grant fraud and sentenced to prison, so the grad student who adopted his cat renamed her "Felony". After bouncing around a bit she ended up with me for the rest of her life.
She looked huge, but when I bathed her you could see that she was way below average in size. Just a great, great cat.
Romeo, Michigan is basically the first stop past where you can profit off a racist business because there aren't enough black people around. His Dad's a jillionaire car dealer. So this isn't really suprising, is it?
Dad and most of my cousins grew up there, and I lived there for a while and commuted into Detroit for work.
I love that they're still holding "Lord and Lady Douchebag" in reserve.
I tried to adopt a hairless cat from a purebreed rescue, and I wished they had favored me because I was the one who most needed it.
I'm an American who lived overseas for 20 years, in Denmark and the UK. My income was always (a lot!) less than what my American colleagues were making, and my standard of living was always (a lot!) better.
Escaping from New York would just be so easy, with honkers like those....
You know he'll nuke Maryland hurricanes, but nothing south of there.
This is the absolute worst thing I've heard in years. Like 30 years or more. "The guy with the gun?" Holy shit. I'm proud to be an american? Where at least I know I'm free? It just doesn't work any more, does it.
In America we can those “freedom mots”
Charge 50 cents and a lot of people would buy one just to support the kids.